Glencoe: Section 66 pt. 2 Flashcards
The first step in wall framing is to lay out the location of
two intersecting exterior walls. Carpenters usually start with two long walls that meet at a corner.
After the carpenter locates two long walls that meet at a corner, the measurements taken from these two walls can then be used to
located other walls
Once the exterior walls have been located, the layout proceeds to
the interior walls
Laying out wall locations:
Exterior Walls
The outside edge of an exterior walls bottom plate should be flush with the outside edge of the
Laying out wall locations:
Exterior Walls
To begin layout, measure X” in from the edge of the sheathing (or Y” for a 2x6 wall) and snap a chalk line parallel to the edge. Repeat the process for the intersecting walls.
3 1/2”
5 1/2”
Laying out wall locations:
Exterior Walls
After you’ve drawn the two chalk lines from the beginning exterior walls. Check to make sure that they form a 90deg angel. Good carpenters never assume
floor framing is perfectly square.
Laying out wall locations:
Exterior Walls
To check for squareness use the 3-4-5 rule. How does this work in wall framing?
measure from chalk line intersection exactly 3’ along one line and 4’ along the other. The diagonal should be 5’. Any multiples of these numbers will work
Using a construction calculator.
You can use a construction calculator to determine whether intersecting lines are square. Using the calculators roof framing setting, enter one line length as the X. Enter the other line length as the X. The answer will be the length of the diagonal line connecting the two end points.
Laying out wall locations:
Exterior Walls
After the two first layout lines are square,
mark the position of the remaining exterior walls.
Laying out wall locations:
Interior Walls
After the exterior walls have been marked.
Consulting the plans, locate the position of interior walls by measuring from the chalk lines that indicate X.
Pull a chalk line taut and snap it to indicate the exact location of one edge of each partition’s X.
exterior walls
bottom plate
Laying out wall locations:
Interior Walls
To prevent confusion, mark an “X” on the subfloor to show the side of the line on which the plate will be located. If the “X” is on the wrong side of the layout line, the wall will be built X” from its correct position.
3 1/2”
Laying out wall locations:
Interior Walls
If a partition is special, in that it has plumbing drains or other features, be sure to
note this on the subfloor
After the layout for the exterior and interior walls have been snapped out on the subfloor or the slab, X
cut the top and bottom plates to fit the layout.
Some carpenters use a tape measure to measure the length of the plates. Others mark the plates using the subfloor layout marks as guides.
Plates for X walls are cut first
Before cutting plates for walls, you must first decide which walls are X and which are Y
a by-wall runs from the outside edge of the subfloor at one end of the building to the outside edge of the subfloor at the opposite end.
butt-wall fits between the by-walls.
Is a by-wall or a butt-wall framed first and erected into positon?
Which plate ties the by-wall and butt-wall together
double plate (rafter plate)
Why are layouts difficult on houses built on concrete slabs?
Because of the rough plumbing drains and electrical conduits that protrude through the slab.
Wall Identification:
To begin layout of the plates, decide which walls will be by-walls and which will be butt-walls. Usually the longest walls will be X then the shorter walls are X. Sometimes the butt-walls have butt-walls attached to them.
Hall walls would normally be X with the bedroom walls being Y. The closet would be Z
After locating which walls are by-walls and which are butt-walls
Cut the exterior plates to length, making sure that the ends of the plates for the long walls break on X” OC marks.
After you have cut the exterior plates to length making sure they break on 16” OC, then stack the plates of the subfloor and align them to the
chalk lines
After you have cut the exterior wall plates, cut the interior wall plates. Place these plates on the X side of the chalk lines
“X” side.
The side marked with an X
Plate layout identifies the location of each X in a wall.
stud in a wall, as well as the location of doors and windows.
After the location of each stud in the wall, as well as location of doors and windows has been found, mark these locations on the X or Y of the plates using Z
edges or sides of plates using Carpenters pencil.
After you have marked the location of studs windows and doors on plates, Start by tacking the top and bottom plates together with two or three 8d nails because
this prevents them from shifting during layout.
If the plates are marked, that side should face
The procedure for layout out the plates depends partly on how walls, windows, and doors are X on the plans.
dimensioned. For example using centerlines
Refer to the building plans to find the distance from X. Measure this distance and square a line across both plates at this point. Mark the line with a centerline symbol an identification letter or number. This can be used for reference when cutting X.,
one corner of the building to the center of the first opening
other parts for this opening
After you have found the distance from one corner of the building to the center of the first opening
Continue to lay out and mark openings on the remaining exterior wall plates. Use a letter or symbol to distinguish between X or Y centerlines.
When laying out plates on a slab foundation, pay attention to the location of foundation anchor bolts during the layout process. There should be an anchor bolt within X” of the end of each section of plate.
door and window
As they mark centerlines, many carpenters “detail” the openings. This means:
to mark the rough opening as well as the location of trimmer studs and king studs.
Rough Opening:
It allows:
It also provides space for:
is the space into which a door or window will fit.
It allows room for the door or window and its frame.
It also provides space for leveling and plumbing the frame.
When marking a rough opening. The carpenter marks the centerline and marks X the rough opening to the right and X the rough opening distance to the left. Out side of this he marks the X on top of which the X will rest. The X studs are on the outside besides that.
thickness of the trimmer studs
King studs
window and door schedules:
Charts that provide rough opening sizes
When the rough opening size for a window is not provided, it can be obtained from the X.
window manufactures catalog
Each window manufactures catalog will contain four width and height measurements for each window:
masonry openings,
rough openings,
frame size and glass size.
Some may also include sash size.
Window and door rough openings will usually allow for X” at the top of unit to allow for adjustment for plumb and level installation.
After you mark a window or door centerline on the plates, measure from each side of the centerline a distance of X
What does this represent:
one half the rough opening. Square a line at this point.
the inside face of the trimmer stud.
After the rough opening centerline has been marked and the location of the inner face of the trimmer studs have been marked:
measure 1 1/2” inch away from the face of the trimmer stud and mark the location of the king stud.
Wall intersections:
Mark the exterior plates to indicate the centerlines of all intersecting walls. Again, start from one corner of the building. Mark the place where the interior wall would intersect with a X
Exterior Corner posts:
A corner post is:
an assembly of full-length studs at the corner of a building.
Exterior Corner posts:
An exterior corner post is one that
forms an inside corner and an outside corner.
Exterior Corner posts:
The inside corner of an exterior corner post provides
The outside corner of an exterior corner post provides
nailing surfaces for interior wall coverings
nailing surfaces for sheathing
Exterior Corner posts:
Corner posts are usually built from X studs to provide greater strength.
three or more
Partition Corner posts:
A partition corner post it:
a particular type of post required where a partition meets another wall. A partition corner post is sometimes called a channel, a partion-T, or T-post.
Partition Corner posts:
Partition Corner #1
regular spacing of the outside wall stud is interrupted by a double stud where the partition ties in. The double studs are set apart 3” to allow the partitions end stud to lap the others just enough to permit nailing. It leaves most of the inner edges of the other studs clear to serve as nailing bases for inside wall coverings.
Partition Corner posts:
Partition Corner #2
Similar to partition corner #1 but has a 3 spacer stud blocks instead of 3” of separtion between the exterior walls studs.
Partition Corner posts:
Partition Corner #2
Similar to partition corner #1 but has a 3 spacer stud blocks instead of 3” of separtion between the exterior walls studs.
Partition Corner posts:
Many carpenters detail the arrangement of partition corner posts as they locate partition centerlines. This is sometimes done with the aid of a
site-built jig made of two blocks of framing lumber nailed together.
Openings Stud Locations: ----------------------------------- Mark all the exterior plates and all the partition plates for the location of wall studs and cripple studs. There are various ways to do this. You can use X or You can use a Y
a tape measure marked with special symbols at intervals of 16” and 24”
Layout template
Stud Locations:
Layout template:
The template is X’ long, the standard width of wall sheathing and it has four fingers 1 1/2” wide and space 16OC” representing four X.
or layout stick, is an aluminum bar with 1 1/2” wide “fingers” that correspond to the particular stud spacing that is being used.
stud markings
Stud Locations:
When laying out stud locations, you should be thinking ahead. Remember that sheathing and wallboard come in standard X’ widths. There must always be a X where two panels will meet in a vertical joint. The panels are X to these joints.
Stud Locations:
Begin the layout on the plates by measuring from the corner of a X.
Make a mark X” from the end of the plate. This will be the location to the edge of the first stud.
Mark an “X” on the side of the line where the stud will be. This will ensure the stud will not be placed on the wrong side of the stud layout line. From that point on mark every X” to indicate the edge of each stud on that wall.
Double check the layout by measuring along the plate to see that a stud will always be located where there will be a vertical joint between X’ wide sheathing panels.
15 1/4”
Stud Locations:
Before laying out the studs on a butt-wall, check the plans to determine the thickness of the
wall sheathing
Stud Locations:
The spacing of the butt wall studs must account for the thickness of the X
intersecting by-wall and its sheathing
Stud Locations:
Before laying out the studs on a butt-wall, measure X” in from the outside edge of the sheathing as shown in Layout of a butt-wall pg. 444
Why do this?
15 1/4”
To ensure that the butt wall will be properly supported at 4’ intervals
Stud Locations:
Where the stud layout is interrupted by a window or door opening, lay out X above and below the opening.
Mark the location of X with a Y
cripple studs
cripple studs
Knowing Procedures
When would you prefer to erect a wall before you sheathed it?
When plate layout is complete, the various parts of the wall framing can be
cut to length, assembled on the sub floor, nailed together, and lifted into place.
Knowing Procedures
When would you prefer to erect a wall before you sheathed it?
Several procedures can be used to assemble walls.
Some carpenters prefer to X
Other carpenters Y
tip framed walls into place and sheathe them later.
install sheathing, windows, and sometimes siding on exterior walls before lifting them into place.
Knowing Procedures
When would you prefer to erect a wall before you sheathed it?
A common technique in assembling a wall is to
sheathe the walls on the floor deck but install windows and siding after the walls have been erected.
Knowing Procedures
When would you prefer to erect a wall before you sheathed it?
The method of assembling a wall depends in part on
the length and weight of the walls.
Knowing Procedures
When would you prefer to erect a wall before you sheathed it?
The order in which exterior walls are to be assembled and erected must first be determined.
The by-walls are erected X,
the butt-walls are erected X.
Knowing Procedures
When would you prefer to erect a wall before you sheathed it?
In areas of the country where severe weather or earthquakes are a risk, buildings require the use of X and Y to strengthen the connections between framing members.
In some cases, steel straps must be used to tie X to the Y.
metal straps
wall framing
roof framing
Knowing Procedures
Preparing wall components
In the most common method of assembling walls, the cripple studs, trimmer studs, and headers are
precut to length on the job site.
Knowing Procedures
Preparing components
Cut list:
This is a written list showing the length and dimensions of all components in a wall.
Knowing Procedures
Preparing wall components
After the components have been precut
they distributed to the area on the subfloor where they will be assembled.
Knowing Procedures
Preparing wall components
Why are radial-arm saw or power miter saws used to ensure square cuts?
they are easier to use when making repetitive cuts to standard length.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Using a story pole ------------------------------------ The length of each wall component can be determined from the plans. Because the height of wall openings is standardized, carpenters often lay out a X
story pole
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Using a story pole ------------------------------------ Story pole:
is a piece of framing lumber that represents the wall from the top of the subfloor to the bottom of the ceiling joist.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Using a story pole ------------------------------------ Story poles contain information about the location and size of the
window headers, sills, and door headers. It also includes heights of various openings above the subfloor
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Trimmer studs and cripple studs ------------------------------------ Trimmer studs should be cut to fit snugly under the X so they will support it properly.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Trimmer studs and cripple studs ------------------------------------ If the trimmer studs are not cut so that they fit snugly under the header, the header might
settle which causes cracks in the mater or drywall
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Trimmer studs and cripple studs ------------------------------------ Trimmer studs, aside from reinforcing the header, also reinforce
door and window openings.
Step 1:
Select straight length of framing lumber
Step 2:
Nail a 2x4 block to the bottom of the stud. This block represents the X
Step 3: Examine the plans for X
Step 4:
Transfer these dimensions to the pattern. You can now use the story pole as a reference for cutting cripple studs and trimmer studs.,
bottom plate of wall.
a standard window and door opening dimensions.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Trimmer studs and cripple studs ------------------------------------ Determine the lengths of cripple studs by referring to the X.
To determine how many are required, count the cripple stud X
story pole
layout marks on the wall plates.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ The depth of a header (lintel) is determined by
the length of the opening it must span.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ Make sure the header is enough to bear on
all of the trimmer studs.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ Header lengths are obtained by
measuring the top plate between layout marks for the king studs.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ Window and door headers are sometime cut from solid pieces of X header or large stock.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ Side by side, two 2x members are only 3" thick. A X thick spacer must be sandwiched between the two pieces to give the header the full X" thickness of the wall.
3 1/2”
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ The members used to create the header of windows and doors are nailed with X nails staggered on X" centers
16d nails staggered on
16” centers
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ Various types of headers can be assembled using solid lumber. Many builders today use X as header material. These products are X and save time because they do not need to be assembled.
engineered lumber
generally stronger
Knowing Procedures
Preparing wall components
A header will normally be supported by X, but in some cases headers may be supported by X.
In places with high winds, the latter may be required by code.
trimmer studs
metal framing brackets
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ Two common types of headers: A. B.
A: header made of 2x lumber with 1/2” plywood spacer.
B: Built-up header with space for insulation between the header pieces.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ Rather than cut one header at a time, it is faster to first:
number the openings (such as windows, doors, and fireplaces) for identification. Then make cutting schedules for all headers.
One person cuts while another assembles.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Headers ------------------------------------ How do you nail headers?
place 2 16d nails near each end. Stagger the others 16” apart along length of header.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Assembling corner posts ------------------------------------ Why is cutting not required for corner posts?
Because corner posts are made from precut studs.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Assembling corner posts ------------------------------------ With what nails are corner posts nailed together?
10d and 16d nails.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Assembling corner posts ------------------------------------ The short pieces of 2x4s at the base of corner posts are installed when?
They will provide places for nailing ends of the:
after the walls have been raised.
Knowing Procedures Preparing wall components Assembling corner posts ------------------------------------ Baseboard:
a type of finish trim installed at the base of a wall.
Assembling and Raising walls:
Assembling and raising exterior walls:
Each wall section is assembled on the floor. Begin the assembly by separating the plates that were tacked together for layout.
Lay the top plate on edge on the subfloor about X’ from the bottom plate.
Assembling and Raising walls:
Assembling and raising exterior walls:
What is a common mistake made in assembling and raising the exterior walls.
Flipping the top plate end-for-end as you move it. If the plate is flipped, the layout marks will not match those on the bottom plate. This is a common mistake.
Assembling and Raising walls:
Assembling and raising exterior walls:
After you have laid the top plate on edge about 8’ from the bottom plate on the subfloor,
Lay a full stud at each mark.
Assembling and Raising walls:
Assembling and raising exterior walls:
After you have separated the top and bottom plates and laid a stud at each mark,
Place the
header so that the rough sill, cripples, and trimmers are in position.
Assembling and Raising walls:
Assembling and raising exterior walls:
After the studs, headers, rough sills, cripples, and trimmers are in position.
Place the
preassembled exterior corner and partition corners at the marked locations. You can now nail the components together.
Assembling and Raising walls:
Assembling and raising exterior walls:
Nailing all the components together
Beginning at one end of the top plate, drive two 16d nails through the plate into each X at the correct location.
Secure the bottom plate the same way. Be careful to keep the edges of the framing members flush with one another. Why?
So that sheathing fits correctly.
Assembling and Raising walls:
Assembling and raising exterior walls:
Nailing all the components together
After the studs have been nailed to the top and bottom plates:
If the wall has a door or window, nail all those components into place.
Assembling and Raising walls:
Assembling and raising exterior walls:
To keep the edges of studs and plates perfectly aligned during nailing, carpenters X
This also keeps the wall from sliding if it is being hand nailed.
This problem is eliminated if it is being nailed with pneumatic nailing.
step on the intersection as they nail through the plate.