200s RIC, Additional Resources, Support Sector, Police Liaison Flashcards
What is the objective of RIC?
To have a fully equipped rescue team on site, in a ready state, to immediately react in event of injury, lost trapped FF, or civilian.
When is RIC required?
All “working” interior structure fires beyond incipient stage, and other incidents where members subject to hazards. (Offensive fire, Hazmat, Trench, confined space)
What is IRIC?
Initial two person team to allow teams to enter IDLH. It is a priority to upgrade to full RIC ASAP.
When can IRIC not be established?
Life hazard where immediate action could prevent loss of life, or fire in the incipient stage.
What are the roles of the 2 person IRIC team?
One member solely dedicated to tracking interior personnel, track accountability and initiate FF rescue. The other member can take on additional roles but needs radio, PPE and SCBA should be donned ASAP
What is dispatched role with RIC?
Upon declaration of working fire additional engine company assigned, they should anticipate RIC.
What shall RIC be labeled as?
Rescue Sector
When can RIC be reassigned?
Fire under control AND PARs from ALL Crews, crews may then be assigned to other duties. If a RIC crew is put into any action before this Command must request another company to assume RIC
When can RIC be reassigned?
Fire under control AND PARs from ALL Crews, crews may then be assigned to other duties. If a RIC crew is put into any action before this Command must request another company to assume RIC
What should RIC company do en route?
Monitor radio and initiate a tactical worksheet tracking companies. Upon arrival they should get a briefing from command on incident status.
RIC must be able to rapidly deploy, how can they ensure this?
Be in a ready state and conduct a recon of company location and conditions. Possibly pre deploy hoselines, asses access points and forcible entry needs, and position ladders as needed. Obtain RIC SCBA rescue kits
What is RICs role if they are needing to respond for an emergency involving a sector officer?
Assume the role of Sector officer.
Where are possible locations for RIC on a high rise?
Resource or Lobby sector
Where should RIC be deployed?
To the last know location of lost trapped FF.
What is in the SCBA RIC Bag
4500psi air bottle
Universal Refill Hose
SCBA face piece and regulator
What is in the RIC tool bag?
Small tools (Screw driver, pliers, bolt cutter, knife) Lighting Wedges Lift Sheet Trauma shears
How should additional resources be requested on escalating incidents?
Utilize the “greater alarm” method to get complete resources and initiate move ups. Build the command structure as you call for more units.
What is Support Sector?
The sector utilized when members from Resource management are needed to respond. They work under logistics sector.
What are responsibility of Support Sector?
1: Assist logistics in anticipation of needs
2: Resupply expendable supplies (O2, medical supplies, gatorade etc)
3: Coordinate refueling
4: Ensure truck performance during incident
5: Get additional equipment back to station after incident
6: Delivery of specialized equipment to the scene
7: Manage radios
Support sector shall be available 24 hours a day, who does command notify to initiate support sector?
On call duty chief.
Who shall respond to support sector?
Resource Fleet supervisor initial, division heads for 2nd alarm or greater.
How are responsibilities structured for support sector?
Apparatus Officer (vehicles), Equipment Officer (tools, scba, O2, manpower), Resource Mgmt staff (food, supplies, special equip)
Who do you contact for fleet services?
Business hours Fleet supervisor, non business hours On call mechanic through alarm or cell.
When should we summon additional resources?
1: The fire or medical needs exceeds resources
2: Fire conditions become more sever situation deteriorates
3: All companies committed and fire not controlled
4: Personnel exhausted mentally or physically
5: Command ran out of a certain resource
6: Evidence of significant fire but cannot find source
7: Command cannot provide for early loss control
8: Span of control exceeded
9: Weather
10: Command has a hunch they need more people
On large incidents command may request a police liaison through alarm, for what reason may this occur?
1: Traffic
2: Crowd control
3: Media
4: Evac
5: Fatalities
6: Crime scene
7: Persons interfering with fire ops
9: Any other joint operation
When Fire is responding to assist PD where should the first unit go?
To PD command post and establish liaison, all other units to stage
Dead bodies are the responsibility of who?
What is Pos role on working fires?
Traffic, they will automatically be notified by Alarm, f you need it before then ask alarm.
PD will keep unauthorized people out of Fire Line area. All authorized people inside the line are the responsibility of who?
Unstable civil situations (riots) are the responsibility of who?
PD. No FD equipment will be used to control these situation except in self defense
What do we do if we are terminating a scene with no RP to take over valuables?
Coordinate with PD Liaison and turn it over to them.