Applied Biomechanics Flashcards
What are the goals of Human Movement Analysis?
1) Fine tune athlete’s techniques to reduce injury chances.
2) Modify workers movement pattern to delay onset of fatigue
3) Provide feedback of person’s movement progress as rehab progresses.
What does Functional Movement involve/demand?
It places demands on core musculature and nervous system.
Involves Multi-Directional/Multi-Joint Movement.
Biomechanics assess this to improve a person’s proficiency but also their efficiency.
What’s the deal with the efficiency of movement?
Inefficient movements can lead to errors in movement performance, fatigue or even death.
Efficient moving helps people to sustain their energy output.
Wasted Energy = ‘Energy Leak’
How do disruputed movement patterns work?
Rapid Growth in puberty can shift a person’s centre of gravity which may temporarily affect balance.
Disrupted movement patterns can also arise from congenital issues.
Injuries can disrupt well established movement patters.
What are the two methods of movement analysis?
Qualitative (Non-Numerical) Analysis
Quantitative (Numerical) Analysis.
Sometimes though, analyses of movement can depend on both Statistical (Quantitative) and Qualitative Analysis.