MIOSHA: Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act 154 of 1974 Flashcards
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154 of 1974
prescribe and regulate working conditions,
the duties of employers and employees as it relates to places and conditions of employment
Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act 154: A. Duties of employer: Furnish to each employee, a place of employment which is free from: a. b. c.
a. Recognized hazards
b. Likely to cause death and/or
c. Serious harm
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
A. Duties of employer
Duties of the employer are known as
known as the general duty clause
Michigan Occupational
A. Duties of employer
Safety and Health Act 154:
Employer must post X
Post notices and other appropriate means to inform employees of their protections and obligations under the act.
Michigan Occupational
A. Duties of employer
Safety and Health Act 154:
Employer must provide X
Provide personal protective equipment at the employer’s expense when it is specifically required.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
B. Duty of Employees
Employees must
Comply with rules and standards pursuant to the act.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
B. Duty of Employees
Employees must not
Not remove, displace, destroy or carry off a safeguard furnished for use in a place of employment
C. Administrative
Who enforces Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
Department of labor
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
D. Safety Data Sheets (Hazardous Chemicals)
What shall the employer post regarding SDS
The location of the Safety Data Sheets and the name of
the person from whom to obtain the SDS.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
D. Safety Data Sheets (Hazardous Chemicals)
Can an employer discriminate against an employee who exercises their rights regarding hazardous chemicals?
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
D. Safety Data Sheets (Hazardous Chemicals)
What can the employee to as an alternative option to obtaining a SDS from employer
Acquire one from the Department of Health
The sign should contain DoH contact info
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
D. Safety Data Sheets (Hazardous Chemicals)
How often do you have to maintain SDS
SDS shall be maintained up to date at each job site
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
D. Safety Data Sheets (Hazardous Chemicals)
Employers shall provide “X” to all employees and sub-contractors at all construction sites.
Hazard Communication
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
D. Safety Data Sheets (Hazardous Chemicals)
Sub-contractors shall provide X to the job site supervisor prior to starting their scope of work.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
D. Safety Data Sheets (Hazardous Chemicals)
SDS can be obtained from X
Suppliers or directly from the manufacturer.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
D. Safety Data Sheets (Hazardous Chemicals)
What types of containers must be labeled as to its contents.
“All” job site containers must be labeled as to contents.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
E. Duties of the Construction Safety Standards Commission
Promulgate construction safety standards, based upon generally accepted nationwide engineering standards and practices designed to prevent accidents and to protect the life and safety of employees
engaged in construction operations.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
F. Inspections and Investigations
When can a department representative enter a job site?
Upon presenting credentials, without further delay.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
G. Determination of Imminent Danger
Once equipment or a process is tagged by the department representative, only X may remove the tag after the violation is corrected.
Department representative
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
G. Determination of Imminent Danger
At the request of an employer, a department supervisor shall, within X hours make an on site review of any tagging.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
H. Citation for Violations
If warranted, a citation shall be issued immediately or within X days after completion of a physical inspection
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
H. Citation for Violations
The employer shall post a copy of the citation at the place of the violation until X is achieved or for Y working days, whichever is latter.
until compliance
3 working days
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
I. Violations: Civil and Criminal Penalties
An employer who receives a citation for a serious violation of this act shall be assessed a civil penalty of not more than X for each violation.
$7,000.00 for each violation.
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
I. Violations: Civil and Criminal Penalties
An employer who fails to correct a violation for which a citation was issued within the period permitted for its correction may be assessed a civil penalty of not more than X for each day during which the failure or violation continues.
$7,000.00 for each day
Michigan Occupational
Safety and Health Act 154:
I. Violations: Civil and Criminal Penalties
An employer who willfully or repeatedly violates this act, an order issued pursuant to this act, or a rule or standard promulgated under this act may be assessed a civil penalty of not more than X
for each violation, but not less than Y for each willful violation
$70,000.00 for each violation, but not less than $5,000.00 for each willful violation
I. Violations: Civil and Criminal Penalties
An employer who willfully violates this act which causes the death of an employee is guilty of a felony and shall be fined not more than X , or imprisoned for not more than X year, or both.
If the conviction is the second under this act, the person shall be fined not more than X , or imprisoned for not more than X years, or both
$10,000.00 and no more than 1 year
$20,000.00 and no more than 3 years
I. Violations: Civil and Criminal Penalties
An employer who violates a posting requirement prescribed under this act shall be assessed a civil penalty of not more than X for each violation.
I. Violations: Civil and Criminal Penalties
Top 5 MIOSHA safety violations
- Fall Protection
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Ladders
- Personal Protective Equipment – Face and Eye
- Excavation – Slope, Bench, Shield or Shore
I. Violations: Civil and Criminal Penalties
When does an employer have to provide PPE?
When it is specifically required