200s Command Procedures 2 (Command Structure) Flashcards
What is Incident Organization?
It is the Function of Command that the IC uses to track, communicate with, and account for resources in order to meet the incident objectives.
What are the incident objectives for fires?
1: Rescue
2: Fire Control
3: Property Conservation
4: Customer Stabilization
What is a Sector?
A smaller more manageable unit of organization. Sectoring is the standard system of dividing incident scene command into smaller units or pieces.
When should the IC assign a BC and BSO to a sector?
Whenever there are 3 OR more companies operating in the sector.
How many sector can an IC manage and still have adequate span of control?
5 Sectors and never to exceed 7
How can Sectors, Groups, and Divisions be assigned?
Sectors: Geographic location or function (North/Alpha,
Vent) If multi story then by floor number
Divisons: Geographic location
Groups: Function
What should happen when the number of sector exceeds the span of control of the IC?
Divid the Incident Organization into Branches and assign each branch its own radio channel.
What are the advantages of utilizing Sectors?
1: Reduce the ICs span of control
2: Creates better communications (less radio traffic)
3: Provides an array of major support functions (allows sector officers to manage needs)
4: Improves Safety (Sector officer provides more direct supervision and evaluation of safety)
Command should assign sectors based on what factors?
1: Before the number of assigned companies threatens the ICs ability to command
2: When the IC forecasts that the incident will become a major operation outside span of control.
3: When companies are involved in complex operations
4: When companies are operating from tactical positions which command has little or no direct control over (out of sight)
5: When there are special hazards and close control is required
When assigning sectors the IC will assign each sector officer what?
1: Tactical Objectives
2: Radio Designation (Roof, Interior, Hazard, East)
3: The identity of resources assigned to the sector.
What are the guidelines sectors are regulated by?
1: It is the responsibility of Command to assign sectors
2: Command will advise each sector officer of tactical objectives, overall strategy and plan.
3: Number of companies assigned to that sector will depend upon conditions within the sector
What is the reasonable maximum span of control for a sector officer for fires?
Offensive: 5
Defensive: 7
A Command Sector Officer must be in position to directly supervise and monitor operation. If in the hazard zone what must they have?
1: PPE
2: A Partner (Safety Officer, BSO)
What functions are Sector Officers responsible for?
1: Directly supervise work
2: Monitor safety, accountability, and welfare
3: Develop a sector IAP that integrates with the overall IAP
4: Monitor work progress
5: Coordinate actions with related activities and adjacent sectors
6: Monitor welfare of sector personnel
7: Request additional resources as needed
8: Manage maydays in the secotor
9: Advise IC of situation status, changing conditions and progress
10: Re-allocate resources within sector
11: Provide info for after action
12: De-commit companies as ops are completed.
What are the responsibilities assigned to a BSO working with a Command Officer in a sector?
1: Perform as a Safety Officer
2: Assist the BC with managing the sector
3: Manage Accountability
4: Provide air management
5: Manage work rest cycles
6: Manage on deck crews, recycle, and rehab
7: Manage comms with safety section on safety channel
8: Coordinate with other safety officers
What are some examples of significant changes that the IC must be notified immediately about?
1: The ability or inability to complete objectives
2: Hazardous conditions
3: Accidents
4: Structural collapse
5: etc
How should crews report to rehab?
What is the Branch level designed to provide?
It provides Coordination between sectors and command
What are the Levels of Command associated with Branch Level operations and who is responsible for each level?
Strategic: IC
Coordination: Branch Officers
Tactical: Sector Officers
Task: Companies
When should Branches be utilized?
The span of control of Sectors is maximized or incidents involving two or more distinctly different components
1: Hazmat that needs Evac
2: Operations spread over large geographic areas
3: Large Fire with Evac
4: Hazard with mass casualties
5: Campaign high rise
When Branches are form they get their own radio channel, and command will notify companies with the following
What branch the sector is assigned to and the radio channel.
What radio designation will the branch officer operate under when communicating with their sectors?
What must happen when the Branch is formed in regards to accountability?
A PAR must be obtained on the new radio channel.
Where should branch officers operate?
In a forward position preferably in a command officer vehicle. There should be an officer in the command post to monitor the Branches channel. When the Branch communicates to the command post it should be “Fire Branch to Command
What are the 4 Sections that can be utilized on large events?
1: Logistics Section
2: Planning Section
3: Operations Section
4: Administrative Section
What are the roles and responsibilities of Logistics Sections?
1: Provide Rehab
2: Manage Staging
3: Provide and manage any needed supplies or equipment
4: Forecast and obtain future resource needs (coordinate with planning section)
5: Provide any needed comms equipment
6: Provide fuel and needed repairs for equipment
7: Obtain specialized equipment or expertise per command
8: Provide food and associated supplies
9: Secure any needed fixed or portable facilities
10: Provide any other logistical needs
11: Collect info for after action
12: Supervise assigned personnel
Planning Section gathers and analyzes information acting as a clearing house for info. Their goal is to plan ahead of current events. What are the Planning Sections roles and responsibilities?
1: Evaluate current strategy and plan with IC
2: Refine and recommend changes to plan
3: Evaluate incident organization and span of control
4: Forecast possible outcomes
5: Evaluate future resource needs
6: Utilize technical assistance as needed
7: Evaluate tactical priorities, critical factors and safety
8: Gather update improve and manage information
9: FACILITATE after action
10: Liaison with any outside agencies for planning needs
The Operations Section is responsible for the tactical priorities, accountability, and safety of those in the Ops Section. What are the roles and responsibilities of the Operations Section?
1: Coordinate activities with the IC
2: Implement the Incident Management Plan
3: Assign Units to Sectors/Branches based on tactical objectives
4: Build an effective organizational structure
5: Provide Branches and Sectors tactical objectives
6: Manage Operation Section Activities
7: Accountability
8: Provide for life safety
9: Request additional resources as needed
Consult and inform IC and other branches as needed
11: Provide info for after action
If located at the Command Post what radio ID does Operations Officer use?
It Is essential that all personnel operating at the incident be made aware of the activation of Operations. All Sector and or branch officers must direct their comms to Operations Officer
What are the roles and responsibilities of the IC after implementation of the Operations Section?
1: Review and evaluate the plan and initiate any needed changes
2: Provide on-going review of the overall incident
(The Big Picture)
3: Select Priorities
4: Provide direction to Ops Officer
5: Review organizational structure and change if needed
6: Initiate section and branch functions as needed
7: Liaison with other city agencies, officials, outside agencies, property owners etc
8: Collect info for after action
9: Other duties as necessary
The Administration Section evaluates and manages the risk and financial requirements of the Fire Departments involvement. What are the Administration Sections roles and responsibilities?
1: Procurement of services or supplies from sources within and outside the Fire Department
2: Document all financial cost of the incident
3: Document for all cost recovery
4: Analyze and manage legal risk
5: Liaison with city officials, lawyers, and government agencies
6: Manage emergency response for the rest of the city
7: Serve as EOC rep in Command Post and brief the EOC on situation
8: Manage investigations
9: Collect info for after action