Physiology of the ANS Flashcards
What is dual innervation of a single organ?
Both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems can innervate the same organ.
7 responses of the sympathetic nervous system during exercise
1) Increase heart rate
2) Vasodilation of blood vessels
3) Vasoconstriction of blood vessels in tissues no involved in exercise
4) Dilation of air passageways
5) Increased breakdown of stored energy
6) Body temperature increase
7) Decreased activity of nonessential organs
4 activities the parasympathetic division regulates in times of rest
1) digestion
2) defecation and urination
3) lower heart rate and lower blood pressure
4) constricts air passageways
2 neurotransmitters of sypathaetic and parasympatheric nerve endings:
1) acetylcholine
2) norephiephrine
Cholinergic neuron
A neuron that secrete acteylcholine
All preganglionic neurons in symp and parasymp
All postganglionic neuron in parasymp
Adrenergic neuron
A neuron that secretes norephinephrine
Most postganglion neuron in symp
“stimulating agents” - drugs that bind to specific receptors to activate them
“blocking agents” - drugs that bind to specific receptors to inihibt them
Cholinergic receptors
Receptors where acetylcholine binds
2 types of cholinergic receptors
1) nicotinic receptors
2) muscarinic
What type of effect is produced when acetylcholine binds to nicotinic receptors?
What type of effect is produced when acetylcholine binds to muscarinic receptors?
exitatory or inhibitory
Adrenergic recptor
Receptors where norephinephrine binds
2 subcategories of adrenergic receptros
1) alpha receptors
2) beta receptors