Glencoe: 12 Flashcards
Keep steps and rungs free from:
Wood ladders should not be coated with:
oil, grease, paint, and other slippery substances.
any opaque finish. Such a finish will hide cracks.
Place the ladder on:
Make sure that it has:
a firm level surface
non-slip safety feet.
Never place a ladder:
in front of door or opening
it has been secured or a barricade is used to keep traffic away
Never use a ladder as a:
Scaffolding plank
Never use ladders after they have been:
soaked in water for a long time or have been exposed to fire, chemicals, or fumes that could affect their strength
Always place the ladder close:
enough to the work to avoid a long, dangerous reach
When climbing up or down:
face the ladder
Keep your weight:
centered between the rails
Do not use any ladder where direct contact with:
a live power source is possible.
Do not X a ladder:
A ladder is designed to carry:
one person at a time
during use, be sure that stepladders are:
fully open and the spreader is locked.
Make sure all X devices are Y
locking devices are secure
Never step on the X of a stepladder. These are the Y bars between the back rails. They are not designed to Z
stabilizing bars
Support a load
Never lay a tool on:
the top step
Store straight ladders X
horizontally in a dry, ventilated place.
Make sure that the working length of the ladder will X. The ladder should extend at least Y’ above a roof or other elevated platform you wish to reach. Never stand on Z
reach the proper height
the top three rungs
For safety, the foot of the ladder should be a distance equal to X its working length from the building or other support. The angle created should be approximately Y
75 degrees.
To keep the legs from slipping when outdoors:
drive a strong stake into the ground behind the ladder. Then tie the bottom of the ladder to the stake with rope.
Do not X to create longer sections. Use an extension ladder instead.
tie or fasten ladders together
Always make sure that both side rails are:
fully supported at the top and bottom.
Tie the upper part of a straight ladder to
an immovable object to prevent it from shifting.
Before using an extension ladder, make sure all safety locks are X
securely hooked over their corresponding rungs.
Do not adjust the height of an extension ladder while you are:
standing on it.
Before lifting a ladder, position yourself
at the center
Carry ladders only
in a horizontal position