Posterior Abdominal Wall and Kidneys Flashcards
Where is the posterior abd wall
Posterior to gastrointestinal tract, spleen and pancreas
Extension of posterior mediastinum
What is in the retroperitoneal space
Posterior abd wall
What is retroperitoneal space bounded by
Posterior =Bones, muscles
Anterior = peritoneum
What passes through retroperitoneal space
Structures between thorax to pelvis, head to abd region, transit region, big vessels
Aorta, nerve plexuses, ivc , sympathetic trunk, lymphatic, lumbar plexus, kidney and suprarenal glands (urinary system)
Lumbar vertebrae
Describe lumbar vertebrae - bones post abd wall
Inward curvature
Describe pelvis - Gen - bones post abd wall
Superior aspect of pelvic bone, crest, ilia, pubic symphysis, psis, asis
Describe ilia - pelvis - bones post abd wall
Attached laterally to sacrum (sacroiliac joint)
Upper part of each ilium expand outward wing like area = iliac fossa- forms bone
Describe important landmark of pelvis - bones post abd wall
Anterior superior iliac spine = anterior extremity of iliac bone
Describe pubic symphysis - pelvis- bones post abd wall
Between the 2 pubic tubercles
Describe thorax - bones post abd wall
Costal margin, ribs 11-12, xiphoid process
Describe relationship of ribs of thorax that bound post abd wall and kidneys
Rib 11 is posterior to superior part of left kidney
Rib 12 is posterior to superior part of BOTH kidneys
Describe muscles of post abd wall - medially
Psoas major and minor
Fills space between vertebral bodies and transverse processes of t12 to L5
For hip flexion + iliacus muscle, proximal insertion on femur
What muscle passes under MEDIAL accurate ligament of diaphragm
Describe bursa pain
Psoas major, going out = bursa, can be inflamed = pain when work out a lot
Describe muscles of post abd wall - laterally
Quadratus lumborum
Square muscle, lumbar, seals back, laterally. = abd muscle, but at back = open so filled with this muscle
Fills space between rib 12 and iliac crest
Overlapped by Psoas medially
What passes under lateral accurate ligament of diaphragm
Quadratus lumborum
Describe muscles of post abd wall - inferiorly
Fills iliac fossa on each side - anterior aspects
Joins Psoas before insertion on proximal femur
More support for Psoas, and stronger powerful hip flexion, also for caecum and sigmoid = cushions gut
Describe muscles of post abd wall - superiorly
Diaphragm - must jump over the muscles to properly seal abd region
Anchored to lumbar vertebrae by musculotendinous crura =
Right crus = l1-l3 - lower due to liver
Left crus = l1-l2
Describe Crura of post and wall generally
From tending us arch to allow passage between cavities
Describe median arcuate ligament
Under = Aorta - t12 (passes between the 2 crura, needs to be protected, follows spine closely), thoracic duct (drains Lower ribs and abd), lymphatic confluent (drains all uppe body)
MIDLINE - between 2 crura
Describe medial arcuate ligament
L for more lateral than median
Psos under, sympathetic trunk - continues down and follows spine
From transverse process l1 to crus
Describe lateral arcuate ligament
From transverse process l1 to rib 12 laterally
Quadratics lumborum under
What passes trough crura
Greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves= though muscle fibre, presyn symp to gut, can be impinged - sciatic, through priformis muscle
Azygous/hemiazygous = azygous - muscles, help go up against gravity, hemi - ascending lumbar, passes through diaphragm
Name 3 principe hiatuses in diaphragm
T8 = caval aperture, IVC
T10 = esophageal aperture, eso, vagal trunk
T12= aortic aperture, aorta, thoracic duct
What is the superior lumbar triangle
Region of weakness
What are borders of superior lumbar triangle
Medially = quadratus lumborum muscle
Laterally = internal oblique abd muscle
Superiorly = rib 12
Floor of triangle = transversalis fascia
Describe superior lumbar triangle clinical correlate
In regard to inf pole of kidneys - location for lumbar hernia
Protrusion of abd content bc wall cannot resist increased abd pressure
Just fascia - only thing between quadrants and transverus abdominus is transversalis fascia
Describe post abd wall - costovertebral angle
Zone of superior lumbar triangle overlying the kidney
Describe kidney punch test
Costovertebral angle tenderness - cvat, Murphys punch signs = medical test
If percussion of the area elicits pain,test is positive and would suggest infection around kidney = if triggers pain
Mechanically induce stimulation
Wresting - done sometimes