Glossary A Flashcards
the degree to which we gain access to the available information
Adaptive Control of Thought. In the ACT model, John Anderson synthesized features of serial information-processing models and of semantic-network models:
procedural knowledge -> represented as production system
declarative knowledge -> propositional networks
a model of information processing that integrates a network representation for declarative knowledge and a production-system representation for procedual knowledge
a severe deficit in the ability to perceive sensory information
Alzheimer’s disease
disease causing dementia and progressive memory loss
amacrine cells
along with horizontal cells, they make single lateral connections between adjacent areas in the middle layer of the retina
severe loss of explicit memory
important role in emotion: aggression and anger
analogues codes
a form of knowledge representation that preserves perceptual features of what is being represented
breaking down a problem into managable elements
anterograde amnesia
the inability to remember events that occur after a traumatic event
impairment of language functioning caused by brain damage
degree of physiological excitation, responsivity and readiness for action, relative to a baseline
artifact categories
groupings that are designed by humans
the attempt by humans to construct systems that show intelligence
examines how ideas or events can become associated with one another in the mind to result in a form of learning
the active cognitive processing of a limited amount of information from a vast amount of information available through our senses
autobiographical memory
refers to memory of an individual’s history
automatic processes
involve no conscious control
the process by which a procedure changes from being highly conscious to being relatively automatic; also proceduralization
the presence of information stored in long-term memory
availability heuristic
cognitive shortcut that occurs when we make judgements on the basis of how easily we can access what we think are relevant instances of a phenomenon