Misc Flashcards
What nerve innervates the pec minor and major
Medial pectoral nerve
What is the bundle with the phrenic nerve leading from the heart called
Pericardicophrenic bundle
Where does the cephalic vein lie?
Deltopectoral triangle
What is the retromammary space?
Between the breast and the pectoralis major
This muscle is on the inside of the thoracic cage and it is used for proprioception
Transverse thoracic m
This muscle is on the inside of the thoracic cage and it jumps to the next intercostal space superior to it
Subcostal m
Hands in pockets
External intercostal m
Hands in prayer
Internal intercostal m
Where is the subcostal space located?
Beneath the 12th rib on the posterior side
This is the vein that runs along the right side of the vertebral column
Azygos Vein
This is the bulge that occurs at the top of the azygos vein
Arch of azygos
This vein is on the left side of the anterior vertebral column and it is found in more of the inferior abdominal region
Hemiazygos Vein
This is a continuation of the hemiazygos vein in the superior abdominal region
Accessory Azygos Vein
This is a collection of all the venous blood of the heart
Coronary Sinus
This vein lies between the ventricles on the anterior side of the heart
Great vein
This vein lies between the right ventricles on the posterior side of the heart
Small vein
This vein runs with the posterior descending coronary artery
Middle Vein
What are the branches of the left coronary artery
- anterior descending coronary artery
- Circumflex branch
What are the branches of the right coronary artery
- anterior right atrial branch
- Marginal branch
- posterior descending coronary artery
This is known as the angle of louis
sternal angle (between the manubrium and the body of the sternum)
What rib does the xiphisternal joint occur at?
rib 7
This artery is on the posterior surface between the ribs
Posterior intercostal artery
This artery goes along the sternum on the thoracic cage
Internal thoracic artery
This is what the body covering of the ear is called
Tegman tympani
Tensor tympani pulls on what muscle
The malleus
From inferior to superior, what are the names of the tongue muscles
- Mylohyoid
- Geniohyoid
- Genioglossus
This area is superior and posterior to the superior nasal conchae
The sphenoethmoidal recess
In the nasoparynx, this is the raised bump that is next to the opening of the phayngotympanic tube
Torus tubaruis
What is the small opening next to the torus tubaruis
The opening for the pharyngotympanic tube
If you follow the torus tubarius posteriorly down the pharynx, you are on the surface of the…
salpingopharyngeal fold and muscle
This lies superiorly and posteriorly to the torus tubarus and the salpingophryngeal fold
Pharyngeal recess
this is the little area between your epiglottis and your tongue- used in intubation to pull the tongue of the the way of the airway
This is the middle part of the tongue “V”
foramen cecum
This is the lateral portion of the tongue “V”
Sulcus terminalis
This is where the food sides down on the sides of the epiglottis
piriform recess
This is the whole in the larynx (laryngeal inlet)
This nerve lies on the inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
External superior laryngeal nerve
This nerve emerges from the Thyrohyoid cartilage
Internal superior laryngeal nerve