Management Policies (Clerical) Flashcards
To receive travel expenses you must how far from their work site?
40 miles
Travel must be authorized by the department director, what form must they approve?
Travel authorization and expense report
When are travel advances issued?
Not sooner than 10 days in advanced
If using a POV to travel on city business, what is the most amount of mileage reimbursement you can receive?
Not more than the cost of airfare bought 21 days out
How should lodging be paid when traveling?
On procurement card single room moderate rate, ask for discount
What is travel status?
Anytime city business takes them more than 40 miles from normal work site and ends when they get back home or to work site.
What is your work site?
when you spend the most time during work day
How do you get reimbursed for meals on travel status?
Keep receipts list in meals and incidental expenses column. Include tips. Per Dieum rates based off of GSA
What are other things covered for travel expenses?
1: Rental car
2: Registration fees
3: Taxi bus etc
4: Communications (internet)
5: Entertainment (For taking other people out on city business
6: Laundry (if gone longer than 4 consecutive days
7: Gas
8: Parking
9: Baggage (not oversize bag fees)
What is not reimbursable for travel?
1: First class
2: Airfare not related to city business
3: Expense for volunteering to be bumped form flight
4: Internet if not needed for city business
5: Insurance for POV
6: Damage to POV
7: Gas for personal use
8: Family member accompany expense
9: If staying with friends
10: Fines late charges cancelations
11: Tickets (legal)
12: Valet
13: Alcohol
14: Tobbacco
15: Personal entertainment
16: Theft loss of personal stuff
17: Anything unrelated or unacceptable
How long do yo have to present proof of charges?
10 days of return
How much do you get for bilingual pay?
Basic: $50 biweekly
Intermediate: $100 biweekly
What type of testing is required for bilingual pay?
Basic: Oral test (80% gets long term cert)
Intermediate: Written and oral (80% gets long term cert)
What are the roles of city figures during a disaster?
Mayor: Overall responsibility
City Manager: Control Emergency Operations
Emergency Operations will join to control in our jurisdiction
What is the responsibility of safety services?
1: Identify any and all safety hazards
2: Notify department of safety hazard
3: Develop safety manual
4: Provide training and PPE
5: Review accident reports
6: Enforce safety
When is HR required to approve Transitional work?
1: Greater than 180 days
2: Denial
What is the max length of the first transitional work period?
90 days
Department can grant an additional 90 days
After that HR approval
How soon must you have a follow up appointment when going on transitional work?
No greater than 30 days
How many EAP visits per year per event do you get?
The EAP is there for us, what is our responsibility if we witness a stressful event?
We are required to maintain our job performance
Use EAP before job performance is affected
If a supervisor witnesses deteriorating job performance or unacceptable behaviors they can mandate an EAP referral. What must they do first?
Get approval of HR. Member must sign a ROI so EAP can report employee compliance to HR
What is a chronic serious medical condition?
1: Requires visits at least twice a year
2: Continues over extended period
3: Episodes of incapacity
How many weeks of FMLA can you receive?
12 in a 12 month period
26 weeks in 12 months if caring fora member harmed service member
What is Loco Parentis?
You take parent responsibilities of someone under 18 or over 18 but disabled
What is reduced leave?
Leave that shortens your work week or day
What is the eligibility for FMLA?
1: Employee for 12 month (not need to be consecutive
2: Active employee
3: Must have worked 1250 hours in the 12 month prior to going on FMLA
4: Meet federal requirements
When can you use FMLA?
1: Birth
2: Adoption
3: Serious health condition of you or immediate family
If foreseeable when should you request FMLA?
30 days prior
Who do you notify if you need FMLA?
Supervisor and Leave administration
How soon must the FMLA be approved or denied by?
5 working days from notification of leave administration
What does leave administration give to member when they request FMLA?
Certification forms which must be done within 17 calendar days
What must you do after your 12 months?
Re apply (make sure you have worked the required 1250 during that year, leave doesnt count)
What happens for insurance after you have exhausted all your accrued leave and go on unpaid FMLA?
You cover your share and employers share, if fail to do so you lose insurance. You also dont accrue leave
After the birth or adoption how long to you have to add them to benefits?
31 days
If you use the 12 weeks FMLA and still need time off what can you request?
Special Leave
Can FMLA be mentioned in PAFs?
Are part time employees eligible for Industrial Insurance Program? IIP
Where must you go first for IIP?
Occ Health
Once you write it up how long do you have to go on IIP?
90 days
If you refuse light duty and used all FMLA what must you use?
Sick time (not allowed to use vacation), then dock
Do you get a step increase on IIP?
How long do you get on IIP?
180 days (12 months if catastrophic)
How do you pay back over payment?
1: Write a check
2: Deduct from paycheck upon agreeing on a payment plan (must sign Pay deduct form) (if you refuse it will be turned over to collections)
3: If terminated you have 30 days
How much money does the department get to spend of a retirement celebration?
How much notice should you give for leaving dept?
Retire: 30 days
Quit: 14 days
How much pay may you be deducted if you get a DUI?
What shall you do if you are involved in a collision off city property?
Contact PD and notify supervisor
How long do you have to complete the incident report for a collision?
24 hours
What is the city’s smoking policy?
No smoking in city buildings vehicles and workplaces, or within 20 feet of windows and doors (including e-cig)
How should the building be evacuated for a bomb threat?
Word of mouth (not fire alarm)
How long are emails stored for?
3 years then auto delete
What if you accidentally access a website that is inappropriate or someone sends you inappropriate material?
1: Immediately click off
2: Notify supervisor
3: Notify IT help desk
What is the Community Emergency Notification System and what is it used for?
Reverse 911 1: Imminent threats 2: Disasters 3: Endangered persons 4: Evacuations 5: Any other emergency notification Must be approved by BC