Lab 5: Pharynx, Larynx and Neck Flashcards
describe hyoid bone - pharynx and larynx
lesser horn
greater horn
describe thyroid, cricoid and arytenoid cartilages- pharynx and larynx
tip of thyroid cartilage = adams apple
describe thyrohyoid, cricothyroid membranes- pharynx and larynx
cricothyroid ligament sits between thyrohyoid and cricothyroid membranes
cricothyroid = ring
describe vocal cords - pharynx and larynx
Vestibular = false vocal cords
vocal = true vocal cords
describe epiglottis- pharynx and larynx
epiglottis - closes trachea
name muscles of pharynx - types
longitudinal muscles
describe muscles of pharynx - constrictors
superior - SC = mandible
+ sphenoid
middle - MC = hyoid
inferior - IC = approx larynx
describe muscles of pharynx - longitudinal
Longitudinal muscles - shorten and widen ahead of bolus
describe nerves of pharynx
vagus nerve
sympathetic chain/trunk
superior cervical ganglion
describe vasculature of pharynx
common carotid and bifurc into internal and external carotids
internal jugular vein
what does vagus innervate - pharynx
all muscles except sp = stylopharyngeus (innervated by glossopharyngeal)
describe innervation of muscles of soft palate
levator veli palatini = vagus *pp
tensor veli palatini = v3
describe innervation of structures of larynx
muscles that move true vocal cords innervated by recurrent laryngeal nerve (from vagus)
EXCEPT for cricothyroid = innervated by external branch of superior laryngeal nerve (also from vagus)
describe posterior cricoarytenoid muscle - larynx
open abduct vocal folds
forced inspiration
seen clearly
Antagonistic - to lateral muscle
describe lateral cricoarytenoid muscle - larynx
forced expiration
narrow, adduct
Antagonistic - to posterior muscle
describe oblique and transverse arytenoid muscles - larynx
translate, adduct, bring closer together
narrows rima
attached to vocal ligament
synergists - work together
superior border vocal ligament, opposite cricothyroid pulls arytenoids closer to thyroid = slackens = lowers pitch
describe thyroarytenoid muscle - larynx
cannot see in lab
describe posterior cricothyroid muscles - larynx
rocks thyroid forward
Increases tension of ligament - increases PITCH
describe quadrangular membrane - larynx
it is there
describe vocal folds and structures - larynx
between 2 diff folds= laryngeal ventricle
rima = between the 2 vocal folds
describe innervation of larynx muscles
vagus branches into superior laryngeal nerve (motor to cricothyroid, above) and left and right recurrent laryngeal nerves (motor to everything else, below)
name suprahyoid muscles
anterior and posterior bellies of digastric
name infrahyoid muscles
describe mylohyoid - suprahyoid muscle
rim around mandible = mylohyoid nerve
innervation = v3
describe geniohyoid - suprahyoid muscle
superior to mylohyoid
innervation = c1
describe digastric - suprahyoid muscle
anterior belly = attaches mastoid process –> chin, innervation = v3
Posterior belly= loops around and back to mastoid, next to stylohyoid, innervation = cnVII facial
describe stylohyoid - suprahyoid muscle
same direction as posterior digastric - on top
innervation= cnVII facial
describe omohyoid - infrahyoid muscle
Superior and inferior bellies
hyoid–>subscapular fossa
long and 2 bellies
describe sternohyoid - infrahyoid muscle
whole length of neck
to post/sup aspect sternum
describe sternothyroid - infrahyoid muscle
span same as sternohyoid - splits at level of thyroid tho
describe thyrothyoid - infrahyoid muscle
span same as sternohyoid - splits at level of thyroid tho
describe neurovascular structures in neck - common carotids
external branches - more inferior since goes to face
internal branches
describe neurovascular structures in neck - branches of ECA
superior thryoid a - 1st branch eca
lingual a
facial a
describe neurovascular structures in neck - jugular veins
internal - deep to sternocleidomastoid
describe neurovascular structures in neck - nerves
vagus nerve - cnX
Superior laryngeal nerve
hypoglossal nerve = cnXII
name the triangles of the neck
posterior and anterior
describe borders of posterior triangle of neck
Trapezius = post of triangle
clavicle = inf of triangle
describe structures of posterior triangle of neck
scalene muscles
brachial plexus
spinal accessory nerves
cervical plexus
roots of c2-c4
describe borders of anterior triangle of neck
sagittal midlines
mandible (inf) = sup of triangle
name sub triangles of anterior triangle of neck
1 - submental
2 - muscular (infra and supra hyoid muscles)
3 - carotid
4 - submandibular
describe borders of carotid triangle
sup = post digastric
post =sternocleidomastoid
ant =omohyoid
describe vascular structures of carotid triangle
ECA branches – superior thyroid a (1st branch, runs with superior laryngeal n), lingual a, facial a
internal jugular
carotid body - brain ph, blood pressure, chemoreceptors
describe nerve structures of carotid triangle
superior cervical ganglion
what always runs together - anterior triangle of neck
ECA, internal jug and vagus
describe borders of submandibular triangle
sup = mandible
post =post digastric
ant =ant digastric
describe structures of submandibular triangle
facial artery
lingual artery
hypoglossal nerve
submandibular gland + lymph nodes
are left and right recurrent nerves symmetrical
left loops under aorta = diff length from right nerve
describe infrahyoid muscle innervation
c1 and c3
depresses hyoid or resists elevation
return to position after swallow