Glencoe: 24 Flashcards
Types of reinforcement for slab foundations:
Rebar and welded-wire mesh fabric.
Welded-wire mesh fabric keeps slabs from separating if they do crack
What type of rebar should be used in monolithic slab?
two #4 or one #5 rebar located in the middle third of the footings depth. Vertical lengths are sometimes added to reinforce the thickened portion of slab.
Wire fabric should be placed near
the center of the slab thickness
Best way to place wire fabric
Support it on Chairs
Chairs: small metal or plastic device that supports the wire fabric at a particular height.
Best insulation for slabs?
Rigid, nonabsorbent boards or sheets such as extruded or expanded polystyrene.
How do you place insulation for the two types of slabs?
Monolithic: placed around perimeter where exposed to colder temperatures.
Independent: placed between foundation walls and edge of floor slabs. This type of insulation prevents heat loss from conduction.
Termite protection in framing above concrete:
one method is to chemically treat the soil before placing slab.
Physical barriers such as metal termite shields. Which on monolithic slabs, shields should be located between slab and wall plate. For independent slabs this barrier is continued to cover the gap between slab and foundation wall.
Where chance of termite infestation is very high, the irc building code prohibits the use of foam plastic insulation outside the foundation walls beneath the slabs below grade because insects may tunnel though the insulation to reach wood framing.
Earth below slab.
When installing a concrete slab, subgrade must:
be uniformly compacted (pressed down) to prevent uneven settlement.
All organic matter such as sod or roots must be removed and ground leveled off.
Holes or cracks in subgrade should be filled in with uniform material not containing large stones or lumps.
Fill in material in subgrade in layers called:
Should be no more than 6” deep. A uniform a shallow layer of material.
Power Tamper:
Hand tamper:
Gasoline powered tool to compact fill in subgrade.
Gets areas difficult to reach with power tamper
After filling in subgrade:
the entire subgrade should be thoroughly compacted by tamping or rolling.
Soil should be kept to this condition before compacted for subgrade prep:
not too dry and not too wet.
Steps for installing concrete slab:
Prepare subgrade: press down uniformly. remove matter and fill holes in lifts. then thoroughly compact
Prepare for other trades: electrical and HVAC lines can be placed in trenches cut in subgrade.
Prepare Subbase (base coarse): Coarse fill placed over compacted subgrade. Slag gravel or crushed stone no more than 2” diameter. Remove Fines. Bring fill to desired grade then compact.
Install vapor retarder:
6-mil polyethylene vapor retarder with joints lapped at least 6” must be placed between the slab and subbase.
Install subbase radon ventilation system.
finely crushed or powdered materials
What does the subbase do?
help to drain water that might collect under the slab.
When the slab is below grade, the subbase must be at least X” thick
Good quality concrete will not be penetrated by water unless
it is driven by pressure. However water vapor can penetrate concrete.
when installing a vapor retarder beneath the slab, 6mil polyethylene joints must be lapped X”
6 inches.
One disadvantage of a vapor retarder beneath slab:
forces moisture to escape through top of slab.
How do you stop the vapor retarder from causing moisture to release from top of slab:
put a layer of 3” thick sand over the vapor barrier.