Anterior and Posterior Abdominal Wall and Diaphragm Flashcards
What is the abdomen between?
The thorax and the pelvis
What are the 2 rigid structures that the truck is between?
The thoracic cage and the pelvic girdle
What direction does the musculoaponeurotic walls lie?
What does the diaphragm cover?
- The anatomical thoracic outlet
- Separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities
The pelvic floor muscles lie _______ and attach to _______
Lie inferiorly and attach to the bony ring of the pelvic girdle
Are the abdomen and pelvis continuous?
Yes- abdominopelvic cavity
What makes up the posterior wall of the abdomen?
The lumbar section of the vertebral column
What controls the internal pressure? (Intra-abdominal pressure?)
Voluntary or reflexively by the contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm and anterolateral muscular walls
What are the 2 planes that divide the 4 quadrants?
- Median Plane
- Transumbilical Plane
What planes/lines make up the 9 regions of the body?
- 2 vertical midclavicular lines
- Subcostal plane
- Transtubercular plane
This plane touches the inferior border of the 10th costal cartilage on both sides
- Above the belly button
- At the inferior border of costal margin
Subcostal plane
This is the horizontal plane that goes through the body of the 5th lumbar vertebrae
-Below the belly button and passing through the tubercle of the ilium on the iliac crest
Transtubercular plane
Upper right and left regions
R&L Hypochondriac region
Middle right and left regions
R&R Lumbar regions
Lower right and left regions
R&L Inguinal regions
Starting from the upper middle, name the regions from top to bottom
- Epigastric region
- Umbilical region
- Hypogastric region
This plane is halfway between the jugular notch and the upper border of the symphysis pubis
Transpyloric plane
This plane is a transverse plane which transverses the anterior superior iliac spines
Interspinous plane
What does gravity do to viscera?
Pulls it downward, so the organs that are in the regions are for laying down in anatomical position
What is the right upper quadrant?
- Liver (right lobe)
- Gallbladder
- Stomach (pylorus)
- Duodenum (parts 1-3)
- Pancreas (head)
- Right suprarenal gland
- Right kidney
- Right colic flexure
- Superior part of ascending colon
- Transverse colon (right half)
What is in the left upper quadrant?
- Liver (left lobe)
- Spleen
- Stomach
- Jejunum and ileum
- Pancreas (body and tail)
- Left kidney
- Left suprarenal gland
- Left colic flexure
- Transverse colon
- Superior part of descending colon
What is in the right lower quandrant?
- Cecum
- Appendix
- Ilium
- Inferior ascending colon
- Right ovary
- Right uterine tube
- Right ureter
- Right spermatic cord
- Uterus
- Bladder
What is in the left lower quadrant?
- Sigmoid colon
- Descending colon
- Left ovary
- Left uterine tube
- Left ureter
- Left spermatic cord
- Uterus
- Bladder
The abdominal wall is _______ but distinctions are made between the ____ _____ _____ ____ walls
-anterior, posterior, right and left walls
What are the actions of the anteriolateral abdominal wall?
- Form a strong expandable support
- Protect abdominal viscera
- Oppose the diaphragm
- Move the truck/posture
What is the superior border of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
Cartilages of ribs 7-10 and the xiphoid process
What is the inferior border of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
Inguinal ligament
Hands in pockets=
External oblique
Hands in prayer=
Internal oblique
Horizontal fibers=
Transverse abdominous
This is the main muscle of the anterior abdominal wall
Rectus abdominus
What incases the rectus abdominus muscle?
Rectus sheath
What is the action of the rectus abdominus muscle?
- Compress the viscera
- Flex the truck in the lumbar region
This muscle is often absent, but it is a very small paired muscle that is most anterior and inferior
-it draws the linea alba toward the pubis
External oblique attachments
- Ribs 5-12
- To the iliac crest and the pubis
- Attaches to the linea alba
This is when the aponeurotic fibers from side to side and superficial to deep thicken in the midline
Linea alba
This is the lateral limit of the rectus sheath and it is more apparent in lean people
Linea semilunaris
- This structure holds down the structures passing between the pubis and the thigh
- Thickening of the external oblique aponeurosis
Inguinal ligament
What muscles attach to the inguinal ligament?
deepest 2 flat muscles
Where does the inguinal ligament run?
ASIS to the pubic tubercle
These are the grooves between the rectus abdmonius muscle
-Define the six pack
Tendonous intersections
What is contained in the rectus sheath?
- Rectus abdominous m
- Pyramidalis m
- Superior and inferior epigastric arteries and veins
The hand thing with rectus sheath, what are the layers?
- External oblique
- Anterior internal oblique muscles
- Rectus Abdominous
- Posterior internal oblique muscles
- Transverse abdominis
From 1/3 of the way between the umbilicus to the pubic crest, all layers of the aponeourosis only pass _____ to the rectus muscle
What is the posterior part of the rectus abdominous muscle covered by?
Transversalis fascia
What is the line of demarcation when the aponeourosis dive anteriorly called?
Arcuate line
What are the main arteries that supply the abdominal wall?
- Musculophrenic a
- Superior epigastric a
- Posterior intercostals a
- Superficial epigastric a
- Inferior epigastric a
- Circumflex iliacs (superficial and deep)
What are the branches of the internal thoracic artery
-Musculophrenic and superior epigastric a
What is the branch off of the abdominal aorta
Posterior intercostal a
What are the branches off of external iliac/femoral a?
- Superficial epigastric
- Circumflex iliac
- Inferior epigastric
What are the veins of the abdomen wall
- Correspond with the arteries
- Thoraco-epigastric v
- Paraumbilical veins
What nerves travel with the posterior thoracic wall?
T7-T12 anterior rami
______ nerves reach the costal margin and continue traveling anteromedially as the ________ nerves
- Lower intercostal nerves
- Thoracoabdominal nerves
Do these nerves participate in plexus formation?
What does the L1 nerve split into?
- Iliohypogastric n
- Ilioinguinal n
Are the dermatomes clean cut or shady in the abdomen?
Clean cut
Where do the intercostal nerves travel between?
The internal and innermost intercostal muscles
The nerves continue to travel between…
Internal oblique and transverse abdominus (the inner 2 most layers)
These nerves emerge in the anterior axillary line and bifurcate into anterior and posterior divisions
Lateral cutaneous branches
These nerves pierce the rectus sheath close to the midline
Anterior cutaneous nerve branches
The inguinal canal is ____ & ______ to the inguinal ligament
Parallel and superior to the inguinal ligament
The 3 layers of the abdominal wall have holes forming the canal at ______ intervals
This is where deep fibers of the inguinal ligament attach to the superior pubic ramus and form the medial border of the subingunal triangle
Lacunar ligament
This is a thickened inferior margin of the transversalis fascia
-seen where the inguinal ligament would be if it were viewed from the inside
Iliopubic tract
These are part of the external oblique aponeourosis which surround the superficial inguinal ring
Lateral and medial crura and intracrural fibers
This is a medial reinforcement of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal formed by the fused aponeorsis of the internal oblique and transverse abddominus
-Inguinal falx (conjoint tendon)
What lies in the lateral umbilical folds
Inferior epigastric a & v
-conduct blood
What lies in the medial umbilical folds
- Obliterated umbilical arteries
- from fetal life
What lies in the middle umbilical fold
Obliterated urachus, a duct that connected the urinary bladder to the umbilicus