Ions Flashcards
Octet rule
atoms want to fill valance shells to 8 electrons
atoms with closer to 8 have higher electronegativity
positively or negatively charged atom due to loss or gain of electrons
negatively charged ion
positively charged ion
ionic bond
atoms have very different electronegatively and electrons are TRANSFERED
non polar covalent bond
atoms have same electronegativity so share electrons
polar covalent bond
atoms have similar but different electronegativity so there is a nonequal sharing of electrons; nucleus of stronger electronegativity pulls atoms toward it
two or more atoms chemically combine to form unit
two ore more different types of atoms combine to form substance
molecular mass
found by adding up atomic mass of atoms or ions
single covalent
two atoms share one pair of electrons
double covalent
two atoms share four electrons
hydrogen bond
positively charged hydrogen bonds with negatively charged oxygen, nitrogen and fluorene
important role in deciding shape of molecule
ability of substance to dissolve in one another
ionic compounds separate and become surrounded by water molecules
–cations attracted to negative end of water, anions attracted to positive end of water
solutions made by disassociation of cations and and anions in water, have electrical current
can be detected by electrodes