New Testament Exam 3 Flashcards
Why do the Old and New Testament need each other?
The New needs the Old because climactic moments only make sense among the backdrop of the rest of the Old Testament.
The Old needs the New because climatic moments clarify shadows in the early portions of the story.
What is the main point of Matthew?
Jesus is the Messiah to the Jewish People
What is the main point of Mark?
The Son of God, ransom for many
What is the main point of Luke?
Jesus, Savior of the World
What is the main point of Acts?
The Gospel spreading by the power of the Holy Spirit against persecution
What is the main point of 1 Corinthians?
What is the main point of 2 Corinthians?
Suffering magnifies the gospel
What is the main point of Galatians?
Salvation is by faith alone
What is the main point of Ephesians?
God saves us, so act like it!
What is the main point of Philippians?
Jesus is God, Jesus becomes man, and Jesus is human
What is the main point of Colossians?
What main sin issue does the author of Hebrews address throughout the book?
Lysingisis (juxtapose it against legalism) Apathy!
What is the main point of Hebrews?
Persevere because we have the Son, because we have faith!
What clues in the first four verses of Hebrews indicate that he thinks of Jesus as God?
The contrast with the prophets - there’s something different between prophets and Jesus. Sons agency in creation. Exact imprint of his nature. His comparison to the angels
Why does he bring up Jesus’ divinity in the first four verses?
He has spoken through Him. The divinity of Jesus gives weight to Jesus speaking
Why does the author bring up angels in the first chapter?
Lesser to greater comparison. The angels were thought to be mediators of the old covenate. Their warnings came true. Don’t return to angel worship, stick to the gospel.
What was the man reason given for dneying Pauline authorship of Hebrews?
Author is a second generation Christian
Who does the author of Hebrews think Psalm 8 is referring to?
When read in its Old Testament context, who does Psalm 8 seem to be referring to?
How could Psalm 8 be referring to both Adam and Jesus?
Typology. Adam started off a trajectory that ultimately culminates in Jesus. Jesus is the second Adam
What is the iceberg effect?
All the theology under this quote isn’t seen in Hebrews
What is the ‘loss of salvation’ view of the warning passages?
Those warning passages suggest that you can lose your salvation, discussing believers that have gone from the state of being saved to not being saved.
What are the los passages strengths and weaknesses?
Very natural reading of Hebrews 6 and Hebrews 10. There is no repentance offered to those that apostatize, and there are other passages that you have to read to give you a coherent view.
What is the ‘once saved, always saved’ view of the warning passages?
Not referring to believers
what are the osas strengths and weaknesses?
It seems like he’s referring to believers but it does a better job at looking at the other passages that discuss our salvation
what are the ‘infallible warnigns view’ of teh warning passages
Dr. Ford’s View!! Passages are talking about believers and are talking about apostasy. Ultimately true believers will heed the warning
what are the iwv strengths and weaknesses?
It allows the text to be read fairly naturally, and it does justice theologically to the other texts that assure you of your salvation. The problem is that it feels somewhat artificial.
What book kof the Old Testament is James most like?
What implications does this have? (James and Proverbs?
Its bits of wisdom, somewhat diconnected
What is the main point of the books of James?
True faith shows itself through works
What is the difference between temptations and testing?
Where does temptation ultimately come from according to James?
What is the main point of 1 Peter?
Pursue holiness in the midst of suffering in all of its forms
What is the main point of 2 Peter and Jude?
Beware of false teachers. Pay attention to your own gospel and be weary of those who twist it
In what sense are pastors priests?
Doctrine of unviersal priesthood. We are all priests so pastors are too
In what way does Peter think believers should relate to the government?
What does it mean to live with your wife in an understanding way?
The point is not to point out a women’s difference. Men don’t have to understand their wives in every way to live with them in an understanding way
Why does Peter call the wife the weaker vessel?
Not to point out her phsyical weakness, but to work together with this exhortation. To help us understand what it is to live with your wife in an understanding way
What is false teaching in 2 Peter and JUde?
Twisting essentials of the faith
How should we respond to false teachers of our time?
We shouldn’t respond to them with compassion. But with anger, weariness, attentiveness. Critical review
What is the main point of 1,2, and 3 John?
Assurance of salvation
What does it mean that 1 John is progressively recursive?
It’s repetitive. It’s also progressive in teh sense that it adds layers of meaning. It’s not merely saying the same thing
What heresy does Paul seem to be addressing in 1 John?
Christ didn’t come in the flesh, Christ wasn’t acutally human.
Why did this false teaching probably spread in the church John is addressing?
They argue that flesh is bad. Material stuff is bad.
How does fighting sin relate to assurance?
Sin causes doubt. To gain assurance you must fight sin.
Why doesn’t 1 John teach Christian Perfectionism?
If we say we’re without sin we are liars.
Why is it important that we recognize that the gospel is not merely helpful, but true?
eventually, the usefulness of the gospel will wear off and the only thing that will tether you to it is its truth. Assurane must be grounded in the truth of the gospel.
What does John remind his readres of that we are fighting against sin?
He reminds that that Jesus died to pay for their sin
Why does it matter that John wrote Revelation to churches in his time?
It matters because it had to have releveance for them and by extension for us. It meant something to those seven churches
Which of the big three ways of Reading revelation is the best way?
All three are teh best. A combination of all three
What is the genre of Revelation?
What do the seven spririts symbolize in Romans 1:4?
The Holy Spirit
What impact does the genre have on the way we read?
It inclines us to read Revelation symbolically
What does symbolism do in the book of revelation?
Symbolism takes the things in revelation and points to other things other than themselves. It also revelas the reality and gravity of mundane things
What is the main point of revelelation?
Beast goes against the lamb, the lamb will ultimately be victorious so hold on
how does the beaset wage war against the lamb and his people in revelation?
his main mechanism, through the city of babylon, is through subtlety: sex and money
Why does revelation focus on God’s sovrveignty
to comfort us
Why does the milennium probably describe the reign of Christ after his second coming?
The binding of Satan happening at the first coming, physical resurrection (v. 5), literary structure: rehashing of events