200s Air Operations Flashcards
How many Immediate patients can a Med-Evac helicopter carry?
1, and Med-Evac helicopters cannot be used for TRT
How many patients can DPS carry?
1 and they must be notified of a litter before taking off
How can Helicopters be used for recon?
We can place a member of the FD in a helicopter including a news helicopter. News helicopters may only be used for recon. They do have ability to communicate of fire channels.
What can command do if they need clear airspace?
Contact the FAA Flight Service Station and request the airspace is clear.
How can Helios be used to transport personnel or equipment?
1: Request they transport resources needed urgently
2: Transport to the top of a high rise
3: May not fly over occupied structures if they have an external load including buckets
What are two air options for brush fire fighting?
1: Phoenix police Air unit 2 Bambi buckets
2: Mesa Police Air unit 1 Bambi bucket
How many buoy wall tanks do Phoenix and mesa have? How much water do they hold?
Phoenix 4
Mesa 1
3000 or 4000 gallons
How many gallons can Bambi buckets hold and how are they filled?
1: 67-96 gallons
2: canal, buoy wall tank, any other body of water.
Who fills the buoy tank and what are methods to be use?
1: Engine co assigned to LZ
2: Clear of overhead obstructions
2: 2 salvages covers under buoy
3: Fill from bottom up, start slow and after 1 foot you can increase.
How far from the buoy should apparatus be placed?
150 feet
Who is contacted for contract helicopter services, and how much water can they drop?
1: Phoenix at an hourly wage
2: 120 gallons
What is the average flying time for contract helicopters per fuel load?
1 1/2 - 2 hours
The engine co from LZ should lay what lines?
1: Supply line
2: two 1 3/4 lines for fire protection, to wet down area, and refill tanks.
Approach the helicopter only after doing what, and how do we approach?
1: Making eye contact with pilot
2: Within 45 degrees of the front
3: Leave along the same path
What side of the aircraft do we refill tanks?
Right side
How is the risk management profile used with helicopter rescue?
Weigh the risk of placing personnel in dangerous situations versus urgency of the rescue
Special Use tasks with helicopters can only be done by TRT personnel (at takeoff and landing sites as well) and PD pilots. These are high risk and require a technical rescue sector. What are examples of special use?
1: External loads
2: Hover ops
3: Rappelling
4: Below 500 feet of ground level
5: Ops around fire perimeter
6: Single skid landings
7: Any take off or landing that requires special maneuver
8: Obstacles or abnormal surface conditions
9: Cannot land the helo and shut down power
When a helicopter takes on a internal or external load the pilot must meet with Tech Rescue Sector officer and do what?
Both complete and sign load calculation form
Personnel in landing are should have direct comms with pilot on a separate radio channel before landing. When this is not feasible (such with National Guard Helps) what is an alternative?
Hand and light signals
What are Mesas PD helicopters called?
Falcon 3&4
What are Phoenix helicopters called (fire and PD)?
Firebird 1,2,3
What is the DPS helicopter called?
Ranger 41, they have no brush firefighting capabilities
What is MSCOs helicopter called?
Fox 1 and 2. Fox one has TRT Fox 2 does not. Both have Bambi buckets.
What command will you give the pilot if anything goes wrong durning landing?
What is required for personnel operating a landing zone?
Preferably Engine Co
1: Radio
2: Eye Ear pro
3: Vest
4: Helmet
What should the size of the LZ be?
100 x 100 for each ehlicopter Make sure overhead obstructions communicated to pilot for their assessment
How far away should traffic and spectator be from LZ
Min 200
In the center of the LZ a “touch down” area should be made with visual markers. How big should this be?
60 x 60
Where does the individual communicating with the pilot stand?
Right front corner of touch down area (as seen by pilot)
How far away from activity areas should LZ be placed?
100 yards, and flight path should not take the aircraft over areas when rotor wash is a problem (treatment, command post etc)
You should avoid air with small debris such as rocks, or dusty areas. How much ground should be wet down?
200 x 200
No one should pass behind the tail of the helicopter, how can we ensure safety around tail rotors?
Assign a “tail guard” 50-100 feet behind tail
How long do we maintain contact with pilot after take off in case of emergency?
2-3 minutes
What are some additional Helicopter safety concerns?
1: Approach 45 degree from front with eye contact and remain in view of pilot
2: Dont stand erect
3: If you see something say something
4: Make eye contact with pilot and don’t approach until you get a signal
5: Never go toward the tail
6: Provide wind indicators
7: Beware rotor wash
8: Spotlights may bid pilots don’t shine up
9: Carry tools horizontal below waist
10 Stage patients 150 feet away
What is required PPE for working in or on a helicopter?
1: Flight Helmet (TRT Brush helmets may be ok)
2: Fire resistant Clothing
3: Leather boots
4: Eye Ear Pro (headsets)
5: Gloves (leather or Nomex)
What are the preferred surfaces to land on in order?
1: Concrete
2: Asphalt
3: Grass
4: Compacted dirt (moisten)
5: Dry loose dirt sand