200s TRT Flashcards
What is the standard size up and initial operations for all TRT incidents? This is your primary assesment
1: Take Command
2: Search for RP or witness (language barrier concerns?)
3: Asses hazards to rescuers
4: No witness look for clues
5: Assess victim (rescue vs recovery ask for time from call to patient location from alarm)
6: Number of victims
7: Establish comms with patient
8: Gather all necessary info about type of rescue (trench, high angle etc)
9: Request resources
10: Initiate an Action Plan
What are additional concerns for a confined space incident?
1: Type of space (basement, cavern etc)
2: Products stored in space (haz?)
3: Hazards
4: Obtain a diagram if possible
5: Obtain a copy of space permit
6: Environmental concerns (heat cold) (15-20 minutes cycles in summer 30min in winter)
What is the minimum number of TRT techs for a confined space incident?
What type of equipment may be necessary for a confined space incident?
1: Monitoring equipment
2: Explosion proof lighting (or glow sticks)
3: Explosion proof comms (or tag line)
4: Air (cascade, SCBA etc)
5: Victim removal system (including air for victim)
6: Ventilation equipment
What does Phase 2 of TRT incidents include
1: Pre entry Ops, make the general area safe
2: LAZ (site control)
3: Lobby
4: Safety sector
5: Rehab
6: Ventilation (PPV vs NPV, Type of compound, flammability)
7: Make rescue area safe (Hazard sector)
8: Continual air monitoring every 5 minutes
9: Utilities Equipment (lock out tag out)
10: Products flowing in
11: Structural stability
What are considerations for air monitoring in a confined space, and what are the limits?
1: O2 (19.5-23.5
2: LEL (10%)
3: CO (35ppm)
4: Hydrogen sulfide (10ppm)
What is Phase 3 of TRT incidents?
Entry Operations Victim removal
What is included with Phase 3 TRT and entry removal ops?
1: 2 members minimum
2: Vitals taken before entry
3: Rescue sector 2:1 ratio 1:1 ratio for immediate assistance
4: Extrication sector perform actual removal
5: Back up members
What is the proper PPE for TRT incidents?
1: Class 2 harness min (class 3 recommenced)
2: Breathing apparatus
3: Shall enter no further than 1/2 air supply -500psi remaining
4: Air monitoring device
What type of medical treatment can be made in hazard zone of TRT?
1: Primary survey treat life threats
2: Secondary survey if time permits
What should be considered for victim removal of TRT incidents?
1: Type of equipment (stokes, backboard 2:1 pulley etc)
2: Dont allow victim between you and egress
3: If victim dead ask command if they want victim left in place for investigative purposes
What are the next steps after extrication?
1: Consider if decon needed
2: Transfer to treatment for ALS care
What is needed for incident termination?
1: PAR
2: Remove tools equipment
3: Decon
4: Secure scene
5: Air monitoring
7: Debrief
8: PIO
What is the department policy on entry to a trench?
We will NOT allow members to enter into an unsafe trench
Where shall you spot apparatus at a trench rescue?
1: 50 feet away
2: Level 1 staging 150 feet away
What are the zone perimeters for trench rescue?
1: Hot 0-50 feet
2: Warm 50-150 feet
3: Cold 150-300 feet
4: Divert traffic 300 feet around
5: Close all streets within 500 feet of scene
6: Non essential civilians 300 feet from scene
7: Non essential equipment shut down within 300 feet
What are special safety considerations at a trench rescue?
1: Soil conditions
2: Utilities
3: Remove water from trench if needed
4: Air monitoring
5: Ventilate
How do we make trench entry safe?
1: Approach from ends if possible
2: Look for fissures or other hazards
3: Asses angle of rescue and distance from lip
4: Remove trip hazards
5: Level area and use ground pads
6: Ladders 25 feet apart or less for secondary egress
7: Shoring
8: Create safe zone
How do we remove patients from a trench?
No Cave In
1: Create safety box around patient
2: Remove entrapment’s (soil etc)
3: Treat package remove
Cave In
1: Create safe box
2: Remove soil and extend box toward victim
3: Uncover victim to diaphragm
4: Treat patient
5: Remove rest of soil
6: Package and remove
Rope rescue is when ever ropes must be used during a rescue incident. What are the 2 types of rope rescues?
1: Non technical less than 40 degree inclination
2: Technical 40-90 degree inclination (requires TRT)
What is Recon Sector?
Command may designate a crew with ems equipment to locate, asses, and treat the victim. If inclination is greater than 60 degrees command can hold off on recon for TRT
In this case command may request a helicopter for recon.
What are critical functions during a rope rescue that must have TRT members?
1: Rescue team involving rope rescue
2: Support operations (to ensure proper equipment)
3: Helicopter Ops
4: TRT liaison at command post
Extrication sector will perform the rescue. Using risk mgmt model rescue should be perform in the order of low risk first to high risk. What is the order of rescue?
1: Talk the patient into self rescue (asses immediate life threats before implementing)
2: Less than 40 degrees use ropes to assist the patient down if ambulatory
3: If non ambulatory use stokes with min of 4 litter bears, face the direction of travel and use tag line (this can be non TRT members)
4: If greater than 40 degree must use TRT to use rope system to assist down with body belay
5: Greater than 40 non ambulatory build anchor system with 3 litter bearers with separate belay
6: Greater than 60 degrees is “high angle” and TRT will develop plan
7: Helicopter rescue
What are some of the hazards of a water rescue?
1: Volume velocity, temp of water
2: Floating debris
3: Drop offs
4: Hydraulic effects
5: Depth (mark water level on arrival)
What can we assign to a crew to make the general area safe in a water rescue?
Upstream sector to watch for debris, can use helicopter as recon as well
What is PPE for water rescue?
1: Personal flotation device
2: Helmet
3: SCUBA if needed
Extrication perform water rescue with personnel down stream for safety. Rescue goes low risk to high, what is the order of water rescue?
1: Talk (to swim, not good for flash flood)
2: Reach (hand or object)
3: Row (raft with personnel on the opposite shore and anchor system)
4: Go (only TRT, lifeline WITH quick release, NO breath hold surface dive)
5: Helicopter
How do we retrieve an underwater rescue?
SCUBA dive
How are vehicles retrieved from water?
Tow truck, FD wait on scene but we should not be part of operation
What are concerns of a structural collapse?
1: Secondary collapse
2: Heavy equipment needs
3: Civilian traffic (lots of well intended efforts)
4: Explosion
5: Utilities
6: Falling debris
7: Toxic atmosphere
8: Chaos need strong command structure
What are pre rescue operations of a structural collapse?
Phase 2
1: Removal of surface victims
2: Establish a perimeter
4: Establish victim staging area
5: Remove all civilian and non essential rescue personnel (so a formal action plan can e created)
6: Get a PAR
7: Establish building triage team (may include building engineers, layouts, location of victims, accountability)
What are rescue operations for structural collapse (performed after pre rescue) (Phase 3)
1: Develop action plan for search and rescue teams
2: Establish rescue teams (separate from search teams)
2: Locate victims
3: Breach
4: Confined spaces
5: Extrication
6: Treatment
7: Remove rescue teams (once all patients removed leave shoring in place)
What is included with searching for victims?
1: Technical equipment (acoustic, fiber optic)
2: Dog teams
3: Call out method
4: Building marking system
5: Triage teams determine stability of building
Rescue teams follow search teams, what shall a rescue team consist of?
At least 2 TRT members and possibly 1 haz member
What is the preferred method of breaching?
Vertically, horizontal if no other means because of stability
What should be considered if debris has to be removed to find victims? (phase 4)
1: Conducted carefully to not cause secondary collapse
2: Heavy equipment
3: Stop periodically to search and listen
What is Phase 5 of a structural collapse?
1: General debris removal
2: Recovery of deceased
3: Termination
How big of a radius do we clear of civilians and non essential fire personnel around the tree of a rescue?
50 feet (evaluate utilities)
Extrication performs the rescue of a victim stuck in a tree. We rescue low to high risk. What is the order of rescue?
1: Talk (to the ladder truck)
2: Ground ladders (first ladder under victim, second along side, secured to tree)
3: Climb (TRT member)
When lowering anchor point must be established