100s (103.08-104.3) Flashcards
What is the training requirement for Haz TRT and ARFF?
HAZ/TRT: 200 hour
ARFF: 80 hour
When do you start receiving special assignment pay?
1: Assigned to unit for 6 consecutive months
2: 75% of training completed
3: Get attribute when training complete
What is the special team commitment?
3 years from completion of training in all situations
When if a certified member comes back to special temas?
Less than 12 months away: Immediately receive pay and 1 year commitment
More than 12: Must take a written test (75%) and practical within 90 days. New members must precept.
1 year commitment
What is continuing education for special teams?
75% of required training must be attended to maintain pay
When will a temp promotion be made?
When a vacancy exist for longer than 90 days or 30 consecutive shifts
What if a vacancy is expected for captain or engineer less than 90 days?
It can be filled with leave pool personnel
What if leave pool personnel are unavailable and there is a cap eng vacancy for less than 90 days?
Then a temp promotion will be made if vacancy will last 30 days or longer
What if there is a need for a temp promotion of longer than 90 days or 30 shifts and the promotional list is exhausted?
1: The most senior member who tested but not make the list
2: The most senior member that fits the requirement
3: Department reserves final approval
How long will a temp promotion last?
1: The member fails to perform at the new level
2: Temp spot becomes permanent and the promotion is finalized
3: Member returns to their spot ending the need
4: The list expires member are then reorder and temp promotions reassigned (12 months unless extended)
When a member is pregnant it is let to the doctor to determine work status, what are the responsibilities of the employee?
1: Notify supervisor they are pregnant
2: Notify wellness if they are going on transitional work
3: They remain on new assignment until physician says otherwise or when they have the child
What are supervisor responsibilities if they have a pregnant member who needs transitional duty?
1: Info employee of transitional work and FMLA
2: Inform employee of personnel rules
3: After wellness approves transitional duty supervisor will work with BC to find placement
When should pregnant members notify supervisor and request transitional assignment?
Strongly recommended do it early
When shall pregnant member return to work?
After baby is born and have approval with work status form from physician
Members with over 12 weeks employment can request leave for family medical reasons in what situations?
1: Birth of child
2: Care of son daughter spouse, parent with serious condition
3: Any serious health condition that makes employee unable to do job
What is termed a serious illness that you can get family leave for?
1: Inpatient treatment
2: Any situation that causes person to missed more than 3 calendar of work school that requires treatment
how do you get approval to use city department logo?
1: Immediate supervisor approval
2: Assistant chief final approval
How to we recommend change to logo patches etc?
Uniform committee or apparatus committee
How does an outside agency request use of our logo?
How often are SOPs reviewed?
1: Every three years
2: When we have changes to policy
Who maintains SOPs on website?
Who are responsible for SOPs?
The Assistant Chief whos department each one governs
How do we update our people on a change in SOP?
What social media posts can be used in a human resource or equal opportunity investigation?
Any post you make about other city employees or city activities
Who can speak on social media on behalf of department?
Only those authorized
What info about your employment can you post on social media?
1: Work information (job title duties)
2: Updates on advancement honors accomplishments
3: Participation is city sponsored events
What cannot be included on any private social media site?
1: Any post that violates customer privacy
2: Any pictures of incidents or patients
3: Any images material belonging to the department without approval
4: Any non public department images like floor plans of station
When shall members post to social media?
It is not appropriate to post to social media while on city time, nor should you use city email as your log in
What is the best way to post approved department social media posts?
You may re post these but the best way is by link
Can we participate in any campaign for Mesa elected office?
NO City charter prohibits, we also cannot use city resources to campaigning for city measures (question 2)
Are social media post about the department subject to freedom of information?
If authorized as a representative of the city how may you speak?
1: Not disparage city department or officials
2: Not endorse
3: Promptly correct errors
4: Not delete a post unless violates policy
5: During normal hours (no OT for social media post)
What should be expected of all activity over city wi fi?
It is not private
Can the department access your posts without prior notice?
What shall any member (including volunteer) do if they encounter abuse of minor or vulnerable adult?
1: Immediately report to peace officer or CPS
2: Notify direct supervisor
3: Document a pre-hospital
What is it considered if you fail to report abuse?
A crime
Can cause disciplinary action to dismissal
What are your responsibilities as a supervisor if you are notified of abuse?
1: Ensure reporting is completed
2: Report up the chain to assistant chief then HR
3: Chiefs deal with PD side
The transitional work program (light duty) is used when members can function in their job what may this include?
1: Physical injury
2: Psychological injury
3: Illness
4: Pregnancy
5: Any other condition that affects their or their crews safety
What must be determined if a member is on transitional duty?
They must have the ability to return to work its not for permanent assignment
How long can someone be on transitional duty?
1: 90 days
2: Then an additional 90 days with fire chief and HR approval
1040 hours
What criteria must be met to go on transitional duty regardless if happened on or off duty?
1: Must be employee at the time of injury illness
2: Fit for transitional duty (physician sign the form with aprox date of return to full duty)
3: If injury off job department has right to have this form filled out
4: If an elected non emergent surgery try to schedule a good time with wellness, forms needs to be in 2 weeks before surgery
If the department requires a second opinion for transitional duty who pays for it?
The city
If the transitional duty form filled out by the doc does not meet requirements who is responsible for contacting the doc?
The member
What if a transitional duty position is not available in the FD?
They will look for a spot in another city department
How shall employees be paid on transitional work?
1: At the rank and step at time of injury
2: No OT (unless required by supervisor to complete a project
If member get return to duty from a different doc than the original what can the city require?
Approval from initial doc at members expense
How do you transfer 56 hour work week sick and vacation to 40 hour work week?
Divide by 1.4
What is long term modified work program?
1: Member can never return to work
2: Case by case basis
3: Funding is available for a position for member
4: Last 3 performance evals good
5: Supervisors and BCs from last 3 years must recommend
6: Member must have 15 years in PSPRS
7: Annual reevaluation
8: 5 years total
9: No promotions
10 Voluntary otherwise med retirement
11: Must contribute to goals of department
12: Can be placed in a staff position
13: Decision of Fire Chief is final
Who is required to submit to an annual medical exam?
All that use SCBA, BCs, Civilian training officers, investigators
Who is required to do a annual fitness eval?
SCBA use and fire suppression
What is a WPC?
Wellness Program Coordinator
If the annaul fitness eval finds something that needs further eval who handles cost?
What happens if the annual fir eval reveals something that prevents the member from working?
1: Nature is not revealed to department
2: Doc recommends No work or light duty
If department requires third opinion (private doc and department doc dont agree) and the member wants to choose their own doc what happens?
1: Member pays
2: No OT for visit
3: Must notify wellness before
4: Exam must be identical
5: Must be scheduled within 30 days of last scheduled department exams
6: Results signed by doc and forwarded to department doc
7: Both docs can reach out to other
Supervisors should provide how much time for PT each shift?
1.5 hours
Physical fitness participation only should be included in PAF, what should a supervisor do if there is a concern?
Contact WPC who can assign a Peer Fitness Trainer for a program
What must supervisors do during PT?
1: Preserve crew integrity and ability to respond
2: Remain in 1st due
3: Project professional image
4: No more than 2 crews exercising in one area at same time
5: Only FD personnel can participate without approval from admin
6: Dont interfere with public
Supervisor is responsible for safety during PT, what are issues to consider?
1: Crew familiar with equipment
2: Clothing and shoes
3: Appropriate time and location
4: Sunscreen and hydration
5: No hanging things from ceiling
6: Dumbbell not past 65 pounds
7: Kettle bell not past 53 pounds
8: Boxes no higher than 24