Reproduction: Abortion Investigations Flashcards
What history should be taken for abortion invesigation?
- Abortion incidence
- Managment group sizes- sampling
- Bull- source?
- Bio-contamination- HACCP- isolate ill, breeding bulls checked
- BVD- certified herds
Why should vaccination complicance be checked?
- Incorrect intervals
- Wrong dose/route
- 1/3rd kept open for longer than a month
- Storage
What PME can you do on farm?
- Crown-rump length- gestatinal age
- Thyroid gland weight
- Fractures/haemorrhages
- Fluid compartment
- Placentitis
- Liver rupture
- Meningeal haemorhage/oedema
What can the following be sampled for in labs?
1. Spleen
2. Liver
3. Stomach contents
4. Kidney
5. Rrain
6. Eyelid
- IBR, bacteriology
- Bacti, salm
- Lepto
- Neospora
- Ureaplasma
Also -placenta, left ventricle
How should thyroid weight be compared go weight?
Thyroid weight = foetal weight /2 or 3
How can antibodies be checked?
Blood or milk
* Short lived abs with vaccine
* Long lived for infection
Paired samples best
How can antibodies be checked?
Blood or milk
* Short lived abs with vaccine
* Long lived for infection
Paired samples best
Bulk milk- not beef
* BVD, Lepto, IBR, Neo antibody
* BVD antigen less than 300 cows
Milk more useful if negative
How is BVD diagnosed?
- Seroconvert over 3 weeks
- Detect PI in blood from 1 month
- Ear notch tissue test when tagged
- Check test- 5 blood per group
- Bulk tank PCR detection limit one in 300
What is suggested if bulk tank Ab negative for BVD
Review bioscurity
Risk assess re vaccination
Quarterly monitoring
What is suggested if bulk tank BVD positive?
First lactation screen
* if neg review bio, reasses vax, quarterly monitoring
* Pos- bulk tank PCR, if pos- screen groups
Check test on heifers
* Screen groups for PI
How is campylobacter treated?
Systemic streptomycin
Sheath lavage- penstrep
How is campylobacter sampled in cows?
Select 12 females recently identified as problem
* Vaginal mucus collection
* Detects IgA
* 7 weeks to 10m PI
* Only 50% will ever test positive
What needs to be included in biosecurity?
- Added animals-young calves, pregnant females, bulls
- Managment of quarantine
- Managment of breeding animals at grass
- Managment of show and sale animals
- Visitors and equipment
What abortive agents can result in PI calves?
BVD and Neospora
What abortive agents can be vaccinated for?
- Brucella
- Lepto
What abortive agent can be tested with tissue samples from live calves?
ear notch test
When should blood samples for BVD antigen be taken?
Before colostrum or after 30 days
What does quarterly bulk milk testing routinely look for?
Antibodies to infectious causes of abortion
What abortive agent can be detected by PCR?