OT Celebration 1 Flashcards
As we study the Bible, what is the overall lense God wants us to read in?
1. Historical
2. Moral
3. Theological
What piece of scripture is the most important for Old Testament timelines?
1 Kings 6:1
Who is the author of Genesis and the Pentatuch?
A use of _____ helps to split up ideas
Genesis is split into how many sections?
How are the parts of Genesis sectioned off?
“These are the generations of” “This is the account of” “This is what became of”
What do the first 11 chapters of Genesis present?
The dilemma of man
What do the last 39 chapters of Genesis present?
the promise of the solution
The message of Genesis is where?
In the middle. Chapter 12. The call of Abram
Overall message of Genesis:
God’s word causes conflict with the evil one, as He separates a seed to Himself, through whom He will redeem and restore his material creation
How many times is the word “God” used in Genesis 1:1-2:3?
36 times. The word “he” is only used 6 times
Why is the firs thing that God tells us that he spoke the universe into existence
To show that if God spoke it into existence, then his words are powerful. It is an authoritative source to help us learn that we can trust him
What did God do the first three days of creation
What did God do the last 3 days of creation
Why did God create Adam to rule?
To pass the baton/sceptor of creation to Adam
Why does Genesis not answer the questions we have about Satan?
Because it’s God’s story and we don’t need to focus on the unimportance of Satan
What was the serpent’s strategy?
to cause DOUBT about what God SPOKE so Adam and Evie will not trust his words
What 2 things did Adam and Eve lose?
- Relationship with God and then each other
- Rule (satan stole the scepter)
How are John 3:16 and Genesis 3:15 similar?
They are both Gospel promises
How were people in the Old Testament saved?
By believing in God’s promise that he would send a savior for their sins
After being told he would die, Adam names Eve. Why does he do this and why is this important?
Adam names Eve life-giver because he believes God’s promise that she will bear the savior. Adam is showing faith.
After showing faithfulness to God’s promises, why does God cloth Adam and Eve?
God kills an animal (an innocent substitue) to cover their nakedness (sin). This is their first salvation.
What is the problem, goal, and solution of Genesis 3:22-24?
Problem: We’ve been kicked out of our home and the tree of life
Goal: Let’s get back in
Solution: trust in the promise
What was Eve thinking when she gave birth to a son, Cain?
She had given birth to the promised seed!
Why were Cain and Able’s sacrifices important?
Cain didn’t care to give God the proper sacrifice, showing he was a seed of satan. Able did care to give God the proper sacrifice and was a seed of Eve.
What do we learn about God’s character after Cain kills Able?
God loves the seeds of satan and wants to bring them back to him
What is the big idea of Cain and Able?
God’s promise is coming true even in the first generation. There was emnity between satan’s seed adn eve’s seed
What is the point of the geneologies in Genesis chapter 5?
It shows 7 generations of the promise being fulfilled. The 7th generation is Lamech against Enoch. The genealogies are a use of evangelism that can result in salvation
What happens to bring God to destroy the earth with a flood?
The sons of God and daughters of men intermarried and did so until everyone was unbelievers except Noah and his family
Who was Noah in terms of the seed?
Noah definitely beat up the snake and took out all of his team members, but he wasn’t the seed
In the story of Ham, Shem, and Canaan, what is the question being asked?
It is not assessing God’s fairness, rather how his promises are unfolding
Babel is similar to the flood, but how is it more devestating?
The division of the people and God and now God cannot have the “shalom” community he wanted
What did the Babelites want from the tower? And why were these wants wrong?
Significance and security. These wants in thesmelves are not wrong, but it is that they didn’t want God to have any part of it that made it wrong
What does God promise Abram in Genesis 12:1-3?
Land, a nation, and a leader
How is Genesis 12 connected to Genesis 3:15?
God is expanding on his original promises. He will bless Abram, the seed will come through Abram, and the seed will lead to salvation for the nations
What is the lesson being taught from the story of Sarai going to Pharoah’s harem?
The promises dissapear once Sarai dissapears, so God goes back to get here to make sure the promises can come true
How does God restate and expand the promises in Genesis 15?
God shows Abram by blood his agreement. Showing there are no “human” conditions so only God vows to keep his conditions
What does Isaac mean and why?
laughter. So whenever Abraham calls his name he will be reminded of God’s promises.
What is the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac about?
God saying “do you believe that I will keep my promises?” because Abraham knew that the promises would be going through Isaac from now on. The salvation of Abraham
Where is Hebron and what is its significance?
Below Bethlehem. Sarah was buried here
After Sarah’s death and Ephron sold Abraham land for a proper burial, how does Abraham feel?
Sad because of Sarah’s death, cheated by Ephron, and sad because the promises had yet to be fulfilled (had no land and had to buy a piece of land to bury his wife
What 2 things does Jacob steal from Esau
His birthright and his blessing
What did Jacob’s dream at Bethel mean?
acob didn’t have a real relationship with God and God was extending out to him
What does Jacob mean?
How does God discipline Jacob?
Laban decieved him and his troubles with his wives
How does God bless Jacob and Rachel even while they are both still decievers?
Rachel became pregnant. She thought she got a child put of God’s hands by eating mandrakes but she did not. Jacob mated sheeps and goats in front of striped and spotted sticks in order for the babies to be striped and spotted so he could take those when he left from Laban
When did Jacob first pray, according to the scriptures?
Before meeting esau
What happens to Jacob the night before meeting Esau?
God or an angel fights him. He touches Jacob’s hip and hurt him to make him stop fighting.
Why did the angel or God ask Jacob his name after fighting him?
So Jacob would admit his heart and that he was a deciever
How does Jacoob overcome and recieve salvation?
He stops fighting, confesses his character, and asks for a blessing out of faith
Who is Joseph potrayed as and why?
The photoshopped patriarch. To show a literary image of the coming messiah so we won’t miss him when he comes
Which of Joseph’s brothers is expected to be the leader? Which one is really the leader?
Reuben. Judah
Why does are the stories of Genesis 38 and 39 back to back? What does this show about God’s character?
It separates Joseph’s character from his brothers. Judah sleeps with his daughter in law but Joseph refuses to sleep with Potifer’s wife. This shows God cares more about purity and integrity than he does about leadership
What scripture states that the Leader will come from Judah?
genesis 49:10
What is the progression of God’s promises?
Genesis 3:15 to Genesis 12 to Genesis 15 to Genesis 49
What is the outline of Exodus?
God buys the people (v.1-18), God marries the people (v. 19-24), God moves into the tabernacle to live with the people (v. 25-40)
How are the promises from Genesis 12 looking at the beginning of Exodus?
No land of their own (they live in Egypt), there are only 70 included in the people (not yet a nation), and their leader (Jospeh) is dead
What 2 things make God’s people want to leave Egypt?
Slavery and the death of their baby boys
How is God introduced differently in Exodus than he was in Genesis?
He calls himself Yahweh which is a close covenant name that only people in the covenant can call him
How does Exodus 3:14-15 contribute to the meaning of Yahweh?
He is the powerful, promise-keeping God. The promises were finally beginning to be fulfilled
Define Elohim
Define El-Shaddai
God Almighty
Define Adonai
Lord, Master
Define Yahweh
Lord/powerful, promise-keeping God
Why does god use plagues such as blood, darkness, and baby deaths?
It is an attack on Egyptian religion. The nile was a God, the sun was a God, and the firstborn of Pharaoh would be the future pharaoh and he was a god. God is showing that the egyptian gods are nothing compared to him.
How do the plagues reveal who God is
He promised Moses these plagues so they show he is Yahweh, powerful and promise-keeping
What does Moses mean when he wrote that God “hardened Pharaoh’s he art?”
He is not forcing Pharaoh’s actions against his will, rather God is strengthening Pharaoh’s will by taking away his fear so he can do what he really wants to do in his he art, (5 times God hardens his he art, five times he does not)
Is God being selfish when he says he will be giving glory to himself?
No, he is really saying “I will allow Pharaoh to destroy himself but the positive is that it will lead to the salvation of many people.” Example of how glorifying God leads to salvation is the story of Rahab
define manna
what is it
what does god create in exodus 19-24?
a conditional constitution that turns the 13 tribes into a nation. this depends on both God and people unlike God’s promises in Genesis
from the evidence/means/basis diagram, where do the promises/grace/faith, and laws fit?
the promises are from god’s grace and are the basis, we can have faith in the promises, and that is the means, and the laws are evidence of our faith in the promises
what are the three ways the covenant is officially enacted?
- blood
- meal
- writing
3 reasons to study the law?
- to understand and evaluate it on its own terms first
- to understand the role it played in Israel’s story
- to understand the role it plays in our story
what is the pentateuch?
the first five books of teh bible that were written by moses
the jewish bible: The Law (Torah), Prophets (Nevi’im), and Writings (kethubim)
what does torah mean?
life giving instruction
what is the most immediate point of the torah?
to constitute the people into a nation, and to provide a national identity, culture, and values
what is the most important point of the torah?
to reveal who God is
what is an important side effect of the torah?
to make sin obvious
how did those in fellowship approach the sacrifices?
burnt offering to say “I’m all in”. Then a grain offering ot thank the Lord for his blessings. Then a meal with God
Are all sins equal in terms of sacrifices?
No, if you sin and are a leader, you affect more people than just yourself and have a greater sacrfice
what is a sin offering?
when my sin only affects me
what is a guild offering
when my sin only affects me
why did nadab and abihu become crispy critters? What isthe solution?
they did not follow God’s rules for sacrifice. They showed that the system was good, there were just bad links in the chain? The solution is a sinless high priest
what was the high and low after moses and aaron blessed the people
high: god consumed the sacrifice with large fire to prove taht he blessed teh nation
low: god consumed Aaron’s sons
what is the day of atonement?
the one day a year when all sin and uncleanliness is forgiven
what is the method of cleansing for the day of atonement
a substitute goat for forgiveness and a scapegoat for forgetting
the meaning of blood
what is the repeated phrase in exodus 18-20 and what does it mean?
I am the lord your god. It means that people should be a certain way because God is that way. They should reflect him.
what is the significance of unleavended bread?
starting fresh, the separation of old values