Performance Enhancing Substances Flashcards
pharamlogical aids?
drugs (legal and illegal) that are used to enhance an athlete’s performance.
pain masking drugs?
drugs include morphine, heroin, pethidine and toradol.
they interfere the brain’s ability to sense pain, blocking the nerve impulses that would usually travel to the brain.
side affects include addiction and serious injury. it can damage organs in long-term usage cases.
anabolic steroids?
synthetic versions of testosterone.
it is illegal.
it’s only been known to increase lean body mass.
harmful side effects include impotence, liver damage, weak tendons, hair loss, acne, breast changes and aggressive behavior.
it can also make your balls shrink. you don’t want that.
androgenic steroids. it is illegal.
it either converts to testosterone or stimulates it. it’s touted to increase power and decrease fat.
this is a farce.
it can stunt growth so u can become a short person.
human growth hormone?
HGH is produced naturally by the human body.
extra amounts are believed to increase muscle mass, strengthen bones, limit weight gain and improve aerobic endurance.
high usage can lead to heart, kidney and liver problems, as well as skeletal abnormalities.
naturally produced by the kidney’s, it stimulates the production of red blood cells. it could also be synthesized and injected.
it increases hemoglobin levels which increases oxygen capacity.
its banned
largely used by cyclists.
because it increases RBC’S, it makes the heart work harder. work things hard enough and it’ll eventually fail.
what are physiological aids?
substance used by athlete that directly influences the physiological capacity of a particular body system, thereby improving performance.
blood doping?
IV administration of blood. meant to increase the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity, thus enhancing aerobic performance.
its banned.
popular in the 70s-80s but has been replaced by EPO.
drug masking?
its a drug that shadows the usage of a drug by diluting its concentration. this is useful for those spontaneous urine samples athletes get.
its illegal (i wonder why).
world anti doping agency.
agency that promotes and coordinates fight against athletic doping.