Overview husbandry, welfare, management, production, and diseases of beef cattle Flashcards
Characteristics of native breeds
Early maturing
Shorter gestation periods and smaller birth weights
Easy calving
Suited to forage based extensive systems
Characteristics of continental breeds
Large frame and late maturing
Better conformation (yield of meat)
High DLWG (possible range in DLWG)
More difficult calving
Suited to cereal based intensive systems
Main cattle production systems
Intensive production systems- 12 to15 month cereal/barley beef
Rearing phase- often followed by a housed finishing phase
Semi-intensive- 18 to 20 months
Normally includes a store period (Winter)
Extensive- 24 to 30 months
May include two store Winters
Rearing- the early phase of growth up to weaning when the calf’s diet includes milk
a period of continuous growth lasting up to 15 months. Good frame growth is the aim
a short, sharp period of maximum weight gain, allowing well grown animals to maximise meat yield and optimise fat cover
Pattern of growth- factors affecting growth rate
Continental breeds = fast growth rate
Native breeds = slower growth rate
Bulls = fastest growth rate
Steers = intermediate growth rate
Heifers = slowest growth rate
High plane = fast growth rate (concentrates)
Low plane = slow growth rate (forage)
Meeting market specifications
Selection based upon:
Conformation class = E (best), U+, -U, R, O+, -O, P+, -P (worst)
Fat class = 1 (least % fat), 2 ,3, 4L, 4H, 5L, 5H (highest % fat)
Suckler cow production targets
Increasing suckler herd fertility results in:
Increased number/weight of calves weaned-reduced calving period
Reduced calving interval- more calves per year
Heavier heifers at mating- increased fertility
Increasing the number of calves reared per 100 cows put to the bull by 2%- increase calf output by £1000-£1200
Increasing mean weaning weights by 10 kg- increase calf output by £2000
Enteric disease-ruminal acidosis Causes
Cattle fed forage have a rumen pH of 6.0-6.5. pH scale (0-14), pH 7 is neutral, <7 is acidic, >7 is basic High concentrate diet = lactic acid production by lactic acid producing bacteria causing a drop in rumen pH. Rumen pH below 5.0 = rumen stops contracting pH below 4.5 = fluid is drawn from the blood into the rumen to try and dilute the acid, lactic acid leaks back into the blood stream, animal enters shock
Enteric disease-ruminal acidosis Symptoms
Rumen pH below 5.0 = loss of appetite and decreased weight gain
Rumen pH below 4.5:
foul smelling yellow scour (diarrhoea) containing undigested grain
Late stages = dull, lethargic, panting, sunken eyes, start to stagger, and difficulty standing up
Simply inflammation of the laminae (site of horn production)
Enteric disease-ruminal acidosis
A little to late (Prevention before cure)
Consult herd nutritionist:
Increase forage (fiber) content of the diet = grass silage/straw- stimulates rumination where the saliva produced (bicarbonate and phosphate) is swallowed and increases rumen pH
To feed artificial neutralising agents = Acid buff (rumen buffer)
Enteric disease-ruminal acidosis
Always offer long fiber (eg straw) to encourage rumination. Intake likely to be ~1.5 kg/day
Gradual adaptation to concentrate diets, over 2 weeks or longer
Do not feed finely ground cereals = powdery texture gives a greater risk of acidosis
If not feeding concentrate ad-libitum (all you can eat), avoid meal sizes greater than 2.5 kg/head
When feeding ad-libitum, never let feed hopers run out as animals can gorge themselves when they are refilled. If you do, you may have to restart adaptation.
Respiratory disease
Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in the lungs which then fill with fluid
Caused by a combination of organisms (pathogens) including bacteria and viruses in isolation or as a group:
Bacteria- single celled microorganism
Virus- parasite that hijacks the hosts cells
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD)
Organisms that are otherwise harmless can become dangerous in certain environmental conditions:
High stocking density- high pathogenic load
Lack of ventilation (humidity and lack of air movement increases pathogenic load) and/or wind chill (stress)
Respiratory disease
Slight discharge from the eye dampening the face
Chesty cough and panting
Posture- head down and back arched (Feeling sorry for oneself)
Not eating
High temperature = greater than 39.2oC. Remember normal range = 38.0 to 39.2oC