200s Roof Sector, Ladder Support Activities, PPV Flashcards
Why is early ventilation important?
Aids in fire control and the safety of FFs and victims
What is expected of a company when assigned to Roof sector?
1: Get a roof profile
2: Prepare for ventilation or roof attack
Where must the Roof Sector officer be located?
On the roof with there crew
How can crews in rook sector aid in the safety of there operation?
1: Enter roof from safe area
2: Have a secondary means of egress or safe refuge location
3: Obtain their own hose line as needed
When should roof sector sound the roof assessing for structural soundness?
1: Upon entry
2: Frequently throughout operation
Can FFs operate on a bowstring roof if there is evidence of fire in attic or truss area, or on any residential tile roof?
What initial report must roof sector give to command?
1: Roof design and construction
2: Structural conditions
3: Fire conditions and the effects on the roof
4: Location of fire walls
5: Location of heavy objects on the roof
6: Ventilation plan
What are the objectives for roof sector?
1: Determine safe working area
2: Adequate sized ventilation
3: Coordination ventilation with interior and monitor with them
4: Coordinate roof attack
5: Monitor roof integrity and fire conditions
6: Progress reports
7: Advise command when holes complete or change in roof status
What should be the standard size of a ventilation hole?
10% of roof surface in involved area, may require more than one hole. Second hole toward the safe area, monitor integrity of roof.
What are the 3 reasons we vent?
1: Gain access (front door)
2: Remove heat smoke
3: Make spaces more tenable
What if we vent in the wrong place?
It will draw the fire
When can we fight fire from the roof?
1: Only for attic fires, not for interior operations
2: Exposures
What if the ladder cannot get to the roof to ventilate because of fire?
Command should consider this marginal and consider going defensive
How should we operate for structures with bowstring truss?
1: If fire is in the attic do a quick search if possible and go defensive
2: If you can’t find the fire do a quick search if safe and go defensive
3: If room and contents transmittal and go offensive
How can a ladder fight an attic fire on a residential tile roof?
Remove bird stops or gable end attack
What are benefits of PPV?
1: Rapidly removes heat and smoke
2: Improves atmosphere and increases survival
3: Makes it easier to see
4: Less heat stress on FFs
5: Decrease smoke damage
6: Reduces need to cut a hole
We can only use PPV when?
1: Water has reached seat of the fire
2: Considerations have been made to flow paths (may need to close other doors windows, if possible ceilings intact)
3: After being coordinated with interior
4: Exhaust opening have been identified in the fire area
5: Manned not left to continually run
6: Transitional complete and moving interior (if applicable)
How do we place fans?
1: 7 feet back from entry point
2: One behind the other is more effective than side by side
What needs to be considered for PPV at a high rise?
1: Stairwell should be used preferably near fire area
2: An exhaust in the fire area preferred, may use roof door
3: Multiple fans may be required (2 or more at ground, on landing throughout, entry of fire floor)
When can we not use PPV for exposure control:
1: There is a common attic and exposure has ceiling openings
2: Fire is not under control
What can create potential problems from PPV?
1: Exhaust openings in unburned areas can cause extension
2: Directing fire streams into an exhaust
3: Concealed spaces have not been checked
4: No communication with other units
5: CO2 from fan exhaust