Exam 2 - New Testament Flashcards
the main message of Acts
The Gospel spreading by the power of the Holy Spirit against persecution
what is the difference between prescription and description
Description is what was true, prescription is what we are to do. Prescriptive texts are more applicable to us, they’re not mere history
argument for seeing pentecost as descriptive
Uniqueness of event, granular introduction, how it relates to Paul in his epistolary literature (Reversal of Tower of Bable, God pouring out his Spirit, Luke’s Introduction, Paul said not all speak in tongues)
the theological purpose of Pentecost
opening the floodgate of the spirit
purpose of the mini pentecosts
what does acts have to teach us about the church
two-tiered structure; elders and deacons(no different than bishops); in the church age, there is one people of God
the righteousness of God in Roman 1:17
Alien righteousness - it’s not God’s righteousness or saving action, but it’s an alien righteousness that we receive by faith
Why does Paul mention the Jews and Gentiles in Romans 1?
Jews had a special role to play in redemptive history, Gentiles should respect them for that. Jews can’t see themselves as superior members of the church because the Gentiles are wrapped into the vine
Why Paul brings up a doer of the law?
Grace is not a get out of jail free, do not presume on God’s kindness. Addressing presumption
The gentile in Romans 2
the gentile is a believer
The nature of inerrancy
it’s hermeneutical applicability. it doesn’t allow the bible to affirm a contradiction
the identity of the “I” in Romans 7
non-christian, pre-christian experience
Can Christians obey the law?
yes but not perfectly
The purpose of the law in the Christian life?
the law is not the means by which we pursue sanctification
The dilemma Paul is trying to solve in Romans 9
promises of God made to Israel
The nature of his answer to the dilemma in Romans 9
the promises aren’t broken. the promises were never made to every single genetic son of Abraham
The key theme of 1 Corinthians
The key principles of unity
- Respect leaders but do not worship them
- prioritize the gospel
- prioritize purity and repentance
The purpose of 1 Corinthians 13
Main message of 2 Corinthians
suffering magnifies the gospel
textual unity of 2 Corinthians
tone changes in chapter, took long time to write letter
Paul’s thorn in his flesh
intentionally vague - physical ailment or spiritual temptation - both there to keep you humble
Main message of Galatians
salvation is by faith alone
The role of Paul’s story in defense of the gospel
got it from God directly, know it’s the true Gospel
The two questions of Galatians
How are we made right with God? Who the people of God are, what makes one a part of the new covenant community?
the logic of the Spirit in Galatians
received by faith not by works
Paul’s argument in Galatians 4
parallel argument to Romans 9 - being genetically related to Abraham won’t make you a true child of Abraham - circumcision is not the means that you are included with the people of God. Circumcision and genetic relationship is not what makes you a child of Abraham
Paul’s argument from the story of Abraham
order of circumcision - abraham was already justified before he was circumcised
Authorship of Ephesians
Main message of Ephesians
God saved us, so act like it!
purpose of predestination in Ephesians 1
God is for his glory and he saves us in love
possible rhetorical point of Ephesians 5
Paul address the patriarchy (probably) by affirming the differences in men and women, he doesn’t erase them but highlights the unique roles for men and women from God
Christology of Philippians 2
Jesus is God, Jesus becomes man, and Jesus is human
purpose of Philippians 2 in the flow of Philippians
Unity through humility
the three pieces of a word
sense, sign, reference
meaning of ‘firstborn’ in Colossians 1
purpose of mentioning the second coming of Jesus
vigilance and encouragement (hope)
pieces of conversion
repentance, faith, perseverance
what it means to be a one-woman man
it doesn’t mean you have to be married, sexual purity after salvation
how paul argues for complementarianism in 1 Timothy 2
appeals to the created order, appeals to the differences in terms of gifting and the temptation that come alongside those. Men and women do different things well and should occupy particular roles in the church