Glencoe: Sections 53 - 57 Flashcards
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):
Organization that issues standards and rules for safe and healthful working conditions, tools, equipment, facilities, and processes.
Housekeeping and Sanitation: Keep walkways clear of X
Tools, materials, and clutter
Housekeeping and Sanitation: Whenever you see protruding nails, X
remove them or bend them down
Housekeeping and Sanitation: To prevent fires and reduce hazards, dispose of X
scraps and rubbish daily
Housekeeping and Sanitation: Put oily rags and other flammable waste X
in metal containers
Housekeeping and Sanitation: When working above other people, X
place tools and materials where they will not fall and cause injuries
Good sanitation helps prevent:
the spread of disease
Types of signs on construction sights:
Danger, Caution Do not not operate, out of order do not use
Color Safety Codes: Red:
Danger or Emergency.
Color Safety Codes: Orange:
Be on guard
Color Safety Codes: Yellow:
Color Safety Codes: White:
Storage or boundaries
Color Safety Codes: Green:
First Aid
Color Safety Codes: Blue:
What sign would you use to warn about immediate dangers like an open stairwell.
What sign would you use to warn about workers entering into an area where laser equipment might be in use:
use of lockout devices and / or tags to prevent accidental machine startup or release of stored energy
Fire Prevention and Equipment: Dispose of X when?
scraps and rubbish daily
Fire Prevention and Equipment: Keep the area cleared of X
weeds and grass
Fire Prevention and Equipment: Make sure X are properly installed and working correctly
electrical wiring and equipment
Fire Prevention and Equipment: maintain clearance around X so that they do not set materials on fire
lights and heater
Fire Prevention and Equipment: Store materials properly. For example, flammable liquids must be X
stored in approved, closed containers.
Fire Prevention and Equipment: If a flammable liquid spills or leaks, X
clean it up promptly and safely.
Fire Prevention and Equipment: Never X on the job site, particularly near Y
Smoke, flammable mateirals
Fire Prevention and Equipment: Do not block exits with X. In case of fire, people need to be able to exit quickly.
materials, equipment, or debris
Construction sites are required to have X on hand
firefighting equipment
Classes of fire:
A: Wood, paper, cloth, plastic B: Grease, oil, chemicals C: Electrical chords, switches, wiring D: Combustible metals
Pass acronym:
Pull the pin Aim nozzle towards base of fire, stand 8 feet back Squeeze the handle to discharge the extinguisher Sweep the nozzle at the base of the fire
cut, cavity, trench, or depression made by removing earth
Two basic ways to shape an excavation:
Benches and simple slope
the soil is excavated to form one or more steps or horizontal levels.
Simple slope or benched excavations more than X’ must be designed by a registered engineer
Always X before you dig
Call, local utilities must be contacted in order to determine location of existing underground utility lines
Proper slope depends on
soil type
Soil and equipment must be kept at least X’ away from edge of excavation:
2 feet
Standing water must be X
pumped out of the excavation
Pneumatic tool:
a tool powered by compressed air
Most nailers and staplers operate on pressure of X to Y psi
60 to 120psi
Pneumatic Tools: When choosing a tool for a particular application, first determine the X, then find a tool that will Y
type and size of fastener needer Tool that will drive that fastener
How a nailer works: The trigger must be X and the Y
pulled and the nose piece must be pressed against the work piece before the tool can be fired.
Sequential Trip:
prevents the tool from firing unless the nose is pressed against the work piece before the trigger is pulled
Contact trip:
These nail guns do not have the safety feature of the sequential trip.
Nails do not always go in straight and may fishhook out one side of the wood. Keep your hand at least X” to one side of the impact point.
How do you maintain Pneumatic Tools?
Store the tool at room temp Lubricate the gaskets on a regular bases check the magazine which holds the fasteners as it may become clogged with dirt
What is a gasket?
piece of flexible material that keeps liquids or air from moving between parts of the tool.
An air compressor:
squeezes air into an air storage tank
valve that controls the air pressure reaching a nailer or a stapler.
Air-storage tank is usually a cylinder holding X to Y gallons of air
1 to 10
A pressure gauge measures X A line gauge measure Y
pressure in the tank pressure in the hose leading to the tool
Air compressor maintenance: Maintain the proper X level in the pump:
Air compressor maintenance: Release the X in the X at the end of each day. This helps to clear any Y in the tank.
Air in the air-storage Moisture
Air compressor maintenance: Air can be released by opening the X
drain petcocks
Air compressor maintenance: Clean the X filter on the pump regularly. This filter traps dirt, moisture and other contaminants.
air intake
Air compressor maintenance: The vibrations of an air compressor can X over time.
Loosen fittings
Air compressor maintenance: check the X
drive belt. Replace if worn or damaged
Air compressor maintenance: Check the X on the regulator periodically.
pressure gauge
Air Compressor Capacity: What determines the amount of air needed?
The rate, frequency of tool use and the type of nails or fasteners you are using.
Signs of low air supply:
air leakage, fasteners that are not set at the proper depth, skipped shots
volume of air in compressors is measured in
cfm (cubic feet per minute)
Air Hose: a hose supplying air to a tool should have a minimum working pressure rating that is X higher than the maximum pressure delivered by the compressor
Air hoses: Do not use hoses larger than X feet
Coordless tools are:
self contained and do not require a hose and air compressor.
How do coordless tools work:
internal combustion engine.
Maintaining Coordless Tools: Charge the X and replace the Y as needed. Be sure to use the correct Y. They are sometimes color-coded.
Battery Fuel cylinders
Maintaining Coordless Tools: Periodically clean the x
combustion chmber with aerosol degreaser Combustion chamber filter The nosepiece.
Maintaining Coordless Tools: Use what to remove asphalt
putty knife
Nails and Staples: Fasteners are often purchased from X because Y
the manufacturer because fasteners made by one manufacturer may not fit another.
Nailers must be loaded with nails that are X
Collated fasteners:
arranged into strips or rolls, each one connected to a fastener on either side