mechanical components of muscle fiber/ action potentials Flashcards
two mechanical components
myofibrils and myofilaments
protein filaments long thread like structure that extend entire end of muscle fiber
made up of sacromeres put together
functional and structural unit of muscle cell
smallest part that can contract
made of myofilaments
z disks
filamentous network protein that serves as attachment site for actin (thin) filament in sarcomere
region of sacromere (I band)
lighter stained
cotains z disk and extends to ends of mysoin filament
region of sacromere ( A bands)
dark stained
overlaping myosin and actin (except at center)
region of sacromere (h zone)
area in a band where myosin and actin do not overlap
M line
region of sacromere
mdille of h zone—delicate fliaments holding myosin in place
Actin Filament
thin filament
attach at either end of sacromere
two strands of fibrous actin to form double helix
three parts of actin filament
G actin
(actin flimanet)
has active site for myosin head bonding during muscle contraction
(of actin)
protein that lies in grove of fibrous actin strand
when relaxed cover G actin binding sites
cannot contract until uncovers site
(of actin)
consists of 3 subunits
1. anchors troponin to actin
2. prevents tropomyosin from uncovering G site
3. Binds to calcium
Tropomyosin/Troponin complex regulates interaction between G site and myosin T/F
Myosin filament
thick filament
composed of myosin heavy chains to form rod and two myosin heads
look like golf club