100s (104.05-107.02) Flashcards
Who is responsible for incident reviews?
1: Safety Captain
2: Safety Team
3: BSO
High reliability organizations are said to be what?
1: Preoccupied with failure
2: Have a reluctance to simplify interpretations of activities
3: Sensitive to operations
4: Committed to resilience
5: Defer to expertise
What should a QA offer?
Recognition and feedback
How is an incident reviewed?
1: BSO reconstruct
2: Team of peers reviews and conduct analysis
3: Determine factors that lead to decisions
4: The impacted division informs department and comes up with any changes to policy if needed
What shall you do when your are in an accident on city business whether in department vehicle or POV?
1: Inform closest BSO
2: If need med assistance call 911 inform you are city employee
3: BSO guides through accident reporting
4: If minor with property damage call alarm room sup
5: Incident review (preventable non preventable)
6: Report stored for 3 years
How is an accident recorded in the members file?
With no violation of policy or law
1st: Cuff note
2nd: MOU
3rd: Written reprimand
With violation of policy law
1st: Written counseling
2nd: Written reprimand
3rd: Uncompensated suspension, demotion, termination
How do we handle medical mistakes?
1: Document in Zoi record and inform hospital staff
2: Medic must ride in
3: Prehospital
4: EMS and Medical director decide on course of action
How do we handle a near miss?
1: Contact BSO
2: Fill out near miss form on inside Mesa
3: Members will be interviewed
4: Peer analysis
5: EMS present incident and any policy changes
When is the only time we can be in an emergency vehicle with no seat belt?
When in an ambulance and must perform care. THis is high risk use risk management analysis
Who handles chemical exposures?
How do we conduct a exposures process?
1: Treat first (decon)
2: Document in ZOI
3: Contact alarm who will call infectious exposure team (10 min response)
4: 2 attempts then contact BSO202
5: Contact your BC
6: IET may conduct phone consult or respond
7: Follow up consults
8: All exposures reported to safety captain
How is testing handled if source patient is not transported?
1: Contact phlebotomist to respond to scene foll all tests other than HIV
2: Department sets up HIV testing at a local pharmacy at department expense
How do we handle a toxic or biochemical exposure?
1: Highest ranking non affected member initiates IET
2: Decon and treatment (hazmat required)
Where is the only place firearms are allowed on city property?
In a vehicle not used for city business, out of sight. (City officials can search station and lockers without permission
What is each shift responsible for for station management duties?
A: Plot books station maps
B: Apartment books
C: Trailer park, school, park books and preplan books
What if you need to make a charged call on a city phone?
Fill out Phone call reimbursement form
Who is responsible for checking station voice mail?
Who handles scheduling station tours or pub ED?
2: Crew in service
3: battalion aid places on calendar
Who is responsible for managing station temp and what should it be set at, and managing light use?
1: Captain
2: Average temp not below 74
How often do we check that terminated members dont have access to computer?
1: Should be deactivated immediately
2: Checks quarterly
How often do we review IT access?
Every 3 years
What are the guidelines for station visits?
1: Should be outside of normal business hours if possible
2: Conclude by 2200
3: Avoid frequent extended visits by same person
4: This applies to phone calls as well
5: Visits conducted in public area
6: No sexual content in fire station
7: Dress codes
8: Pets should be left at home
9: Shift commander can approve visits past 2200
What are the guidelines for ride alongs?
1: EMS personnel, Public safety, intern, city employee, firefighter of another department, medic student, media, candidates, family, Volunteer
2: Call gail coakley
3: 2 ride alongs a year
4: 8-8
5: sign waiver
6: present DL
7: Dress code
8: Captain can terminate
9: Badge and vest
10: No camera (unless media)
11: Fill out eval
Who is responsible for filling out incident reports (firehouse)?
First arriving captain or command by the end of the next occurring shift
How long must a fire investigate be completed by?
21 days
What do you do if you receive a subpoena?
Refer to records department, dont discuss
We must comply with subpoenas, how do we do this?
1: Class B (no tie) for court
2: Class C for interview
3: Fill out time card
4: You CAN keep money from law office for participation
Who determines approved courses for tuition assistance?
Personnel AC (classes required for promotion)
How much tuition assistance do we get?
$4,000 a year (Jul 1- Jun 30)
What are non approved uses of tuition reimbursement?
1: Masters and Doctorate (grad post grad)
2: Not related to MFMD
3: Paramedic, nurse, np
4: Grandfather pre may 2017
What does Tuition assist include?
Tuition only (no books etc)
What grade must you get using Tuition assist?
C or better otherwise you re pay city and cant apply again until this is done
What if you also have another form of tuition assist?
The department subtracts that from he amount they give you (student loans and VA not included in this)
How long must you stay employed after using TR?
24 months or must repay city
What are the requirements to use TR?
1: Probation finished OR 1 year employment prior to 1st day of class?
2: Successful PAF
3: Complete TR orientation and Affidavit signed
How can you get your money from TR?
Upfront (up to 120 days in advance)
Upon course completion (grade submitted within 30 days)
Who do you submit TR documents to and what are the documents?
Fire Personnel
Enroll documentation
Proof of tuition only amount
Grade report
How soon must you advise the city of a change in enrollment?
Within 7 days
How do you get mileage reimbursement?
1: Only for station to station not to and from work
2: For members on standby responding to incident
3: Outside of maricopa or pinal must get approval
4: Complete form
5: Submit to your battalion aid
Which shift handles station supplies?
Station supplies should have an inventory that lasts how long?
45 days BC inspects once a month
What if a station purchase is over $250?
All 3 shift captains must approve (can get a card from resource up to 2500)
What if a station finds something at a vendor not authorized by city?
Resources can provide a $250 LPO (member can buy and be reimbursed)