200s Staging, Apparatus Placement, Driving Flashcards
When is level 1 staging implemented?
Incidents involving 3 or more companies
How is level 1 staging implemented for Fire EMS Hazmat incidents?
1: First Engine company goes directly to the scene and initiate operations
2: First Ladder goes directly to the scene announce approach so command can commit them
3: First RIC company stage on scene to maximize options and prepare for RIC operations
4: First Chief goes directly to scene and set up in a command location
5: Rest of units stage in the direction of travel uncommitted approximately 1 block away
6: On meds first ALS unit and Rescue also go to the scene
7: Stay off air until orders received
8: If command forgot about you re announce staged
9: Advise command of anything critical you see
When should we call for level 2 staging?
On first alarm or higher, ask for level 2 before units are en route
Who assumes staging?
If command hasnt designated a unit then the first engine on scene will assume sector officer responsibilities and announce on the assigned staging channel. This should not be a Ladder Company
Who does staging report to?
1: Command
2: Or Logistics if established
What are the staging officers responsibilities?
1: Locate adequate area that can support additional alarms
2: Transmit location and routing to command and alarm
3: Coordinate with PD to block streets required for traffic
4: Ensure all trucks parked in a manner for quick exit
5: Maintain a log of companies and their capabilities
6: Maintain crews in a ready state
7: Provide progress reports to comman
8: Be outside with vest so identifiable, only the staging officers truck should have emergency lights on
9: Assign companies to proceed to incident on request of command
Where will staging direct units once they have received a request?
1: To the scene to report to command
2: If requested by command Staging can send units directly to a sector, staging will then advise command what unit they will be sending, command then advises that sector
How should staging position apparatus?
1: Group unit types together (Engine Ladder etc)
2: Provide for easy access in and out
On large incidents where only manpower is needed how can staging send units to the scene?
Set up a “taxi” service to deliver personnel
Apparatus placement should be a reflection of what?
1: SOPs
2: Tactical objectives and priorities
3: Staging procedures
4: Direct order from command
5: Conscious decision based on conditions
What are the two classifications of apparatus on the fireground?
1: Apparatus Working
2: Apparatus parked
How should parked apparatus be positioned?
1: Out of the way
2: Left in staging (level 1 or 2)
3: Maintain an access down the center of street
The fire truck is an expensive exposure, what should be considered when spotting apparatus?
1: Location and destination of fire (pessimistic)
2: Heat
3: Building failure
4: At least 30 feet away (even if nothing showing)
5: Can they be repositioned easily? (avoid one way in one way out)
6: Power line
Which hydrants should be utilized first?
1: Those closest to the fire
2: Secondary hydrant should be used after the key pumper has reach t limit (Lines clog streets, Crossover near the truck
How should ladders be placed?
1: In a position that provides for aerial rescue or access
2: In a defensive position
How should command be positioned?
1: Allow maximum visibility of structure
2: Not restrict movement of other units
How should Rambos be placed?
1: Away from the scene in the direction of travel to the exit
2: Not blocking other apparatus
How should staff vehicles be place?
In Level 2 staging unless they have a predetermined responsibility
How should we park apparatus when working in traffic?
Manner that bests protects personnel form traffic and hazards
What should you do with headlights at the scene at night?
Turn them off, they tend to blind civilian driver
What safety benchmarks can protect your crew in regards to traffic?
1: Never trust traffic (look before step)
2: Protective parking
3: Wear vests
4: Reduce driver vision impairment
5: Use cones/flares
6: Park 45 degree angle far enough away that the truck can’t be knocked into work area
7: Block all sides if at intersection (most critical first)
8: If hose needed put pump panel in safe area
9: Daytime leave all emergency lights on
10: Try to use flashers only if possible
11: Exit on curb side
12: Once scene blocked place other apparatus off street if possible
13: Ambo should be placed downstream
14: Ask for PD assistance with traffic
15: Unify with PD (DPS)
What is DPS’s priority on the freeway?
Keep traffic moving
Where should vehicles be Parked on the freeway?
Where do Rambos stage for the freeway?
Off the freeway
How far away should cones be on the freeway?
150 feet
How tall are traffic cones to be?
What must be in place before placing traffic cones?
1: Apparatus parked in a defensive position
2: Cones flares available
3: The order has been given
4: Proper PPE
5: Low light conditions member has a flash light turned on
How are cones deployed?
1: Start furthest point away from vehicle apron 150 feet from apparatus at the curb
2: Take 10 paces backward and 1 step out for next cone
3: Return to safe area
4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 increasing the steps out
5: Finish approximately 30 feet from vehicle
6: If a sign is available place 10 feet past first cone
7: Collect in reverse order
Who is responsible for the safe operation of the truck at all times?
When can trucks make certain exceptions to traffic laws?
When code 3
What must be used when code 3?
1: Emergency lights
2: Sirens (judiciously)
What do lights and sirens mean to other drivers?
Requests the right of way (does not automatically give)
Under favorable conditions in code 3 mode how far over the speed limit can we go?
1: When driving 10mph
2: At intersection with the right of way shall not exceed limit
3: Maximum speed of 65mph (at all times)
How fast are we allowed to go when opposing?
1: 10 mph under posted limit
2: 100 feet of intersection not to exceed 20mph
3: Must come to complete stop at intersections
What must we do at a stop light to stop sign?
Come to a complete stop and account for all lanes of traffic
To avoid unnecessary code 3 driving what rules apply?
1: If first unit sees that the incident is minor cut units back to code 2
2: Support units (rehab CV) not to drive code 3 unless requested by command
3: Water tender will NEVER be driven code 3
How do we handle backing?
1: Must have a spotter
2: If no spotter dismount and walk completely around truck
3: Never move if can’t see backer
4: Back slowly anticipate something will go wrong
5: Visual communication with mirrors and hand signals
6: Backer 10 feet away and to the side
7: Back has a radio as backup
8: Back should account for brake arg (at least 1 foot)
A vehicle will not move without everyone belted, who is responsible for this, and the overall safety of vehicle?
1: Captain
2: Driver
Fire vehicles should not pass each other code 3, if this has to be done what must you do?
Through radio communication with the order model
Safe arrival always have priority over speed, what can we do to achieve prompt response?
1: Leave quickly (turnout times)
2: Drive defensively
3: Know where you are going
4: Use warning devices
How shall we NOT attain prom response?
1: Leave before belted and door open
2: Driving too fast
3: Driving recklessly
4: Take unnecessary chances
5: Intimidating drivers
Are recruit and probationary Bfs allowed to drive code 3
When do new FF have to get DOC by?
2 years from initial hire, apron 6 months from end of probation, skills eval at least 30 days after probationary year
When will current members begin DOC?
At least 90 days before expiration
A DOC can be delayed for temp promotion medic school etc, how long will a DOC be postponed in this case?
Until aprox 6 months after temp promotion or training
How long is DOC good for?
3 years
DOC applicants can drive in training mode after they have demonstrated competent driving skills to their captain, how should this demonstration be done?
In safe areas and not during emergency calls.
Who is exempt from DOC?
1: Resource members with a CDL
2: Engineers and above
3: Members who pass the engineers process are granted 3 years from publication of the list
What are DOC applicants evaluated on?
1: Understanding laws SOPs
2: Understand vehicle operational procedures/evaluation
3: Understand vehicle inspection procedures
4: Basic vehicle maintenance
5: Road course
6: Cone course
7: Pump test
8: Target solutions
How many hours driving must you log for DOC and how many minutes does a code 2 call account for?
1: 24 hours
2: 15 minutes (includes to and from call) (this can be a mock call)
How many times can you retest DOC?
How long after initial test can retests be administered?
1st: No sooner than 60 days
2nd: No sooner than 30 days after 1st retest
The apparatus cannot move until what?
Driver confirms visually and audibly all members seated and belted
What should the engineer do when coming on shift?
1: Speak with off going engineer about changes
2: Inspect vehicle
3: Complete checklist
What does the morning check of a vehicle include?
1: Fluid levels
2: Tires
3: Lights
4: Brakes
5: Steering
6: Wheels Lugs
7: Pump
8: siren, horn (done in an area to not disturb
9: Equipment (fire and EMS)
What emergency indicators are required for code 3 driving?
1: At least 1 red, or red and blue light visible 500 feet in front of truck
2: Audible bell, siren, exhaust whistle
3: Headlights on
4: Opticom working
When is the only time we drive code 3?
“True emergency” high probability of death, serious injury, or significant property loss
In wet, foggy, or other hazardous driving conditions what is the fastest we can go during code 3?
The posted speed limit
During wet conditions what must be turned off on the truck?
1: Engine Breaks (retarder)
If using a buzzer during backing, what are the codes?
1 Buzz: Stop
2 Buzz GO
What backing procedures should be avoided by the backer?
1: Do not use other hand signals than listed
2: Do not shine light in a mirror
3: Do not use hand held lights to substitute hand signals
When parking we are exempt from traffic regulations as long as what?
1: Due regard for safety is used
2: Emergency warning lights are functioning
No vehicle that has to respond for emergencies should use a drive through. How should we park when visiting restaurants banks etc?
Park in a manner that allows quick exit