Management Policies (Conduct) Flashcards
What the the two forms of harassment?
1: Quid pro quo
2: Hostile work environment
What is unlawful retaliation?
Discrimination or harassment against an individual filing or cooperating with a discrimination charge
What are 4 examples of Hostile work environment?
1: Any type of written material poster text etc that harass or discriminate another
2: Physical conduct (touching, blocking, gestures, interfere with work, destroy property)
3: Employment decisions (hire, fire, promote, step)
4: Comments
Is an individual required to tell someone to promptly stop offensive actions?
No but they are strongly encouraged to
Anyone subject to or witnessing harassment discrimination can report to any of who?
1: Immediate supervisor (Any written form)
2: Any department director (Any written form)
3: Any HR employee (Written or verbal)
4: Internal Affairs (PD only)
What are supervisors role in harassment discrimination?
1: Promptly stop
2: Report to HR any complaint or action witnessed
3: Grounds for discipline
What are examples of unlawful retaliation?
1: Open hostility
2: Exclusion
3: Hostile work environment
4: Negative remarks
5: Assigning demeaning duties
6: Patronizing
7: Discrimination
8: Subtle harassment
9: Unreasonable assigned duties
How many last chance agreements can you get?
What are the prohibited behaviors regarding drugs and alcohol? These are for while working or on call.
1: Consumption
2: Presence of alcohol or metabolites of drugs while on duty
3: Impairment (includes OTC and RX)
What should an employee do if they are RX medication that could cause impairment?
Notify supervisor who will call HR to work out a solution
What if a employee refuses to submit to a reasonable suspicion test?
They shall be separated
The city encourages an employee to notify the city if they feel they have a substance abuse problem with no fear of discipline, when must this happen?
Before there has been a violation of policy
When must you notify the city if a violation of drug or alcohol occurs off duty?
Upon return to work or within 5 calendar days (whichever is sooner
If s supervisor encounters a violation of policy what must they do?
They have a duty to act
What happens if you fail a reasonable suspicion test?
Probation: Termination
Off probation: Termination unless city manager or designee determines there should be a last chance agreement
What is included with a last chance agreement?
1: Work with a substance abuse professional (SAP) through EAP
2: Release info to HR
3: Complete education counseling treatment
4: Use sick vacation etc to complete requirements
5: Undergo a final assessment and drug alcohol test
6: Complete follow up test 60 days after
7: Fail to complete any aspect results termination
8: This will factor into future problems
How can an employee file a complaint on ADA accessibility?
In writing or verbal and will be addressed in 5 working days
What is a corrective action plan (CAP)?
Non disciplinary written plan that alerts employee to problem and provides a period of time to correct. Outlines the problem, expectations, and steps to correct.
Issue Goal Background Steps Expectations Consequences
What is disciplinary corrective action?
Formal discipline
1: Written reprimand
2: Disciplinary probation
3: Suspension
4: Demotion
5: Termination
What is a memorandum of understanding MOU
A memo to employee that clarifies discussions and expectations of a supervisor. Placed in workstation file. Not signed by employee unless supervisor wants it sent to HR for inclusion in personnel file.
What are non disciplinary corrective actions?
1: Oral counseling
2: MOU
3: Written counseling
4: CAP
What is a pre deprivation hearing?
A hearing by department director or city manager where an employee can plead a case as to why one of the following disciplinary actions is not warranted
1: Reduction in pay
2: Suspension (more than 16 hours)
3: Demotion
4: Termination
May be tape recorded
What is the limit on suspension?
Nore more than 240 hours in 12 month span
What is a written counseling?
Memo from supervisor to employee stating there is an issue and if not corrected will lead to specific consequences. Must be signed by employee or witness. Must forward to HR for inclusion in personnel file.
What is a written reprimand?
A city form that notifies and reprimands employee on actions. It is printed and signed by employee and sent to HR.
What is employee mediation?
Where a neutral third party assists 2 or more employees negotiate a settlement of their differences. It does not judge who is right or wrong. Agreements are turned into a written agreement between the 2 parties. This does not eliminate a member from seeking another form of resolution. Can be two equal employees or a employee supervisor. Generally used to solve relationship problems.. Not designed to solve issues of performance, or harassment issues. This is confidential
Can mediators testify in future city proceedings?
No, nor are meetings taped or transcribed
When does a DUI off duty need to be reported?
Upon returning to work. They must also provide a copy of the citation.
What else must the employee complete after receiving a DUI?
Must go through the EAP process and conform with 16 hour training, and counseling and in out patient care if recommended. Failure to comply shall result in discipline
Supervisors are responsible for educating employees and complying with the DUI policy. What are the steps a supervisor must take if an employee notifies them of a DUI?
1: Immediately notify HR with name, class of DL employee holds, Copy of citation, whether on or off duty, whether driving is one of their job duties, whether notification was in required time frame
2: Immediately remove them from any driving duties
3: Notify department director
4: Review EAP with employee and provide appropriate assistance
5: Keep HR in loop to legal proceeding and whether employee is following DUI policy
What if an employee fails to report a DUI?
What if employee is required to serve 30 days or more of jail time, or licensed suspended for more than 30 days for DUI?
What traits should city employees maintain the utmost standard of?
1: Honesty and integrity
2: Fairness and respect
3: Customer service
4: Accountability
5: Personal workplace relationships
6: Pursuit of excellence