Glencoe: 14 Flashcards
Specialty Cements 1. 2. 3. 4.
Self-leveling cement:
flows like thin syrup. Often poured over a floor to cover tubes used in radiant heat systems. Used to remodel work to level uneven subfloors.
Hydraulic Cement:
expands when mixed with water and hardens within minutes. Used to plug holes and cracks in foundations
Anchor cement:
fast setting. Used to secure railings and hardware in holes drilled in a concrete surface. Higher compressive strength than standard cement.
Resurfacing cement.
Used to repair damaged concrete surfaces. Its fine aggregate allows it to be spread in thin layers.
Granular materials such as sand gravel or crushed stone.
Fine aggregate:
max diameter:
sand or other particles 1/4”
Coarse aggregate:
max diameter:
Pea gravel, crushed stone, or other suitable material larger than 1/4”.
Large aggregates in concrete should be X
Should you use layer material like shale in concrete?
All aggregates must be X
clean because dirt and debris reduce strength of concrete
The size of aggregates:
varies depending on the kind of work
Max thickness of aggregate for finished walls:
1/5 of wall thickness
Max thickness of aggregate in slab:
1/3 of slab thickness
Never use aggregate that is larger than X the width of the narrowest space through which concrete will be required to pass during placement.
Water used to mix with concrete must be:
clean and free from oil, alkali, or acid. A good rule to follow is the water should be suitable for drinking. Sugar prevents concrete from hardening.
As more water is added to concrete mix:
the compressive and tensile strength is decreased.
The chemical reaction that occurs when water is added to concrete.
Concrete continues to cure as long as:
Water and unhydrated compounds exist
When water is removed from substance.
Form work for casting walls is done in 1 of 2 ways:
Nuts n bolts or snap ties.
Metal rods to hold form in position then left in wall.
Repairing crack in basement wall. What is better than hydraulic cement:
Epoxy injection
Concrete still hardens when:
it hydrated or even underwater
After the reaction stage of concrete, it enters:
dormant stage which lasts several hours after which concrete begins to harden. Which is an inactive period that allows cement trucks to carry mixed concrete to job site.
Moist curing:
Improves strength of concrete. Concrete is kept moist to continue hydration.
Concrete gains most of its strength after a X day period
28 day. Concrete continues to gain strength many years afterward.