Glossary G + H + I + J Flashcards
Gestalt approach
based on “the whole differs from the sum of the parts”
Gestalt psychology
states that we best understand phenomena when we view them as organized, structured wholes
general ability (in intelligence research)
study of regular patterns in languages
becoming accustomed to a stimulus (paying less and less attention)
hindsight bias
looking back on the brake-up, we wonder how we can not have seen the signs / it coming
memory formation
horizontal cells
and amacrine cells form lateral connections among adjacent areas of the retina in the middle layer
process to retrieve memories that seemed forgotten
hypothesis testing
a view of language acquisition, children learn lanugage by forming and testing hypotheses
hypothetical constructs
concepts that are not directly measurable but serve as mental models for understanding how psychological phenomena work (e.g. can not be found implemented in the brain)
iconic store
very short-paced, discrete visual sensory register
ill-structured problems
lack well defined paths to solutions
illusory correlation
when we tend to see events as going together because we are predisposed to do so
implicit memory
recollection without awareness
putting problems aside for a while
inductive reasoning
reasoning from facts to reach conclusions that explain facts
infantile amnesia
inability to recall event from early childhood
capacity to learn from experience, using metacognitive processes to enhance learning, and ability to adapt
interference theory
forgetting occurs because recall of certain words interferes with recall of other words
looking inwards at pieces of information passing through consciousness
structure is the same, content differs
judgement and decision making
used to select from choices or to evaluate opportunities