Neck Flashcards
what is fascia
lateral band/bandage –> sleeve of ct, around anatomical structures
ensures smooth gliding of compartments with each other
name the 4 compartments and fasciae of neck
1- musculofascial compartment
2- vertebral compartment
3- carotid compartment
4- visceral compartment
describe musculofascial collar of neck
contains sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, infrahyoid muscles
encircled by deep cervical fascia around whole neck (sleeve of ct)
deep to skin, muscle collar surrounds neck
describe vertebral compartment of neck
contains neck muscles, vertebral column + spinal cord
encircled by prevertebral fascia
describe carotid compartment of neck
contains carotids (system), internal jugular vein (huge), vagus nerve
Encircled by the carotid sheath
describe visceral compartment of neck
Contains trachea, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, thyroid/parathyroid glands
encircled by pretracheal fascia
how many triangles - main ones - of neck - name
2 on each side
bounded by muscles and bones
describe posterior neck triangle - gen boundaries
trapezius = posterior (anterior border of trap)
sternocleiodmastoid = ant (back edge forms ant)
clavicle = inferior
describe anterior neck triangle - gen boundaries
sternocleidomastoid = posterior
midline of neck = anterior (at sagittal plane)
mandible = superior (inf of mandible)
name components of posterior triangle - skin
deep cervical fascia covers trap
prevertebral fascia (next layer, deeper)
name components of posterior triangle - nerves
sensory nerves - branches of spinal nerves (c2-c4)
to neck and bottom part of head and scalp
spinal accessory nerve (XI) = motor - innervates deep side of trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
brachial plexus= trunks, between ant and mid scalene muscles, bunch of nerves that come out - runs from armpits to fingers, origin in neck
name components of posterior triangle - a/v
external jugular = when shout loudly, makes x with sternocleidomastoid
name components of posterior triangle - muscles
scalene muscles = posterior (ps), middle (ms), and anterior (as)
describe jugular veins - gen
3 pairs of veins and their connections
describe jugular veins drain- specifics/gen
internal jugular = drain contents of skull - including brain, orbits, cavities
external and anterior jugular veins = superficial structures of scalp and face and neck
everything from head and neck (cranial cavity, orbit, nasal and oral cavities)
describe internal jugular vein
deep/medial to sternocleidomastoid
internal, protected, bigger, parallel to external jugular, deep to sternocleidomastoid
drains cranial cavity
describe external jugular vein
Superficial, crosses sternocleidomastoid
drains into subclavian first
describe anterior jugular vein
first drains to external jug vein
runs down surface of face - infrahyoid muscles
what is subclavian
major veins of upper limbs
describe complete drainage pathway of jugular veins - posterior triangle of neck
1 - ant jug drains into ext jug (across, over to ext jug before hits subcalvian)
2 - ext jug drains into subclavian
3 - int jug joins subclavian –> vein becomes brachiocephalic (arm-head), vein –> one from arm and one from head
4 - 2 brachiocephalic veins then meet to form superior vena cava
describe anterior compartment of neck - gen
hyoid bone = more mobile bone so will move when swallow and phonation
2 categories of muscles = above hyoid - suprahyoid muscles and below hyoid = infrahyoid muscles
describe anterior compartment of neck = suprahyoid muscles - gen functions
elevation of hyoid
secondary = depression of mandible - pull open-since mandible also mobile
describe anterior compartment of neck = suprahyoid muscles - NAME MUSCLES - 4
describe mylohyoid (suprahyoid muscles)
mylohyoid line –> superior hyoid
innervation = cnV3
describe geniohyoid (suprahyoid muscles)
mandibular symphysis –> superior hyoid
innervation = c1
describe stylohyoid (suprahyoid muscles)
styloid process –> superior hyoid
innervation= cnVII
has split allowing digastric to pass through
describe digastric (suprahyoid muscles)
ad/pd - 2 bellies
mastoid process –> mandibular symphysis via fibrous loop on hyoid
Through split in stylohyoid - changes direction of pull of muscle
innervation = POST - cnVII and ANT - cnV3
describe function of suprahyoid muscles when mandible fixed
mandible fixed by muscles of mastication (temporalis, masseter and pterygoids) - pull on mandible - keep shut, fix tmj
elevation of hyoid and larynx (swallowing and phonation)- when contract suprahyoid muscles
temporalis fixes mandible enough to let suprahyoid muscles pull hyoid out of way - flap epiglottis shut
describe function of suprahyoid muscles when hyoid fixed
hyoid fixed by infrahyoid muscles - contracts and acts like anchor
digastric depresses mandible, assisted by stylohyoid, geniohyoid and mylohyoid
pulls on fibrous loop and pulls geniohyoid towards mandible
initiates mouth opening
describe function of suprahyoid muscles- additional functions
many = modulates vocal tract length, elevating floor of oral Cavity (mylohyoid), etc
describe anterior compartment of neck = infrahyoid muscles - innervation
infrahyoid muscles aka strap muscles
c1-c3 via ansa cervicalis loop
describe anterior compartment of neck = infrahyoid muscles - NAME
describe thyrohyoid (infrahyoid muscles)
thyroid –> hypoid (lateral)
stops at thyroid
describe sternothyroid (infrahyoid muscles)
upper posterior sternum/clavicle –> thyroid
stops at thyroid
describe sternohyoid (infrahyoid muscles)
-upper posterior sternum/calvicle –>anterior hyoid
longer, covers sternothyroid and thyrohyoid
describe omohyoid (infrahyoid muscles)
subscapular fossa –> curvature of hyoid (to shoulder blades)
superior belly
inferior belly - sits between sternohyoid, sternothyroid and thyrohyoid
describe actions of infrahyoid muscles - specifics
depression or resistance of hyoid against elevation (pull down on hyoid)
return larynx and hyoid to position after swallow
or after making sounds that cause elevation of larynx (raising pitch) – shortens vocal cords
describe actions of infrahyoid muscles - gen/secondary as well
depression of hyoid
Secondary = resisting elevation of hyoid, holds on to it, will not get pulled up by suprahyoid muscles
describe how we can further divide ant triangle of neck
by omohyoid, digasstric and hyoid
into 4 subtriangles
name the 4 subtriangles of anterior neck
describe submental triangle - subtriangle of ant triangle of neck
suprahyoid muscles
tributaries to anterior jugular vein
many lymph nodes
mylohyoid nerve
describe muscular triangle - subtriangle of ant triangle of neck
most infrahyoid muscles
anterior jugular vein
deep = if remove infrahyoid muscles can see thyroid a/v, thyroid gland, larynx/trachea and esophagus
describe carotid triangle - subtriangle of ant triangle of neck - BORDERS
superior = posterior digastric
posterior = sternocleidomastoid
anterior = omohyoid
describe arteries/veins of carotid triangle
carotid arteries = eca, ica
carotid body –> cnIX (connected to glossopharyngeal)
branches of external carotid (up to facial) = facial + vein, lingual, superior thyroid a/v = first branch eca, provides to larynx and pharynx
internal jugular vein and tributaries
describe nerves of carotid triangle
cnX = vagus, runs with int carotid and jugular
cnXII = hypoglossal, exits via jugular foramen, lopps and goes to extrinsic tongue muscles
Sympathetic chain
superior cervical ganglion (bulge of sns), retropharyngeal view - can see it
describe submandibular triangle - subtriangle of ant triangle of neck - BORDERS
superior = inferior margin of mandible
posterior/inf = posterior digastric
anterior =anterior digastric
*fibrous loop - digastrics
describe glands of submandibular triangle
submandibular gland
recall - tube that leads from gland to caruncle, drains into oral cavity
describe lymphatics of submandibular triangle
lymph nodes
swells with infections
immune functions
describe neurovasculature of submandibular triangle
lingual and facial a/v
for facial = artery off eca - side of mandible, vein = drains face- into internal jugular
cnXII = hypoglossal - innervates big muscle of root of tongue
describe muscles of submandibular triangle
geniohyoid and mylohyoid muscles