PAC Exam 2 Flashcards
What was the title of Tocqueville’s piece?
Democracy in America
French political philosopher who did a tour of America and gave his perspective on democracy
Believed the strengths of America were: popular sovereignty, civic associations and religion, individualism, equality, and liberty
love of equality is the most prominent feature of American democracy, the benefits of equality are more obvious than the benefits of liberty; ideally equality and liberty need to be balanced; the goal is to be equal and free
What piece did Niebuhr write?
Christ and Culture
Believed Christ was crucified and raised from the dead, Christians accept him as their authority; Culture is the social life of humanity, the environment created by humans
Niebuhr’s three ways in which Christians seek to live under Christ while being in culture
- Opposition to culture (Christ against culture)
- Agreement between Christ and Culture (Christ of culture)
- Combinations that incorporates insights from both views (Christ above culture)
What piece did Wells write?
The Courage to be a Protestant
What were Wells main points?
- critique of the modernized world and individualism
- postmodernism is characterized by skepticism, subjectivism, and suspicion of reason
- culture has turned away from meaning and objective truth
- the center is lost: no purpose to life, no absolute truth, God dies we die
What piece did Postman write?
Amusing Ourselves to Death
What piece did Woodrow Wilson write?
The New Freedom
What were Wilson’s main points in the New Freedom?
- progressives want to escape the American founding
- advocacy for more expansive government and regulation of markets
- state is increasingly seen as an agent for improvising human welfare
- the president should lead the movement
- government laws are “living” and need to change to adapt
What piece did Franklin Roosevelt write?
State of the Union Message to Congress
What did Roosevelt call for?
A New Deal (program to bring positive end)
What were some of Roosevelt’s main points?
- social justice calls for bigger government to help those who have been affected by the depression
- negative rights keep the government away but positive rights are needed to ensure more equality in society
- economic bill of rights: right to jobs, food, decent home, healthcare, etc.
What did Stanton write?
Declaration of Moral Sentiments
What was the Declaration of Moral Sentiments?
1848 document outlining the rights women should be entitled to as citizens; based on the Declaration of Independence, asserts the equality of men and women; facts illustration oppression: lack of property rights, lack of education, etc.
What did Friedan write?
The National Organization for Women’s 1966 Statement of Purpose
What was the National Organization for Women’s 1966 Statement of Purpose?
- Second wave of feminism, more of a shift to equality of outcome
- shift from focus on legal and political rights to focus on concerns about sexuality, narrowing the wage gap, healthcare, etc.
What did Ronald Reagan write?
A Time for Choosing
What does A Time for Choosing outline?
- advocates for popular sovereignty and smaller government
- expanding and over centralized government is a problem
- need of a free and competitive market
- taxes are too high and are wasteful
- strong US leadership in foreign affairs
What did Kirk write?
Ten Conservative Principles
Conservatives believe in a fixed moral order; human nature is permanent and moral truths are constant; stay with principles of convention, continuity, and custom; look at what has stood the test of time, change can be necessary
Kir’s Ten Conservative Principles
What piece did Murray N. Rothbard write?
For a New Liberty
Libertarian view of government, very negative view of the State; Libertarians seek to limit government in all areas of life
Rothbard’s For A New Liberty
What year was the Dred Scott v. Sanford case?
What were the facts about the Dred Scott case?
Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri, brought to Illinois for 10 years, slavery in Illinois forbidden by Missouri Compromise, filed suit for freedom
What was the question in the Dred Scott case?
Wad Dred Scott free or slave?
What was the decision in the Dred Scott case?
No, Dred Scott is not free
What were the arguments in the Dred Scott case?
Majority said he couldn’t be a citizen or sue and slaves were property under the fifth amendment and that the Missouri compromise was unconstitutional
Lincoln’s Dred Scott Speech said what?
- Blacks are being treated worse now than when the constitution was written
- Declaration of Independence established a principle of freedom that this decision goes against
What did Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address say?
- Lincoln gives praise for the fallen and advice for the living
- the US has to stand as a country where all men are created equal and should be treated as equals
What Amendments were part of the Civil War Reconstruction?
13th, 14th, 15th
What was the 13th Amendment?
Abolished slavery in the entire United States
What was the 14th Amendment?
States shall not deprive anybody of life, liberty, or property without due process of the law, nor deny any person equal protection of the laws
What was the 15th Amendment?
Right to vote can’t be denied based on race
What year was the Plessy v. Ferguson case?
What were the facts from the Plessy v. Ferguson case?
Louisiana enacted separate car act segregating railway cars, Homer Plessy challenged the act for violating the 13th and 14th amendments
What was the question from Plessy v. Ferguson?
Does the separate car act violate the 14th amendment?
What was the decision in the Plessy v. Ferguson case?
No, the state law is constitutional
What was the argument in the Plessy v. Ferguson case?
Segregation does not in itself constitute unlawful discrimination, separate but equal doctrine
What year was Brown vs. Board of Education?
What were the facts from Brown v. Board of Education?
Schools were denying African Americans admission based on laws segregating students by race, challenged on violating 14th amendment
What was the question from Brown v. Board of Education
Does segregation based on race violate the 14th amendment?
What was the decision on Brown v. Board of Education?
Yes, segregation violates the 14th amendment
What were the arguments from Brown v. Board of Education?
Unanimous decision, separate but equal is inherently unequal violating the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment, segregation based on race instilled a sense of inferiority that was detrimental
King’s Letter from the Birmingham Jail - Why was he in jail?
He was peacefully protesting
What does King’s letter say?
- He responds to the injustice that is happening, advocates for direct action
- peaceful protests are a necessary action based on current conditions
- the church should shape culture instead of just reflecting culture
- just laws must apply to everyone equally, have in put from those possibly affected, and not degrade human dignity
- believed laws can be just on its face but still be applied unjustly
What year was the Heart of Atlanta Motel vs. United States?
What were the facts from Heart of Atlanta?
Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbid racial discrimination by places of public accommodation, motel was racially discriminating
What were the questions from Heart of Atlanta?
Did congress exceed its commerce powers by depriving places of public accommodation of the right to choose their customers?