New Testament Exam 1 Flashcards
Why does the New Testament need the Old Testament?
The New needs the Old because climatic moments only make sense among the backdrop of the rest of the Old Testament.
Why does the Old Testament needs the New Testament?
The Old needs the New because climatic moments clarify shadows in the early portions of the story
What is the meaning of the genealogy in Matthew 1?
To connect Matthew’s gospel to the Old Testament, proving that Jesus is Messiah.
The summary of the Old Testament:
God searches for a redeemer, finds none, Jesus comes onto the scene
What is the meaning of canon?
list of authoriated books that tell us what to believe and how we are to behave
recognizing the canon vs determining the canon?
church leaders did not choose the canon, they recognized books as being canonical
what are the implications of the canon?
unity, diversity, authority
the genre of the gospels?
ancient bioi –> persuade us of the theology
How do the gospels communicate theology?
by showing, not telling
how do the gospels communicate history?
through the flow of plot, not the flow of thought
What is the meaning of Matthew 19 and the rich young man?
The law exposes our sin –> narratives show their theology, they don’t tell
How do we interpret the gospels?
By plot not thought
What is the meaning of the prodigal son?
Response of the older brother –> warning against having a hardened heart
The authorship of the gospels?
the gospels are anonymous
the literary distinctive of Matthew?
the main theme of Matthew?
Jesus is the Messiah to the Jewish people
the nature of fulfillment in Matthew and the virgin birth?
typology/trajectory –> not direct. most famous predictions concerning Jesus in Matthew
The purpose of the Sermon on the Mount?
to answer the question ‘what is true righteousness?’
the nature of righteousness on the Sermon on the Mount
Jesus seems to say one must be righteous in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven. However, it’s possible that he meant more so that the Phraisees’ righteousness was mere external and they were hypocrites.
The problem of the Pharisees?
How Jesus fulfills the law?
teaching what the law means and providing means to obey it
The events of the Olivet Discourse?
Destruction of temple; second coming
The arguments for a complex reading of the Olivet Discourse?
Time markers. Peterist and Futurist View
What is the nature of apocalyptic language?
cosmic language often refers to political destruction
The source of Mark’s Gospel?
The literary features of Mark’s gospel?
Mark-an sandwiches; literary real estate
The main theme of Mark’s?
The Son of God, ransom for many
How Mark communicates Jesus’ divinity?
Runs parallels between the prophets and Isaiah 40
The meaning of the miracle in Mark 8?
The disciples blindness
How Mark communicates the theological purpose of Christ’s death?
tearing of the curtain, covenant supper, tells he will die as a ransom
The authorship of Luke?
3rd person to 1st, both friends and enemies recognize Luke as the author
Literary features of Luke?
Parables, emphasizes His trip to Jerusalem
The main theme of Luke?
Jesus, Savior of the World
The sub themes of Luke?
Holy Spirit, disenfranchised, meaning of the Old Testament
The purpose of the parables?
If you know you know, if you don’t you won’t
The principles of parables?
speak to context, one meaning, who is Jesus speaking to and how does the gospel author describe them
the point of the rich man and lazarus?
speaks to hardness of heart shown to money
the literary features of John
prologue, long discourse, 7 signs, high priestly prayer
the main theme of John?
Jesus is the Son of God incarante, we are to believe it is true
the meaning of the Son of God?
God but distinct from father
The purpose of John’s use of the Word:
Lagas, subvert how culture was using the word. Creation’s story –> word explains who God is
The nature of belief:
condition of salvation, comes from Spirit, it must persevere, PRESERVED