200s Freeway, Power Lines/ Equipment, Light Rail Flashcards
What are some typical problems to consider on the freeway?
1: Water supply
2: Relay pumping
3: Special equipment (Tender, Foam, lighting, tow)
4: Early call for traffic control
5: Shut off of auto lift stations at underpasses
6: Drains (when dealing spilled materials)
7: Traffic
8: Access (dispatch another crew?)
9: Liquid transfer equipment
10: Metering drains and spaces
11: Notify ADOT when we enter and make changes to pump stations (keys in BC truck)
12: Comms with DPS (must be established)
How should we approach the scene on a freeway?
Direction of travel
May proceed against flow with DPS approval once assured traffic is stopped
Which lights should be used when responding on freeways?
Hazards are preferred but may use emergency lights if necessary
What are other safety considerations with Freeways?
1: Have a lookout
2: Park on access road if difficult entry
3: Use ladder for overpass
4: Lifelines if down a steep embankment
5: Leave unnecessary vehicles off freeway
6: If the vehicle is not needed to block park as far off as possible
7: If road is depressed may be easier to “drop a line down”
8: Loosen tension turnbuckles
When 3 or more units responding on freeway what should initial report include?
1: Traffic Conditions For access
2: Fire no Fire
3: Lanes blocked
What is included in the follow up report on a freeway incident?
1: Injuries
2: Extrication
3: Evac
4: Haz
5: Resource need
You can be electrocuted by a direct or indirect shock, what is the difference?
Direct: You make contact with something that is energized
Indirect: Something that is touching you is touching something energized
What is step potential?
Down lines will energize the ground around them and radiate out. If you step in this area you complete the circuit
This is indicated by Tingling feet
This is sever when the ground is wet
What are key points when dealing with electricity?
1: Lines must always be considered energized
2: Lines can re energize or become hot again
3: Do not use TICs to determine if a downed line has power
4: Power lines have reel memory
5: Dont spray water until you are sure it is not energized
6: Use short burst of water in fog pattern at base of pole
7: Primary concern is protect surrounding area
8: Potential deadly smoke from oil
9: Circuit may not trip
10: Cannot tell volts by size of conductor
11: Transformers can explode
12: Electricity can travel through ground and energize other objects
Electrical Equipment is broken into three categories, what are they?
1: Energized
2: De-energized (cannot be 100% guarentee, we consider this not safe)
3: Dead (confirmed by utility reps)
How do we respond to down power lines?
1: Assume all energized
2: Request Utility company
3: Park away from and not under lines
4: Secure area deny entry
5: Create LAZ with danger tape
6: May leave 1 member on scene to wait for utility co
7: Multiple poles call for additional resources
What if the lines are on a car?
1: Do not touch car
2: Have occupants stay inside
3: If they must exit have them jump and not touch car and ground then have them take small steps
How do we respond to Substation vault or manhole incidents?
1: Request utility co
2: Clear area
3: Be aware of explosion potential
4: LAZ
5: Protect exposures
6: DO NOT ENTER until utility says safe lock out tag out
How do we respond to pole fires?
1: Request utility
2: All wires energized
3: Spot apparatus
4: LAZ
5: DO NOT make fire attack until utility says de energized
What are the general light rail terms?
LRV: Light Rail Vehicle OCS: Overhead Contact System TPSS: Traction Powered Substation ETS: Emergency Trip Switch OCC: Operations Control Center Pantograph: Mechanical arm that connects train to
Where does the train get power?
From the TPSS through the overhead wires
What is train frequency in peak times?
Every 10 minutes
What does the driver use to move train?
A throttle and dead man switch
How are traffic lights controlled by LR?
GPS predictive system
Required to stop at red lights
What is the weight empty, and capacity of LR?
1: 103,000 pounds
2: 200 people
What is the normal operating speed of LR?
1: 35mph
2: 55mph during testing
What are the dimensions of the LR?
90 feet long
12 feet high
8.5 feet wide
Are there electrical worries with the track?
What are the characteristics of a track switch location?
1: Move without warning exerting 1200 points of force
2: Can be manually moved once power cut
What are the characteristics of a Traction Power Substation TPSS?
1: Approx every mile
2: Emergency Trip Switch ETS outside station in Knox box
3: Station contains Electric gear and NiCad batteries
4: Current is at 12,000-21,000 volts in
5: 650-950 volts out
What are the characteristics of the Overhead Contact System OCS (wires)?
1: 750-950 dc
2: 2000-6000 amps (this is the killer taser is .00021 amps)
3: Wire tension 5000lbs top 3000lbs bottom
4: Height of wires 18 feet Beware of obstruction
Code 3 driving rules must account for the LR lane. What are the most common LR collisions?
Left hand turns across tracks
When operating on MVAs around LR consider impact. Who can we contact to stop trains?
Operation Control Center OCC, if not impacting scene allow to run
What steps do we take when responding to EMS call on LR?
1: Operator will coordinate response at next station
2: Have driver show you the key is out (this is a lock out tag out procedure)
3: As long as LR is operating normally and on the track no need to shut down power
4: Traffic safety precautions
How do we operate if you are on a LR vs Vehicle incident?
1: If light rail is derailed there is a risk of electrocution and death
2: Have operator lover arm (pantograph)
In certain situations the arm may be entangled on the LR wires, or wires are down, how do we handle these situations:?
1: Consider entire LR as energized
3: Advise passenger to REMAIN INSIDE
4: Send member to trip ETS at TPSS
5: Wait for Metro Supervisor
What happens when you Trip the ETS?
1: Shuts down incoming and outgoing power at the station and adjacent stations.
2: There is no visual confirmation power is shut down
What is a basic size up for LR incidents?
1: Is arm raised or tangled
2: Is LR on tracks
3: Is OCS intact (poles or wires down)
What are guidelines for access and extrication on the LR?
1: Easiest access is through doors (you can manually release on the exterior emergency door release)
2: Windows extremely hard to break
3: Cutting through body doesn’t provide adequate access
4: Trains are heavy and unstable Lifting is a last resort
5: Bar 3 inches off track to avoid people getting trapped under
6: Metro has a vehicle to lift train (30-60) minute ETA
LR has no fire protection system and should only be fought after ensuring Arm in down and it is dead. How do we handle these incidents?
1: Evacuate if no entangled and no wires down
2: Shut down power
3: Stop traffic
4: Protect scene
How do we handle fire at a TPSS?
1: Treat like electric vault fire
2: DO NO ENTER OR FIGHT until power company on scene and CONFIRMS power is off
3: Beware of OCS
Consider pushing ETS if safe
4: Call Hazmat if smoke coming from within (its toxic)
What if there is a natural gas leak in the vicinity of LR?
Light rail produces significant sparks, shut it down
How do we handle the situation if someones foot gets caught in tack switching location?
1: Notify OCC and shut down trains and de-energize
2: use manual level on pole by switch
3: Watch for traffic
How does the light rail impact fire operations?
1: Electric hazard (apparatus ladders etc required to be 10 feet from ungrounded electric equipment)
2: Access problems
3: Water supply and lines across tracks
4: Smoke plum into train
5: Shut down power if streams close