Lab 4: Nasal and Oral Cavities, Mastication Flashcards
describe how lacrimal bone contributes to nasal cavity
lateral walls
describe how nasal bone contributes to nasal cavity
lateral walls
describe how ethmoid bone contributes to nasal cavity
roof and medial wall = perpendicular plate
lateral wall = concha
describe how maxilla contributes to nasal cavity
floor (hard palate) and lateral walls
describe how palatine contributes to nasal cavity
floor (hard palate) and lateral walls
describe how sphenoid contributes to nasal cavity
roof and posterior lateral walls
describe how vomer contributes to nasal cavity
medial wall
what are meatuses
spaces underneath
which bones contribute to each conchae
superior and middle conchae = ethmoid
inferior concha = maxilla, but inf concha is own bone tho
describe how the pharynx’s are divided
nasopharynx –soft palate– oropharnyx –epiglottis– laryngopharnx
describe eustachian tube
closed - squished on middle ear side
describe drainage of sinuses
lacrimal duct drains into inferior meatus
fontal, maxillary and ethmoid sinuses drain into middle meastus
sphenoidal sinus drains into sphenoethmoidal recess
describe neurovascular supply to nasal cavities - name the nerves/structures
maxillary nerve branches = nasal nerves and nasopalatine
sphenopalatine artery = nasal and septal branches
ethmoidal nerves
olfactory nerve
describe neurovascular supply to nasal cavities - maxillary
Maxillary (v2) nerve branches
enters via sphenopalatine foramen (next to eustachian tube) and splits =
nasal nerves = lateral walls (lower parts, inf and mid conchae)
nasopalatine nerves - medial and travels to palates via incisive foramen
describe neurovascular supply to nasal cavities - sphenopalatine arteries
maxillary artery –> sphenopalatine artery –> nasal (lateral walls) and septal (travels with nasopalatine nerve) branches
describe neurovascular supply to nasal cavities - ethmoidal nerves and arteries
ethmoidal nerves (ant portion branch of nasociliary) = from ophthalmic v1
ethmoidal arteries = from ophthalmic aerated (branch ICA)
ethmoidal arteries enter anterior ethmoidal foramen
describe neurovascular supply to nasal cavities - olfactory nerve
superior concha
superior aspect
perpendicular plate
medial and lateral
describe neurovascular supply to nasal cavities - how we divide nose
ant/sup and inf/post
describe neurovascular supply to nasal cavities - how we divide nose = ANT/SUP
Innervation = ophthalmic v1 –> nasociliary n –> anterior ethmoid nerve
blood supply =ophthalmic a (ICA) –> ethmoidal arteries (medial and lateral walls)
ENTER via anterior ethmoid foramen
describe neurovascular supply to nasal cavities - how we divide nose = INF/POST
Innervation =
maxillary v2 –>
nasopalatine (medial wall) -> palate (through incisive foramen)
nasal nerves (lateral aspect, inf/mid conchae)
blood supply =
maxillary a –> sphenopalatine a –>
nasal branches (lateral aspect w/ nasal nerve)
septal branches (medial wall septum)
ENTERS via sphenopalatine foramen
describe neurovascular supply to nasal cavities - special sensory
olfactory –>ethmoid = medial (perpendicular plate) and lateral (sup concha)
what do palatoglossal and palatoopharyngeal arches repesent
folds over muscles
covered in mucosa
describe the bones that contribute to the hard palate
maxilla and palatine
floor of nasal = roof of oral
identify and describe the foramina of the hard palate
greater (front, bigger) and lesser (behind, smaller) palatine foramina
incisive foramen = nasapalatine nerve and sphenopalatine artery enter
name muscles of muscular floor of mouth
describe muscles of muscular floor of mouth - mylohyoid
attachment = hyoid to rim around mandible
function = elevate hyoid and oral cavity, depress mandible
innervation = mandibular nerve (branch called nerve to mylohyoid)