Nutrition and GI: Ruminant Nutrition and Problem Solving Flashcards
How much time do ruminants spend grazing, ruminating, resting?
1/3 grazing
1/3 ruminating
1/3 resting
What is the function of the fibre mat in the rumen?
‘home to the bugs’
Traps foods
What happens in the primary cycle of the rumen contraction?
- First reticular contraction
- Second reticular contraction
- Dorsal rumen contraction
- Ventral rumen contraction
What happens in the secondary cycle of the rumen?
- Dorsal rumen contraction
- Gas cap pushed forwars and gas released up oesophagus
What is the ratio of primary: secondary rumen contractions?
2 primary : 1 secondary
What ‘activities’ need to be included in calculation of diet formulation?
- Maintenance
- Activity
- Lactation
- Growth
- Pregnancy
How much does a ruminant eat?
If nothing
* 2-2.5% of BW (14 kg for 700kg cow)
If lactating
* 25l- 3% BW
* 50l- 4% of BW
If heavilg pregnant- eats less
* Start of dry period 12-14kg daily
* Last 3 weeks- 11-12kg
* Last few days- 8-10 kg
What influences DMI?
- BW and fatness- fat cows eat less
- Milk yield
- Stage of production cycle
- Type of food
- Palatability
- Access- feed barrier, electric fence
- Availability
- Social factors
- Stress/pain
- Rumen health
What is ME?
Metabolisable energy
* Energy available to animal for maintenance, growth, lactation and pregnancy
What does microbial fermentation of carbohydrates produce?
Votatile fatty acids
* Acetate
* Butryrate
* Propionate
What happens to VFAs produced?
- Absorbed across rumen wall- health of papilae
- Enter krebs cycle
- Glucose synthesis- propionate
When are fats and oils indicated in ruminants diets?
Where are they absorbed?
- Concentrated sources of energy
- Only practival for high yielding cows when DMI fails to meet energy requirements
Absorbed in small intestine
Why do all dairy cows lose weight in early lactation?
What is the target loss?
- Depressed DMI in the first weeks post-partum coincide with massive energy demand for milk production- negative energy balance
Target loss is 0.5-1.0 CS points
How long does it take a dairy cow to reach peak lactation?
~8 weeks
How much MJ do dairy cows require for:
1. Maintenance
2. Production
- 65-70 MJ
- 5 MJ/litre milk
- What is RDP?
- Where is it fermented and absorbed?
- What causes high blood urea from nutrition?
- Rumen degradable protein- any N containing compound
- Fermented in rumen
* Broken down into NH4+
* Used by bugs to grow
* Microbial protein digested in abomasum - High blood urea- insufficient ME therefore microbes do not break down- excess ERDP
ERDP- is effective rumen digestable protein- how much is available
- What is RDP?
- Where is it fermented and absorbed?
- What causes high blood urea from nutrition?
- Rumen degradable protein- any N containing compound
- Fermented in rumen
* Broken down into NH4+
* Used by bugs to grow
* Microbial protein digested in abomasum - High blood urea- insufficient ME therefore microbes do not break down- excess ERDP
ERDP- is effective rumen digestable protein- how much is available
What is RUDP?
Rumen undegradable protein
* Passes through rumen
* Digested in abomasum and SI
How much protein does a dairy cow require?
Not really known exactly
* ~16% if yield < 8000l
* ~18% if yield >8000l
How is DMI maximised in lactating dairy cows?
- Maximise intake in dry period
- Palatable diet
- Avoid SARA
- Dry cow managment- avoid getting fat
- Environment- comfort, feed barrier, social
- Health- lameness
- What should the DMI be at peak yield?
- What should DMI in dry period?
- What is a normal lactating cows M/D?
- What is a dry cows M/D?
- What is the DMI of a cow on pasture?
- Aim for 4% at peak yield
- 12-14kg
- 11.5-12.3
- 8-8.5
- 14kg DMI max
M/D = megajoules of metabolisable energy per kg of dry matter
- What is the DM of clamp grass silage?
- What is the M/D?
- 20-355
- 10-12
- What is the DM of maize silage?
- What is the M/D?
- What needs to be remembered?
- 30-35%
- 11-11.5
- High starch, low protein, poor fibre
- What is the DM of big bale silage?
- What is the M/D?
- 30-35%
- 8.5-10.5
- What is the DM of hay?
- What is the M/D?
- 85%
- 8-9
- What is the DM of straw?
- What is the M/D?
- 85%
- 5.5-6.5
- What is the DM of grass?
- What is the M/D of grass?
- 20% or less
- 10-12.5
- What is the DM of concentrates?
- What is the M/D?
- 90%
- 12.5
What is the DMI of a 700kg dry cow?
14 kilos