CogPsy - Chapter X Language in Context II Flashcards
Basic distinction of speech acts:
- direct
- indirect (“durch die Blume”)
Four basic ways of making indirect speech acts:
- asking or making statements about abilities
- stating a desire
- stating a future action
- citing reasons
5 categories of speech acts (after Searle):
- representative
- directive
- commissive
- expressive
- declaration (performative)
conveying a belief
“It’s important for Jack to learn responsibility.”
getting sby else to do sth
“Could you please help me shovel the snow?”
a commitment, promise etc.
“I am busy now, but I will help you in 5 min.”
statement about my psychological state
“I am glad, you could make it”
Declaration / Performative:
speech act itself changes environment
“You are fired”
“I hereby declare you …”
Pinker’s three part theory of indirect speech:
communication always a mixture of cooperation and conflict -> ambiguous requests -> listener can accept or decline without openly doing so
Pinker’s 3 purposes of indirect speech:
- plausible deniability (being indirect to allow later denial, e.g. of bribe)
- relationship negotiation (resolving one’s nature of relationship)
- language as a digital medium of indirect and dircet communication (something more, e.g. “The emporer is naked!”)
The 4 conversational postulates:
maximes of
- quality
- quantity
- relation
- manner
The cooperative principle underlies our efforts to ..
.. communicate in ways that make it easier for the listener to understand what we mean.
Nim Chimpsky:
Chimpanzee able to sign a lot of signs, but no preference for specific syntax.
Seems to be able to express desires and thoughts, even humor and to create new signs.
Why study language in nonhuman animals (4 reasons)?
- simpler cognitive systems
- you can do invasive and amoral stuff
- full-time subjects
- evolutionary interesting
Wernicke’s Aphasia
- Production of sentences with correct structure, but lacking any sense.
- Impairment of understanding spoken language.
Broca’s Aphasia
- Production of agrammatical speech.
- Verbal comprehension preserved.
Global Aphasia
- lesions to both Wernicke’s and Broca’s area
- highly impared comprehension and production
Anomic aphasia
- difficulties in naming objects or in retrieving words
Autism is a …
… developmental disorder characterized by abnormalities in social behavior, language and cognition.
In autism actions may be repeated over and over again. In Speech the same happens and is called …
… echolalia
Semantic processing in the brain:
- ventral temporal lobes
- angular gyrus
- inferior frontal gyrus
- posterior cingulate gyrus
- dorsal prefrontal cortex