Jumping Ahead 15 Flashcards
“What’s to stop you?”
“Why not ( do it ) ??”
sarcastic ( while hurt or angry )
“Pourquoi tu t’en priverais?”
“Pourquoi t’en priver?”
To be really “in to something” ( artist, style, etc )
être vraiment à fond dans quelque chose
To blend in to the crowd
se fondre dans la foule
To blend in to the background
se fondre dans le décor
se fondre dans le fond / l’arrière-plan (???)
“You give him too much credit.”
“Vous lui faites trop d’honneur.”
To be in bad shape
être mal en point
“And what’s the vibe you got ( about it )?”
“And how do you feel about it / how it went?”
“Et quel est ton ressenti?”
The latest thing
le dernier cri, la dernière nouveauté
“You took quite a while to get back to me.”
“Tu as mis beaucoup de temps pour revenir vers moi.”
A ball-buster / troublemaker
un emmerdeur / emmerdeuse
un casse-couille
une plaie
un chieur / une chieuse
“He didn’t pull it off”
“Il a raté son coup.”
To just “march right in,” to “jump right into the mix”
Foncer dans le tas
“The truck just drove straight at me.”
“Le camion a foncé droit sur moi.”
“They went straight for it.”
“Ils ont foncé directement dessus.”
To sharpen ( knife, etc OR mind )
To whet or excite ( appetite, senses )
habilement manoeuvré, bien joué
To spoil, dote on, pamper
dorloter, gater
To “mess with someone” / “pick a fight with”
“I wouldn’t pick a fight with him.”
se frotter à quelqu’un
“Il vaut mieux ne pas s’y frotter.”
To dilly-dally, dick around
traînailler, glander
To mess around / joke around ( to do stupid or say stupid things )