Glossary N + O Flashcards
natural categories
groupings that occur naturally in the world
negative transfer
occurs when solving an earlier problem makes it harder to solve a later one
nodes of Ranvier
gaps in the myelin coating
chemical messengers used for interneuronal communication
nominal kind
the arbitrary assignment of a label to an entity that meets a certain set of prespecified conditions
Noun phrase
Syntactic structure that contains at least one noun and includes all the relevant descriptors of the noun
Object-centered representation
The individual stores a representation of the object, independent of its appearance to the viewer
Occipital lobe
Associated with visual processing, the primary motor cortex, which specializes in planning, control, execution of movement, particularly involving any kind of delayed response
Optic ataxia
Impaired visual control of the arm in reaching out to a visual target
Optic nerve
The nerve that transmits information from the retina to the brain
And individual’s overvaluation of her own skills, knowledge, or judgment
Occurs when individuals apply the general rules of language to the exceptional cases that vary from the norm
Parallel distributed processing models or connectionist models
The handling of very large numbers of cognitive operations at once through a network distributed across incalculable numbers of locations in the brain
Parallel processing
Occurs when multiple operations are executed all at once
Noun phrase
Syntactic structure that contains at least one noun and includes all the relevant descriptors of the noun
Object-centered representation
The individual stores a representation of the object, independent of its appearance to the viewer
Occipital lobe
Associated with visual processing, the primary motor cortex, which specializes in planning, control, execution of movement, particularly involving any kind of delayed response
Optic ataxia
Impaired visual control of the arm in reaching out to a visual target
Optic nerve
The nerve that transmits information from the retina to the brain
And individual’s overvaluation of her own skills, knowledge, or judgment
Occurs when individuals apply the general rules of language to the exceptional cases that vary from the norm
Parallel distributed processing models or connectionist models
The handling of very large numbers of cognitive operations at once through a network distributed across incalculable numbers of locations in the brain
Parallel processing
Occurs when multiple operations are executed all at once