Perineum - Urogenital and Anogenital Triangles Flashcards
Describe pelvis in general - specifics about triangles
Pelvic diaphragm = U shape, makes 2 triangles (pelvic diaphragm = levator ani - puborectalis, coccygeus), seals pelvic floor
Perinuem = outside pelvic diaphragm
Name the 2 triangles of perinuem
Front - anterior = urogenital triangle
Back - posterior = anal (anogenital) triangle
Describe pelvic floor
Delineates pelvic and perineal region
Muscular component has tonic role
Describe perineal membrane
Seals urogenital triangle
Tough ct, membrane sealing urogenital triangle so weight of ext genitalia not added to muscle - need to support pelvic organs
What is perineal body
Levator ani and perineal membrane anchored
Fibrotic structure —> connects muscles
Describe perineum
Diamond shaped space inferior to pelvic floor
Pelvic diaphragm - levator ani and coccygeus muscles
Funnel shaped, with anal aperture at inferior apex
Ischial tube = where you sit on bike
Delineated by bony features and lines
Name all margins of perineum
Anterior = inferior aspect of pubic symphysis
Posterior = tip of coccyx
Lateral = ischial tuberosity= ischiopubic rami, sacrotuberous ligament
Ceiling = pelvic diaphragm
Floor = skin
What is perineum divided by
An imaginary line between ischial tuberotisties
Where are triangles of perineum
Urogenital = anterior
Anal= posterior
Give a very general explanation of the 2 triangles and what the boundaries are
Urogenital = sex specific structures and urinary system, join at pubic symphysis, ischial pubic rami
Ischial tube = imaginary line
Anal triangle = apex is Coccyx, sacrotuberous lig laterally
Describe urogenital triangle
Oriented in horizontal plane
Pelvis tilted forwards, asis and pubic symohysis in same plane
Basically sitting on it
What is urogenital triangle defined by
Laterally = Ischiopubic rami
Posteriorly = Horizontal line between ischial tuberosity, Superficial transverse perineal muscle: to perineal body
Antyeriorly = Pubic symphysis
Roof= is the pelvic diaphragm
Describe urogenital hiatus
U shaped opening in levator ani
Closed by perineal membrane - thick fibrous sheet
For urinary and genital systems
Pelvic diaphragm open at central line
Describe where deep perineal pouch is
Between levator ani and perineal membrane
Describe role of urogenital triangle
Provide support to ext genitalia and support of pelvic viscera
Compare urogenital to anal triangle
Anal trinagle = facing more posterior - back
Describe perineal membrane of urogenital triangle - gen
Triangular, fibrous sheet,
Between ischiopubic rami, pubic symphysis, ischial tuberosities
Describe perineal membrane of urogenital triangle - specifics
Posterior edge free - floats, except at perineal body
Attach point for erectile tissue and their muscles
Contains urethral openings and vaginal opening in afab
Describe perineal body of urogenital triangle
Central tensions structure of perineum
Between urogenital and anal triangles
What attaches at perineal body of urogenital triangle
Muscles of pelvic floor - levator ani and perinuem attach (bulbospongiosus, transverse perineal muscles)