Dermatology: Bovine Dermatology Flashcards
Why is dermatology important?
- Welfare and productivity
- Indicate underlying conditions
- Biosecurity- sales
- Hide damage- hypoderma bovis
- Zoonoses
Why are physical rub marks important and need preventing?
- Part of accrediation schemes, milk buyer contracts
- Indicative of environment/housing
What can cause rub-mark injuries?
Cubicle design and bedding- hock, stifle, perlvic, spinal
Feed barroer- neck (reduced DMI)
What ectoparasites are more prominant in and outside?
* Lice
* Mites
* Flies
* Ticks
Where are cattle commonly affected by pediculosis?
What are the different types of chewing and sucking lice?
Mainly on back, neck, head and shoulders
* Prurutic
Sucking- ligognathus vituli, haematopinus eurysternus
* anaemia in young calves
* blood-borne pathogens
Chewing- bovicula bovis
- What mites can infect cattle in order from least to most pruritic?
- Which is zoonotic?
- What are the signs?
- How it it diagnosed?
- Chorioptes bovis, sarcoptes scabei, Psoroptes bovis
- Sarcoptes
- Pruritis, rubbing, hair loss- legs, feet, tail base, caudal surfafe- chorioptes and psoroptes
Neck and face- sarcoptes - Skin scrapes- edge of lesion
What can be used for ectoparasite treatements?
* SP- spot/pour- resistance found
* MLs- pour on/injectable
* SP- mange
* MLs- pour on chorioptic, psoroptic/sarcoptic inject
What causes ringworm?
How is it treated and controlled?
Trichophyton verrucosum
- Clean and disinfect housing
- Turn animals out- UV
- Vaccine to reduce sensitivity
- Manual bathing
- Topical enilconazole
What pathogen commonly causes pustular impetigo?
Staphylococcal infections
* Wounds
* Udder and perineum
* Poorly applied ear tags
- What pathogen commonly causes abscesses and cellulitis?
- What is the aetiology?
- How is it treated?
- Actinobacilli- truperella pyogenes
- LNs, penetrating injuries
- Open and drain, ABs
What causes lumpy jaw and wooden tongue?
Lumpy jaw- actinomyces bovis
Wooden tongue- actinobacillus ligniersii
What causes rain scald?
Dermatophilus congolenis
Associated with wet weather
Apply topical disinfectant
Treat with oxytet
Move to dry
When is bovine viral papillomatosis surgical removal indicated?
Self limiting
Penile and teat warts may need removal
What can cause stomatitis and mamillitis?
* Bovine papular stomatitis
* Systemic disease- mucosal disease, MCF, IBR
* FMD- pyrexia, depression and feet
Mamillitis- bovine herpes
What nutrition can cause dermatology?
Trace elements/vit deficiencies
* Poor coat condition
Copper deficiency- poor growth, brown tinged coat with spectacles
What are primary and secondary causes of photosensitisation?
* photodynamic agents in the diet- St John’s Wort
* Liver damage and accumulation of phylloerythrin
What can cause the following physical problems?
1. Rubbing
2. Wool break
- Pruritis/irritation
- Nutritional/condition/stress/systemic disease
- What causes sheep scab?
- How is it diagnosed?
- Where is it notifiable?
- How is it treated?
- Psoroptes ovis
- Skin scraps on the edge of crusting lesion, microscopy with liquid paraffin, serum ELISA
- Scotland
- Whole flock, OP (diazinon), certain MLs, avoid housing and pastures for 17 days
What lice infect sheep?
Bovicola ovis
generally incidental
heavy infestations may indicate underlying flock health issue
Chemical- SPs, 3MLs, Diazinon
When is treatment of orf indicated?
Self limiting 1-4 weeks
- ABs indicated for secondary infections
- Scabivax- not for naive flocks
What causes caseous lymphadenitis
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
What are flies and ticks vectors for?
* New forest disease
* BVDv
* Summer mastitis
Tick Borne
* Babesiosis
* Q-fever
* Bluetongue
* Schamellenberg
How are flies controlled?
- Inspection
- Risk forecast
- Topical treatments- SPs, IGR, MLs
- Insecticide- ear tags, tail bands
- Environmental- resudual spraying indoors, traps
What are threats of foreign disease with dermatilogy?
- Aujeskys disease
- Besnoitiosis
- Lumpy skin