Canine GI Anatomy Flashcards
What is the peritoneum?
A serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and enveloping organs
What is the visceral peritoneum?
The serous membrane lining/enveloping organs
What is the parietal peritoneum?
The serous membrane lining the abdominal wall
What does the parietal peritoneum extend through?
The inguinal canal
Potential space/aponeurosis between IAO and EAO
What are the four types of connecting peritoneum?
What does mesentry peritoneum connect?
Bowl to body wall
What does omentum peritoneum connect?
Stomach to another structure
What does a fold peritoneum connect?
An organ/bowel to another
What does a ligament connect?
Connect organ to the body wall/bowel
What is topographical anatomy? What is it defined by?
The relationship of organs within the abdomen
Defined by connecting peritoneum
What defines the abdominal cavity cranially and laterally?
Diaphragm cranially
Lateral - abdominal walls
What defines the peritoneal cavity?
The potential space between the parietal peritoneum and the visceral peritoneum
What is peritonitis?
A build up of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
Where does the diaphragm attach to the body and where does it extend to?
Attached at last rib
Extends to 5th intercostal space
What does the aorta pass through in the diaphragm?
The aortic hiatus (between L/R crura)
What does the caudal vena cava pass through in the diaphragm?
The caval foramen
In central tendon
How does the oesophagus pass through the diaphragm?
Through the oesophageal hiatus
What is the colon?
The large intestine
How many lobes does a liver have? What are they called?
Left, right, caudate and quadrate
What is the papillary process of the liver?
A part of the caudate lobe
In dogs, what is the L and R lobe of the liver split into?
Medial part
Lateral part
Which species does not have a gall bladder?
What is the function of the gall bladder?
To store bile produced by the liver
What is the function of bile?
To emulsify fats
What are the peritoneal attachments of the liver?
Coronary ligament
L&R triangular ligament
Falciform (round ligament)
Which side of the body is the stomach on?
What are the 3 parts to the stomach?
What is the fundus of the stomach?
A blind ending
What is the corpus of the stomach?
What is the pylorus/pyloric atrium?
Exit of the stomach
Why does the pylorus produce mucous?
To prevent acid in the duodenum
What are the peritoneal attachments of the stomach?
Greater omentum (mobile) Lesser omentum (hepato gastric ligament) Gastro splenic ligament
What is the omental bursa?
The potential space between the greater and lesser omentum
What side of the abdomen is the spleen on?
What is the peritoneal attachment for the spleen?
Gastro splenic ligament
What does the spleen do?
Act as a blood reservoir
Where the white blood cells mature
Why are spleens abnormally enlarged during dissections?
Due to barbiturate euthanasia
What are the peritoneal attachments for the duodenum?
Duodeno colic fold
Hepato duodenal ligament (lesser omentum)
What is the major and minor duodenal papilla?
Where bile exits
An accessory duct)
The pancreas has two lobes. What are they? What direction do they run?
Left - medial to lateral
Right - cranial to caudal
What are the peritoneal attachments of each lobe of the pancreas?
L lobe - deep leaf of greater omentum
R lobe - mesoduodenum
What connective peritoneum covers the duodenum?
The greater omentum
What is the peritoneal attachment for the jejunum?
The meso jejunum mesentry
Fan shaped
The ileum attaches to the caecum. What does caecum mean and what is it’s peritoneal attachments?
Blind ending
Ileo caecal fold
What are the sharp turns of the colon called?
Describe the shape of the colon and the flexures involved
Ascends right Right colic flexures Transverse Left colic flexures Descends left to rectum
What are the peritoneal attachments of the colon?
Mesocolon to dorsal body wall