Personnel Rules Flashcards
What are the restrictions for outside employment by Member?
Must not adversely affect city work
Must not create a conflict of interest or the appearance of
How long are sworn promotional lists good for?
Not less than 6 months not more than 2 years.
May be expired if fewer than 3 candidates remain
Can relatives work in the same department?
Yes but they cannot supervise one another
What happens for an unexcused absence?
1st: Non disciplinary corrective action (MOU CAP Counseling)
2nd: within 12 months written reprimand
3rd within 12 months of 2nd: SUspension of 1 day to termination
4 within 12 of the 3rd: termination unless extraordinary circumstances
3 in a row or 2 24hour shifts: Abandonment city must attempt pre deprivation hearing
How much holiday pay do we receive?
What is vacation accrual for day staff?
0-2 years: 3.5 per pay period
Additional 5 Jan 1
2+ years: 5.5 pay per
additional 1 hour Jan 1
What is the Vacation accrual for 24 hour staff?
0-2 years: 4.9 pay per
Additional 7 Jan1
2+ years: 7.7 pay per
Additional 1.4 Jan 1
What is the minimum hours to be worked bi weekly to accrue Vacation and vacation?
Day: 65
24 hour: 54
What is the max vacation time you can accrue?
Day 240
24 hour: 336
You will be paid for extra vacation after dec 31 if you have taken how much vacation during the year?
Day: 80
24 hour: 112
How is sick time accrued?
Day staff: 2 hours pay per
Additional 44 Jan 1
96 max each year
24 hour: 2.8 pay per
Additional 61.6 Jan 1
134.4 max each year
What is the max sick time you can accrue?
Day: 1040
24 hour: 1456
Anything more converted to vacation 1 for 1
Must fill out Sick Time Conversion Election Form
What if you use 3 consecutive sick days?
May require documentation from health care professional
Can sick time be advanced to an employee or transferred to an employee?
How much bereavement time is given?
Days: 50 (40 as Bereavement)
24 hr: 48 hours (2 shifts)
How are accruals and step increases handled during an industrial?
They are frozen
What if you re injure an industrial claim?
You are paid at the step of the original injury
How does jury or witness time work?
1: Notify Sup in advance
2: Paid your hourly rate
3: Documentation required
4: May retain any travel pay
How does unpaid time off affect your review date?
If more than 30 consecutive calendar days then review date pushed that many days
What if your wages cannot cover your insurance premiums during unpaid leave?
You must cover cost or lose insurance
What if you need more than 30 consecutive days off that doesnt fit in another category?
You may be granted special leave
How does special leave work?
1: Must be approved by city manager or designee who are not the department director
2: If non ADA reason you can go back to position if it is available otherwise may be terminated
3: If ADA reason position must be held
What may be required prior to using unpaid leave?
Exhaust your PTO
How must you account for work days waiting for the elimination period to get to Short term disability?
Sick first followed by Vacation
If FMLA reason may use this if not then special leave may be authorized
Can you use short term disability to care for a family member?
How long do you get short term disability?
Not to exceed 6 months after elimination period
How is required training handled?
City assumes all costs employee not charged PTO and is considered on duty
What if you need time off because you are a victim of a crime?
You must be granted leave
Who is eligible for Tuition reimbursement?
1: Complete probation
2: 1 year of continuous service prior to first day of course
What is cause for dispilne or dismissal?
1: Incompetence in duties
2: Abuse to fellow employee
3: Failure to follow lawful order
4: Drugs (illegal or not your RX)
5: Alcohol on duty
6: Bribe
7: Blackmail
8: Conduct discredit the city (felony, some misdemeanors, failure to report arrest)
9: Falsify documents
10: Cause harm to persons, damage misuse city property
11: UA
12: Engage in outside business activities on city time
13: Use city property for personal gain
14: Harassment discrimination
15: Dont maintain standards or certs
16: Failure to operate a vehicle lawfully
17: Destroy evidence of investigation
When must you notify city of arrest etc?
Next scheduled work day
What is the work week?
Monday 1201 am to Sunday at midnight
What is a work period for 24 hr shifts?
27 days
Who is an employees rating authority and who is the official reviewing authority?
Rate: supervisor
Review: Department head
How long do you have to submit comments after a review?
3 working days
What can you do if your review denies a step increase?
File a grievance
How long is probation for FF?
12 months
How big of an absence requires extension of probation?
30 or more days
What if a member on probation doesnt receive an eval prior to the completion of probation?
The probation is considered successful and completed
Can a member on probation who is terminated appeal the decision?
How long is disciplinary probation?
12 months cant extend beyond original length but may end early
How many days notice must a member receive for a pre deprivation hearing?
Not less than 1 working day. Member can bring a representative but that person must receive approval from supervisor
2 working days if for dismissal
How long can administrative leave be?
Cannot extend beyond 90 days without notification of city manager. Member is paid at hourly rate
Special assignments can be up to 2 years and has a higher level of responsibility, how much pay increase can be granted?
10% with CM approval
When can you submit a grievance?
Rule misapplied
Denied step increase
When do you not have the right to a pre deprivation hearing?
Pay not affected
Suspension 16 hours or less
How does a suspension of 30 days affect insurance?
City does not pay you must cover
When can someone be demoted?
1: Violation of standards of conduct
2: Cant perform duties
3: Request of employee
4: Convenience of city
5: Failure of promoted member to perform at new level
How does being laid off affect future employment?
There must be a Reduction in work force list that get priority for future employment
Who has final say on dismissal?
Personnel appeals board if member takes it to that level