Horse Hindlimb Flashcards
How many vertebrae are fused in the horse sacrum?
What type of joint is the hip joint?
Part synovial, part cartilaginous
What is the sacrotuebrous ligament called? What happens to it during birth? What does it form?
Broad ligament
Lateral pelvic wall
What is different about the head of the femur? What does this attach?
Large fovea
Round and accessory ligament
What is the accessory ligament?
Continuation of the prepubic tendon
Is there abduction in a horse?
Where is the third trochanter? Which trochanters are palpable?
Under the greater trochanter
Greater and third
Which sesamoids in the stifle joint do horses have?
Patella only
Which bones are fused in the horse crus and pes region?
Tibia and fibula
1st and 2nd metatarsal
Which tarsal bone is the same size as the central?
What is bone spavin?
Arthritis of hock joint
Describe the patella locking mechanism (part of stay apparatus)
Patella rotates medially and engages with patella surface
Medial trochlear ridge is now between middle and medial patellar ligaments
Locks the stifle in extension
Describe the unlocking of the patella
Patella moves proximal and back to midline
One issue with stay apparatus is that the patella can become locked. What are the ways to fix this?
Improve muscle strength
Cut patellar ligament
Which structures are involved in the reciprocal apparatus?
Peroneus tertius and superficial digital flexor
Stifle and hock must move together
What is the purpose of the stay apparatus?
Allows other limbs to rest
Minimal effort
Can sleep whilst standing
Forelimb AND hindlimb
WHich structures are involved in the hindlimb stay apparatus?
Patellar locking mechanism
Reciprocal apparatus
Suspensory apparatus of the fetlock