lecture 7 flu pandemics and hantavirus Flashcards
Flu genus is __.
Flu genus is __.
Hanta is in the genus ___.
What three diseases are in the coronavirus genus?
These types of influenza are cyclic?
A and B
is the Hanta mortality rate high or low? who is most affected?
low; young old and immune
compromised populations
hanta viral mutations caysed by what?
antigenetic drift
past exposure/vaccine to hanta can cause __. is this good or bad
pre-existing immunity; good
name a 20th century influenza pandemic. how many deaths?
spanish flu; 50 million
21st century pandemics 2 examples are?
swine flu and avian flu
what type of orthomyoxyviridae is the pandemic version?
type A
influenza type A uses what hosts/reservoirs?
no pre pre-existing immunity to the novel viral variant causes what to rise?
higher mortality/hospitalizations: Young adults also affected
- Mixing or swapping of genes between viruses requires (multiple/one) virus per cell? 2 names for the process are?
multiple; Antigenic Shift / Reassortment
how is novel virus named? do we have immunity to it?
for the H/N and the animal from
which the most genes came (swine, avian,
human); no
Changes in H and N proteins can affect?
Tissue and animal specificity
the mixing bowl for disease is a nickname for this host/reservoir; T/F they can hold mult. viruses at once; name of this flu?
swine; T; H1N1 swine flu
2004 - Avian flu (H5N1) outbreak has __% mortality. 2013 - Avian flu (H7N9) outbreak __% mortality
53%; 39%
swine flu emerged in this year. who did it affect?
2009; kids and young adults, pregnant, immunocomp
h1n1 is a __-reassortment virys
h1n1 had how much higher death rate vs seasonal flu (for young people)? percent deaths?
5x; 0.2
h5n1 influenza killed __ and __. how was it transmitted?
birds and humans; direct or indirect contact with infected bird
where was h7n1 focused in the world? what sympotms
china; pneumonia and severe resp illness
bird flu 2 was in what year? what was the mortal rate? was it deadly to poultry?
2009; 39%; no
source of Novel Flu Variants is; what kind of genetic shift happens there?
Wet Markets; reassortment
besides wet markets, other sources for novel flus?
cock fights, conc. feeding
what does hantavirus depend on? what body parts affected?
virus serotype (geographic factor);Affects endothelial cells- vascular system, the immune
system, respiratory system, kidneys
diseases in hanta fam? names?
2; Hantavirus Pulmonary syndrome (HPS) or
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)
Hantavirus reservoirs are? thats why the other name is?
rodents; ‘Robovirus’
where rodents live/nest can cause disease via what? who else is prone?
Aerosolizing viral-contaminated particles; hiker/camper
a 69% mortality rate is in __ areas happening to strong health people? thisis in what forms of hanta?
rural; pulmonary and respiratory
HPS is spread by _; name of this hantavirus is?
deer mouse; sin nombre hantavirus
hps can be transmitted person to person T/F?
False- only mouse to human
fever with chills, muscle aches and ___ are HPS symptoms
acute respiratory distress syndrome
primary population affected byt HPS? where in the world?
usually healthy adults, white males; americas
what is the prevention of hanta diseases?
avoid rodent exposure and seal food and hiding spots, stay protected
low back and ab pain, and kidney failure are signs of?
hantarvirus hemmorhagic fever wth renal syndrome (HFRS)
HFRS primarily affects _. mort rate is ?
- Predominately farmers- young and old men; less than 15%
how can one acquire HFRS?
increases in exposure to rat and mouse excreta