Glencoe: 13 Flashcards
Before using a stepladder
Always be certain the feet are firmly supported and the spreader is locked into position
What is a spreader:
holds the ladder open and prevents it from closing accidentally.
Steps to set up a straight ladder:
- Brace lower end against step or object
- Grasp rung at upper end with both hands
- Lift the upper end and walk forward, grasping rungs as you proceed.
- When ladder is erect, lean it forward
- Check angle, height, and stability at top and bottom.
Ladder should extend above roof:
Extension Ladder overlap amounts:
for total extended lengths up to 32’
for total lengths of 32’ to 35’
for total lengths of 36’ to 47’
2 Ladder accessories for safety:
Ladder stabilizer, horizontal arms 4’ across at top.
Leg levelers can be attached to feet.
is a rope intended to prevent a worker from falling
Lifelines must support minimum deadweight of Xlbs
Lifelines that are subject to abraision or cutting must be
wire core
Lifelines must prevent a worker from falling no more than
material made by mixing cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and water.
chemical reaction that occurs when water combines with cement. This reaction generates heat.
Grout or Mortar:
if coarse aggregate is missing from concrete mix it is just grout or mortar.
Concrete has tremendous:
Compression strength
Concrete is X to chemicals
Concrete hardens even:
When concrete is properly cured it withstands:
extreme heat and cold
Concrete can be formed:
into almost any shape
Concrete is widely :
available and inexpensive
What did cement variant did the Romans use?
Romans obtained natural cement from pumice, a mineral deposited on the slopes of volcanoes. When mixed with water it formed a hard durable substance.
Cement used in modern concrete:
Portland cement.
How is portland cement made:
Manufactured using heat.
Why is it called portland cement
It got its name from being similar in color to portland stone.
Types of portland cement:
- Standard. Most general. Economical with long setting time
- Modified. Most general. Less heat than 1, resists breaking down when exposed to sulfates
- High strength, Used where forms must be removed quickly or concrete used quickly. Gains strength faster.
- Low heat. Used for large projects
- Sulfate-resistant. Used where exposed to high alkaline conditions.
Portland cement ingredients:
Lime, silica, alumina