Glencoe: 21 Flashcards
process of filling in the excavated are around a foundation with soil. This brings the area around the house up to rough grade.
Estimate concrete formwork time needed for foundation walls:
Example. Floor plan measures 40’ x26’
- To determine the total foundation wall area, assume the wall is 8’ high. Multiply 8’ by 132’(perimeter). = 1,056 sq. ft.
- Assume the wall thickness is 8”. Refer to table on page 273. The table shows the wall will require 7.75 hours per 100 sq. ft. of wall area.
- Calculate the total time for installing the forms. Since you know it will take 7.75 hours for each 100 sq. ft. Divide the total number of square feet by 100 and multiply by 7.75.
1,056 sq. ft. / 100 = 10.56
10.56 x 7.75 = 81.84 hours to install the forms. - Next calculate the time needed to remove forms. According to the table, between 3 and 4 hours are needed to remove forms for 100 sq. ft of 8’ wall. Use the larger number as an example.
- 56 x 3 = 31.68 hours for removing the forms.
Estimate concrete material needed for foundation walls.
Example: 8” thick wall with a total area of 1,056 sq. ft.
- Find the 8” thicnkness in the column at left. Read under material to see 2.47 cu. yds. of concrete are needed for every 100sq. ft. of wall. Therefore you must again divide the total area by 100 find out how many yards of square feet there are.
1,056 / 100 = 10.56. - multiply by 2.47.
10.56 * 2.47 = 26.08.
Round to larger 1/4 cu. yard. Thus a total of 26.25 cu yards of concrete are needed.
Estimate labor needed for foundation walls.
- Under “concrete placement” it says that 1 cu yd. takes an average of 3.25 hours
- Multiply the total cubic yards by the time required to pour 1 cu. yd. This will tell you the total time required. In our example 26.25 cu. yds. of concrete are required. Therefore:
- 25 * 3.25 = 85.31 hours of labor.
Backfilling should be X for safety
as soon as possible
Backfilling makes it easier to
transport materials to and from the house.
why should a foundation not be backfilled too soon.
The weight of the earth can damage walls that are not yet strong enough to withstand the pressure.
During backfilling, the vertical portions of drainpipes X
should be temporarily capped to prevent soil from getting into the drain system.
What must be done before backfilling begins:
Foundation drainage,
under ideal conditions: the floor framing is also in place.
Floor framing does what:
braces the tops of the foundation walls.
What should be done in cases where walls must be backfilled before floor framing is in place:
walls can be temporarily braced from inside the excavation using framing lumber.
Do not use X when choosing backfill material:
materials that expand and drain poorly such as clay or materials that go against best local building practices.
How do you layer gravel into excavation:
Layer gravel into the excavation as needed to ensure proper drainage and backfill only 6” to 8” at a time.
What do you do to soil in an excavation backfill:
compact it from settling too much later.
Do not allow X into backfill.
wood debris, such as lumber scraps and tree limbs into backfill. This encourages insects and uneven settlement when wood debris decompose.
What is a CMU
A hollow Concrete masonry unit. Most common type is made with portland cement, fine aggregate, and water.
Why are concrete block walls popular?
because CMUs do not require formwork and the blocks are fairly inexpensive. Unlike work of solide concrete foundation, which must be done all at once. Work on a block foundation can start and stop as needed.
Full-height foundation walls are often constructed of
eleven courses (rows) of block above the footings, with a 4” solid cap block.
One concrete block walls, what does the cap block do?
Seals the cores of the foundation walls.
If a block wall must be strengthened:
4 or #7 rebar is placed inside the cores of successive CMUs, then filled with concrete. These should be spaced according to local codes, height of the wall and local soil type.
Generally reinforced columns in a 12” thick CMU wall will be spaced no more than X
72” on center.
projections resembling columns that may be used to strengthen a wall under a beam or grider.
Pilasters are placed on the X of the wall and are constructed as high as Y
interior side
the bottom of the beam or girder they support.
Basement doors and window frames should be
keyed to the foundation for rigidity and prevent air leakage
Most widely used CMU sizes:
8”, 10”, 12” nominal dimension.
What does the nominal dimension of a CMU allow for?
a standard 3/8” mortar joint
Strongest CMU
2 core is stronger than 3 core