Head: Nasal Cavity Flashcards
Bones of the nasal cavity
- Frontal bone
- Nasal bone
- Frontal process of maxillary bone
Cartilages of nasal cavity
- Lateral cartilages
- Septal cartilages
- Alar cartilages
Nasal septum separates
- Separates left and right nasal cavity
Nasal septum is formed by
- Septal cartilage
- Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
- Vomer
- Nasal crests of maxilla and palatine bones
Olfactory region
- Receptors for the sense of smell
Respiratory region
- Warms and moistens air
Nasal vestibule
- Dilated space inside nostrils lined with skin
- Contains vibrissae (hairs that fxn as filters)
Left and right nasal cavity boundaries
- Roof: nasal, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid bones
Floor: palatine processes of maxilla, hzn plates of palatine bone - Medial Wall: nasal septum
Lateral wall of the nasal cavity
- Maxilla
- Ethmoid bone (superior and middle nasal conchae)
- Perpendicular plate of palatine bone
- Inferior nasal concha (conchae = turbinates)
Nasal conchae (lateral wall)
- Superior and middle are part of ethmoid bone
- Inferior is an independent bone
Recesses of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity
- Sphenoethmoidal recess
- Super nasal meatus
- Middle nasal meatus
- Inferior nasal meatus
Sphenoethmoidal recess
- Opening of sphenoidal sinus
Super nasal meatus
- Opening of posterior ethmoidal sinuses
Middle nasal meatus contains
- Ethmoidal bulla
- Semilunar hiatus
Ethmoidal bulla
- Opening of middle ethmoidal sinuses
Semilunar hiatus
- Opening of frontal, maxillary, and anterior ethmoidal sinuses
Inferior nasal meatus
- Opening of nasolacrimal duct
Blood supply to nasal cavity comes from branches from
- Ophthalmic
- Maxillary
- Facial arteries
Anterior ethmoidal artery
- Medial (septal) branch
- Lateral branch (to the lateral wall)
Posterior ethmoidal artery
- Medial (septal)
- Lateral branch (to the lateral wall)
Sphenopalatine artery
- Medial (septal) branch
- Lateral branch (to the lateral wall)
Branches that supply nasal cavity
- Anterior ethmoidal
- Posterior ethmoidal
- Sphenopalatine
- Septal branches
- Greater palatine
Septal branches to nasal cavity come from
- Facial artery (superior labial)
Kiesselbach area
- Arterial plexus formed by septal arteries
Kiesselbach area contains
- Sphenopalatine
- Anterior ethmoidal
- Superior labial
Sphenopalatine artery is considered to be
- The artery of epistaxis (nose bleeds)
- Kiesselbach’s area is where 90% occur
Olfactory sensation
- Sensation of smell
Branches of ophthalmic (V1) and maxillary (V2) nerves in the nasal cavity provide
- Somatic sensation
- Autonomics use V1 and V2 to reach glands in nasal cavity
Nerves supplying the nasal cavity
- Anterior ethmoidal nerve
- Posterior ethmoidal nerve
- Nasopalatine nerve
- Posterior lateral nasal nerves
- Infraorbital nerve
- Infratrochlear nerve
Anterior ethmoidal nerve supplies
- Roof
- Anterior septum
- Lateral wall
- External nasal branch
Nasopalatine nerve supplies
- Septum
Posterior lateral nasal nerves supply
- Septum
- Lateral wall
- Superior and inferior
Infraorbital nerve supplies
- Vestibule
- Alae
Paranasal sinuses
- Air-filled extensions of the respiratory tract
- Named by their location in the cranial bones
Frontal sinuses
- Drains through frontonasal duct into middle meatus (semilunar hiatus)
Ethmoid sinuses (air cells)
- Anterior
- Middle
- Posterior
Anterior ethmoid sinus drains into
- Drains into middle meatus (semilunar hiatus)
Middle ethmoid sinus drains into
- Drains into middle meatus (opening on ethmoid bulla)
Posterior ethmoid sinus drains into
- Drains into superior meatus
Sphenoid sinuses
- In the body of sphenoid bone
- Drain into spheno-ethmoidal recess
Maxillary sinuses
- Largest sinus
- Floor of the orbit
- Drains into middle meatus
Innervation of sinuses
- Branches of V1 and V2
Blood supply of sinuses
- Branches of ophthalmic and maxillary arteries